Alex Jones was on Piers Morgan

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Jan 19, 2007
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After what Piers did to Larry Pratt a couple weeks ago, I think Alex went in "guns a-blazin'" fully expecting Piers to fight back with stupid insults like he did to Larry Pratt. I was really surprised to watch Piers just sit there and take it.

Piers needs to have Ice-T on. He nailed it with one quick sentence.

Excellent points made by Ice T... What what!!!!!!


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
You think Alex Jones, even if he sat there and outlined the great defending data points of gun ownership would win people over? I just don't see that. People had sides picked before the interview started. They were watching to cheer on their leader.

However, I personally, am not the most graceful and considerate of others in my delivery of information. The info is the info. It should speak for itself.

In that interview I agree somewhat with your opinion. Had he sat there and rebutted each point that the red coat (description from another post)had in a calm cool voice, he would have been seen as a person with nothing but talking points, and statistics.
The fact he came in with enthusiasm was great as it showed his passion, but when he over reacted, it looked like a looney bin that shouldn't own a gun in the first place.
IMHO his performance put a negative light on gun owners.


Jan 19, 2007
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In that interview I agree somewhat with your opinion. Had he sat there and rebutted each point that the red coat (description from another post)had in a calm cool voice, he would have been seen as a person with nothing but talking points, and statistics.
The fact he came in with enthusiasm was great as it showed his passion, but when he over reacted, it looked like a looney bin that shouldn't own a gun in the first place.

I cringed a little because the accent wasn't very good at all. But I enjoyed it because of how Piers has treated others. He's no respecter of people's feelings either. I guess it's okay if you're touting the accepted mainstream ideology and not okay if you don't. I dunno...


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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Alex Jones looked like a frickin' lunatic because he is one. I watched that sorry excuse of a debate on the InterWeb--thank goodness I'm not fool enough to own a television--but I only watched it once because I have but one stomach to lose the contents of for my country. What a whack job that guy is! I didn't detail the long list of conspiracy theory "factoids" he threw out, but I'm surprised he didn't include Pearl Harbor, Little Bighorn, Pickett's charge, and Nat Turner's Rebellion in his litany of government backed "false flag" attacks. Jones makes Rush Limbaugh look like an intelligent man, and, crap, that takes some doing. I hope he finds his way back to the looney bin before he blows a gasket. If he keels over from a heart attack during one of his "passionate" rants, the CT crowd will have a field day. Maybe they're blame it on Nat Turner....


Special Hen
Jun 6, 2010
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Virtus, Ornamentum, Vis Veris.
Alex Jones looked like a frickin' lunatic because he is one. I watched that sorry excuse of a debate on the InterWeb--thank goodness I'm not fool enough to own a television--but I only watched it once because I have but one stomach to lose the contents of for my country. What a whack job that guy is! I didn't detail the long list of conspiracy theory "factoids" he threw out, but I'm surprised he didn't include Pearl Harbor, Little Bighorn, Pickett's charge, and Nat Turner's Rebellion in his litany of government backed "false flag" attacks. Jones makes Rush Limbaugh look like an intelligent man, and, crap, that takes some doing. I hope he finds his way back to the looney bin before he blows a gasket. If he keels over from a heart attack during one of his "passionate" rants, the CT crowd will have a field day. Maybe they're blame it on Nat Turner....

I read your response and I respect the fact your welcomed to your own your own ideas. That is what makes us who we are, we can disagree on what ever we want. But I do wonder one thing? You call him lunatic. I say he was passionate. You say he he used a long list of conspiracy theory "factoids".... Interesting term you used there. I have to applaud you for it. I say he did exactly what he planned to do. He interjected real issues on a national news network that every time you watch them their arguments are one sided all the way.

But my question is this. When do we get passionate about the lose of our freedoms and liberty? When they are kicking down our door to haul us away because they got rumor that we may or may not have one of the guns we were supposed to turn in?

Because when it happens here in America if we dont start getting passionate about the lose of our freedoms and liberty. I am sure they will be using a term similar to what you called AJ.

"Move a long folks nothing to see here!! It is only another lunatic gun owner that actually thought he was free Move along folk move along!"

Time for debating is over now. We stand together! Or fall alone.......
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