Colorado Becomes First State to End Marijuana Prohibition

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 29, 2005
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It's amazing how quickly one can shift their opposition to marijuana usage, once confronted with chronic debilitating pain


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Edmond, OK
Zombie Hunter is too busy packing all his crap into his pos car and hauling ass towards Denver to post at this time.

Actually I was already there!!!! I was there in anticipation! Was celebrating a new partnership with a big player here, will be using this opportunity to do a LOT of good as well, outside of just PRODUCING a product, you know doing something we USED to do UNSUBSIDIZED and FREE! I will be giving 20% of my PERSONAL profits from the first 5 years into building and donating PC's and Tablet Computers to further education in the county in which I am a part of! Too bad Oklahoma wont ever have that!

And my 1998 Suburban with 210k would beat the **** out of anybodys anything, yep certainly a piece of **** running like and looking new 14-15 years later, snarky Mofo arent you, seems the petty and jealous ones will be the have nots on all fronts, you have no idea how to be a humble person do you? I collectively own almost 100 acres of property, what do you do? I also have 6 homes rented out to families at reasonable costs that were fully updated in 2009-10 to EXCEED any standard of building code anywhere in the world? Again, what do you do?


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Edmond, OK
I'm gonna skip it until after I retire and can get the higher quality South American stuff.

Actually the highest CBD and CBN concentrations (which are the cancer and anti aging of cell properties) come from right here in the USA, and the Highest THC (giggles, Pain management, insomnia, etc. etc.) comes from again, right here in the USA, in Humboldt County, Commiefornia, and Boulder County, Colorado. That Rocky Mountain High just got Higher, the lab testing that will be able to take place now will be unprecedented, the scientific studies alone in the next 5 years will be on par with the last 50 years, exciting time to be a part of it.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Edmond, OK
Was Oregon's Measure 80 the only one to include hemp? I don't think a single honest person could ever tell me any sort of legitimate reason why hemp is illegal.

They can't because the only reason it is illegal at all including marijuana is because mega corporations like DUPONT and the TIMBER industry and the COTTON industry and the ALCOHOL industry would suffer immensely, as it can almost all be replaced with marijuana and hemp, all of it. Every industry short of Semi-condustors, and honestly, I bet that silicon substrate could be replaced with a suitable Hemp processed plastic substrate, I almost guarantee there will be a 100 million $ company right there. Mock me or villify me, that is the future, real innovation and sustainability comes from the production of un-subsidized goods, well their is more fibrous stalk in 1 acre of hemp or marijuana fields than 10 acres of any cotton, corn or soybean, and that same 1 acre, produces as much protein as 5 of any other in the form of leafs for salad greens, and seeds for omega 3 and other protein. It is a superfood after all as well as a cornerstone to modern society, and its why the mega bankers and industry made sure it was out of the picture, so they could ravage the earth of unreplenishable resources.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Edmond, OK
Or they know to much, or at least enough not to buy into the pro-pot spin. Pot does have some real medical uses, but not as many as some people like to claim, and yes it does have some bad side effects in some people. In long term studies of people that started using pot young it has been proven to lower their IQ for one.

If they wanted to treat it like booze, regulate and tax the growers and the sales of pot, I would have far less problems with it being legal.

I would love to see those studies, and who they were funded by for one. Their is not one statement in that entire paragraph that is fact, it is nothing but propaganda spewed forth since Harry J Anslinger and his racist agenda. most of the worlds wealthies and brightest minds use marijuana, fact, scientists, businessmen, moguls. Anyone who refutes this is again a petty jealous person for being misled into their beliefs, and being staunchly opposed to actually opening up their brain for 2 seconds to let in some knowledge.

Fact producing a product in america even pot, should never be illegal, its a plant. Fact our founding fathers grew it and actually made it a condition upon land ownership that they must grow hemp. You need to understand that it was nothing more than a way for GIANT INDUSTRIES to capitalize, and corner the market, when their was this beautiful little plant, you could just stick in the ground, and replace 90% of them. Get ****** real.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Edmond, OK
Those are already legal. You just need a prescription.

Meth is even recommended by the FDA to treat ADHD in kids and obesity in adults.

You know why its recommended? Because its a MAN-MADE product, and they can patent the chemical process to create, then brand, market, and sell it. They cannot do that with a naturally occurring species of plant, and their efforts to splice their kill genome or any other horseshit abomination of an idea so they could patent it, renders it useless, as it does not produce the same chemical compounds when it knows it will not live past the season and its seed is worthless, amazing how that plant, is one of the only ones on the earth, they cannot genetically modify to their whim, its truly a gift from god as you say.

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