Anwar al-Awlaki Killed In Yemen Air Strike

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Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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Donner I agree that the constitution does need to be respected but in some rare cases you just have to take care of business. America is lost and I dont know if it will ever get back on track.

Missions involve way more intel and evidence than someone armchair quarterbacking and labeling. I will never underestimate the power and intel of our military.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Voting to revoke someone's right to due process and actually having the authority to remove someone's due process are two very different things in our system, are they not? I still don't see how the government can legally do that under our constitution.

As has been said, al-Aulaqi allegedly renounced his citizenship. Only U.S. Citizens are protected by the Constitution. Even if he had not renounced his citizenship, he has publicly been involved in acts of war against the U.S.

But if we take your view, then Ron Paul voted to violate the United States Constitution, correct? (For what it's worth, I believe that no matter what side you take, Ron Paul did vote to violate the Constitution.)

If the standard for being an enemy of the state is now having someone in the government point to things someone has said and deemed that person a terrorist then yeah, no reason to worry about abuse of power there.

That has been the standard, by unanimous consent of Congress and President George W. Bush, since September 18, 2001. At the time, Americans wouldn't have it any other way.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
As has been said, al-Aulaqi allegedly renounced his citizenship. Only U.S. Citizens are protected by the Constitution. Even if he had not renounced his citizenship, he has publicly been involved in acts of war against the U.S.

But if we take your view, then Ron Paul voted to violate the United States Constitution, correct? (For what it's worth, I believe that no matter what side you take, Ron Paul did vote to violate the Constitution.)

That has been the standard, by unanimous consent of Congress and President George W. Bush, since September 18, 2001. At the time, Americans wouldn't have it any other way.

While not disagreeing with your assessment, i still don't see how either is either right or legal. Isn't there a legal process for renouncing citizenship? Would it be any different if he hadn't renounced his citizenship? Would more of an effort have been made to bring him to justice had he not renounced? (Also, aren't people sometimes tried in absentia? If we had enough evidence to convict him of treason then why wasn't this done?)

As i said, i have no problem with him being dead. I just see the precedent as being dangerous.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
While not disagreeing with your assessment, i still don't see how either is either right or legal. Isn't there a legal process for renouncing citizenship? Would it be any different if he hadn't renounced his citizenship? Would more of an effort have been made to bring him to justice had he not renounced? (Also, aren't people sometimes tried in absentia? If we had enough evidence to convict him of treason then why wasn't this done?)

As i said, i have no problem with him being dead. I just see the precedent as being dangerous.

You do understand that self ownership doesn't matter anymore? That by virtue of citizenship, you are the property of the government that bestows this upon you? And as the property of the government they can do with you whatever they desire? No need for charges nor trial are necessary in the brave new world. Just swallow the War on Terror koolaid and let the government take care of these things. It's for your own good. Stay productive, work hard, send a large portion of your wages to them and you'll be fine. Be a good little communist. Be like Obama. The Marxist tool.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I just see the precedent as being dangerous.

The precedent didn't start this week, nor did it start 10 years ago. Some would say it started 150 years ago, but that's not right either. The precedent has existed since the founding of this country. Any person taking up arms against this country has been considered an enemy combatant.

The only real question right now is a question of international law - was he taken on a recognized battlefield? In the view of the Congress and President who enacted the 2001 AUMF, the entire world is a battlefield. But the international view is quite different. Perhaps the international view should be considered (rather than the unilateral American view) to determine whether or not he was taken in his capacity as an enemy combatant.


Special Hen
May 8, 2011
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
V-M, I usually agree with your positions. This time I cannot.

This country has eliminated an enemy (actually three pretty bad guys) who have and would continue to harm us. Bravo. As somebody else said, it's about the only thing this President has done right.

So as for as the rest of the world, screw them. We did something that needed to be done. Yemen even fed us intel on his location. They are not going to whine to the UN.

If this makes me a bloodthirsty chest thumping so-n-so I'll live with that tag.


Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
West OKC
I recall that when non-US citizens were being tortured many were okay with it since they weren't protected by our laws. Now that US citizens are murdered by the government it's okay because of the "war on terror" and we'll just do what needs to be done because the DOJ says so it's okay.

Next on the list for extermination: those clinging to their guns and Bibles, veterans and anyone else who doesn't go along to get along with the state. Enjoy the slopes...

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