Is the NRA anti opencarry?

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
All i got from that is that they support1733 A HUNTING BILL.No mention that they are asking you to call your senators in support of 1733 open carry? So as to the OP's question no they dont really support open carry.
Unless shadowrider forgot to include the part of the e-mail where they did urge support for open carry:anyone:

I guess you missed it too. Here you go. I made it pretty obvious for you.

Oklahoma: Omnibus Firearm Bill Could Be Heard in Committee This Week
Please Contact Senate Committee Members TODAY and Urge Them to Support House Bill 2522!

House Bill 2522, an NRA-backed omnibus firearm bill containing significant improvements to Oklahoma gun laws, could receive a hearing by the Senate Public Safety Committee as soon as this Thursday. This bill was introduced by state Representative Steve Martin (R-10) and also authored by state Senator Greg Treat (R-47). HB 2522 passed in the state House by an 85 to 9 vote and was assigned to the state Senate Public Safety Committee where it must receive approval soon in order to advance to the Senate floor for a vote. Please contact members of the state Senate Public Safety Committee TODAY and urge them to support this important firearms legislation.

House Bill 2522 contains several important provisions, including:
• language prohibiting persons, property owners and companies from banning ammunition in locked vehicles;
a provision to allow people to carry firearms openly on their private property; and
• revisions to the current Oklahoma statute striking the word “concealed” from Oklahoma firearm permit citations and applying the lawful open carrying of firearms to Oklahoma's firearms preemption law.

The state House adopted an amendment to remove “immediate” from the ambiguous “immediate notification” requirement for carry permit holders when stopped by law enforcement officials, making notification required instead at the first opportunity. This amendment also lowered the associated fine from $500 to $100 for non-compliance.

The NRA will continue working with your state legislators to resolve the issues addressed by this bill, and will keep you updated.

Again, please contact members of state Senate Public Safety Committee and urge them to support NRA-backed HB 2522.

Senate Public Safety Committee Members:

Senator Don Barrington (R-31), Chairman
(405) 521-5563
[email protected]

Senator Ralph Shorty (R-44), Vice Chairman
(405) 521-5557
[email protected]

Senator Roger Ballenger (D-8)
(405) 521-5588
[email protected]

Senator Kim David (R-18)
(405) 521-5590
[email protected]

Senator Earl Garrison (D-9)
(405) 521-5533
[email protected]

Senator Constance Johnson (D-48)
(405) 521-5531
[email protected]

Senator Ron Justice (R-23)
(405) 521-5537
[email protected]

Senator Steve Russell (R-45)
(405) 521-5618
[email protected]

Senator Anthony Sykes (R-24)
(405) 521-5569
[email protected]

EDIT: I got this one on 3/27/2012


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Just hit the delete button brother. :)

Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and....? No thanks.

What I'll hit is the SPAM button, since that's what it is.

I can't get over how so many people support the NRA in spite of their bullying and spamming. I seriously hate to be bugged and hit up for money by spam, whether it's snail mail or email. I think it's rude of them to presume that because I am on their list from something... some kind of purchase or whatever, that I am willing to support them. I'm not. And it would burn me to know that my hard-earned dollars that I donate to them are being squandered on massive, repetitive bulk mail schemes that do nothing but piss people off. As many many have pointed out, the NRA's "support" is dubious in many areas and counterproductive in others.

These dipshits keep sending me escalating amounts of junk mail, conspicuously marked as "Dues Due!" when I've never sent them a penny or shown them a lick of support. Yet, they want to make it look, on the outside of the mail, where my mailperson can see it, that I am not only a supporter, but that I am behind on my dues, like someone who doesn't pay their bills. "Pay your dues now and don't let your membership lapse!" I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of your stupid, spam-loving organization! This is one thing they share in common with the AMA... and one reason they do not and will likely NEVER get my support.

Screw them. I don't like being pestered or bullied.


Special Hen
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
What did it for me was when they called Harry Reid a pro gun Senator.

They also sent an email praising Sue Tibbs as pro 2A when she passed away recently. ABSOLUTE JOKE! She did more to kill open carry bills over the past few years than anyone in the state legislature. With her out of the public safety committee, the floodgates opened this year for some really good pro 2A bills. I know she probably has a family that misses her and she was probably a nice person, but she was no friend of the second ammendment.
The NRA is a joke and does not have MY best interests at heart.

Harry Reid pro 2A? LOL!!!


I support the NRA and I want to believe that they do have our best interests in mind. With that said I am very tired of getting hit up for money. I know that they need it to keep doing all that they do but I am not rich. And I will even donate to them and a week later I am getting the same thing in the mail asking for more. That is something I do not think is right from them. And when I renewed my membership this year about 1 month later they sent me a letter saying that my membership was about to expire!! How could they be that bad at knowing when someones membership was going to be up? They must have some morons working for them.


Special Hen
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Northern OK
I haven't heard anything since I dumped the NRA 10 years ago and moved to Oklahoma. They sent out video tapes then billed people for them and started calling as well. That was the final straw; screw the NRA! Since then, I've made selected donations to JFPO and GOA, but the NRA will never get a damned dime from me, ever!

PS: sure the NRA is against open carry, it does not involve duck hunting!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tornado Alley
You neglected to post that one untill after I posted my remarks. is that how you folks here roll around here?

No we really don't roll that way. But when you make an assertion that someone is just making an assertion you will get called on it.

I posted a part of an email that they did support it. You commented on the other part that didn't pertain and said this:

So as to the OP's question no they dont really support open carry.

I had stated that I had been receiving them regularly so I dug one out of my deleted items folder to show you. Didn't mean it to be that harsh sounding though.

I'm really not all that happy with them either, but they are the 400lb gorilla in the room. Without their political power in DC and the states they do get involved in, we'd be pretty screwed. I wish it weren't so, but it is what it is.

Mustang Armory, LLC

This seems to be an NRA bash, but seriously, my eyeballs bled when I first read this..

The NRA Supported the National Firearms Act of 1934, In fact, they've supported gun rights infringements "since...1871."

"The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871."
-NRA Executive Vice President Franklin L. Orth
NRA's American Rifleman Magazine, March 1968, P. 22

A few of the more heinous compromises of the NRA in recent history are:

Continued failure to seek repeal of 1934 NFA, 1968 GCA, 1986 FOPA, Brady Bill(s) (Including NICS Act).

Failure to follow through with their promise that repealing the Hughes Amendment to the FOPA 1986 will be a high-priority. Moreover, public education on the Constitutionally Protected lawful ownership of Full-Auto and other NFA/Class III firearms.

Endorsement of the original NICS Act. (The Brady Bill) – Arm in Arm with Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Ted Kennedy, and Sarah Brady… WTF?

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