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Dec 8, 2008
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Douglass, KS
In case some of you are interested, I am on a largely-British forum and here is an example of one of my posts. There is a very long thread on US gun laws and most of the regular posters seem to think that British-style gun laws would work over here and they don't understand why we have the type and quantity of guns that we do.

I had made the comment earlier that UK and Aussie style laws would be an American gun-owner's worst nightmare

We know it's not going to happen but in a more ideal world, what would be so terrible about say a more restricted UK style gun regime? Those who want to have weapons to shoot game or targets can do so. Maximus on this forum for example. The general public don't have guns. As a result we don't have so many shootings. Why would that be your worst nightmare?
Here is my response.

Many of you in the UK don't really care that much about guns so you can afford to be, shall we say, cavalier, about those of us that do. What's the big deal? you seem to ask. It's just guns. Right? This reminds me of the quote by German Pastor Martin Niemöller.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Now, lest some here think I am a paranoid obsessing about black helicopters and the New World Order, I am not. In fact, I think most conspiracy theories are rather silly. But please think about this: once the push to give up basic rights starts, where does it end?

Self defense, I think we would all agree, is such a right. And yet, without the means of exercising the right, it is meaningless, nothing more than a pious platitude designed to placate the public. Here in the US, I agree; it is not going to happen. Guns, for better or for worse are here to stay, even semi-automatic arms. And even in the so-called liberal states, such as New York, California and Connecticut, all of which which passed laws restricting semi-auto rifles, the non-compliance rate is extremely high. The reason is simple: the owners see what happened after Hungerford and Port Arthur, and they realize that if the government doesn't know about their rifles, it is much harder to take them away.

And that is the point. Over here, people are very resistant to the idea of gun confiscation like what happened in the UK and Australia, especially if they have done nothing wrong.

Getting back to my point about basic rights; why not do away with the right to trial by jury? After all, the people who would use this right are mostly criminals already. Just think how much safer that would make us. Or, if that is not the right that is suitable for the scrap heap (for now), how about religious liberty? After all, isn't one religion implicated in much of the terrorism sweeping Europe or the US? No? I have it! Freedom of the press!! Yes, that's the ticket, isn't it? After all we can't trust the media, therefore we must pass laws that mandate only the Truth shall be disseminated. Who defines the Truth? Why bother with small trivial details like that when the public must be protected?

Now, I will state what I hope would be obvious: the preceding paragraph is hyperbole, and is a deliberate exaggeration made to make a point. For the record, I don't advocate doing away with any of the rights that I mentioned.

But, by the same token, neither do I advocate giving up the right to arms.


Special Hen
Aug 8, 2013
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And I'm betting most of the responses go along the lines of "Pshah, you bloody Americans cling onto your guns tighter than Michael Jackson hung onto his package during a concert. No one NEEDS a gun for protection, that's what the police are for." Ammirite?


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Dec 31, 2015
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Banned in UK for wanting to TALK to a "radical" conservative.

Jailed Because She’s Conservative=> Canadian YouTuber and Activist Lauren Southern Denied Entry, Detained in the UK
March 12, 2018 by Cassandra Fairbanks
Canadian YouTuber and right-wing activist Lauren Southern has been detained in the United Kingdom and has had her phone and passport taken from her.


The detention comes on the same day that they released American YouTuber and activist Brittany Pettibone and Austrian activist Martin Sellner after refusing them entry into the nation and detaining them for nearly three days.

.@Lauren_Southern, on her way to the U.K. by bus, has been singled out by the border police—they took her passport and she’s currently being questioned. I’ll keep you updated on the situation as soon as I learn more.

— Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) March 12, 2018

Southern was travelling to the UK by bus when she was singled out by border police and taken in for questioning. The Gateway Pundit attempted to call her cellphone, but it was immediately sent to voicemail.

Sellner and Pettibone had been detained and denied entry for him planning to give a speech and her plans to interview right-wing journalist and UK citizen Tommy Robinson.

Southern had planned to meet with the duo in the UK prior to their detention.

Pettibone and Sellner banned from UK

— Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) March 10, 2018

Following the questioning, Southern messaged Pettibone and told her that they were taking her phone and placing her in detention.

UPDATE: Looks like the border police aren’t allowing @Lauren_Southern to enter the U.K. by bus. Does this mean conservatives are no longer welcome in the U.K.?

— Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) March 12, 2018

“Does this mean conservatives are no longer welcome in the U.K.?” Pettibone tweeted with a screenshot of the conversation.

Wow. Now it looks as though popular conservative YouTuber, @Lauren_Southern has also been detained and refused entry to our country.

We demand answers, @AmberRuddHR! Are genuine conservatives banned from exercising free speech now?

— Leave.EU (@LeaveEUOfficial) March 12, 2018

More…. Lauren was denied entry because she spoke out against radical Islam — which is not a race.

So are we now to assume that the UK has a kind of reverse Muslim ban?

Anyone critical of the belief system of Islam (which is not a race) is now barred from entering the country?

Questions in Parliament need to be asked about this. Truly shocking.

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) March 12, 2018

UPDATE: US Conservative Activist Brittany Pettibone Is Being Held in London’s Colnbrook Bypass Prison as Political Prisoner

March 10, 2018 by Jim Hoft
As reported earlier by Cassandra Fairbanks at The Gateway Pundit
American conservative Brittany Pettibone and her boyfriend Austrian activist Martin Sellner of Génération Identitaire were detained and imprisoned in London.

They are being held in prison for planning an interview with activist Tommy Robinson.


An American citizen is being unlawfully detained by the British government. Her crime? Traveling to the UK to interview Tommy Robinson.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) March 10, 2018

The two conservative activists were detained on Friday and they still do not know when they will be allowed to leave.

Sellner frequently speaks out about the dangers of European nations taking in migrants. He was supposed to be addressing the issue at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park on Sunday.

Conservative @BrittPettibone & Martin Sellner have been detained ILLEGALLY at the airport in the UK

They are to be deported and banned from the UK.

One of the reason is because she was going to interview Tommy Robinson.

Tyranny is here


— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) March 10, 2018

Detained at airport on the basis their speech at Speakers Corner MIGHT upset the Muslim population. And boy oh boy, we can’t allow that to happen in Londonistan now can we? #londonhasfallen #londonistan

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) March 10, 2018

UPDATE— Brittany is being held in Colnbrook Bypass Prison in London. The prison officials told her to “be careful around inmates with her politics.”

Brittany has informed me they are keeping her in 'Colnbrook Bypass' prison London. Their number is 020 8607 5200. She said they told her to 'be careful around other inmates with her politics' & she STILL hasn't been able to speak to her boyfriend Martin. Who she is worried about

— Caolan Robertson (@CaolanRob) March 10, 2018

This is a stunning development.

Reasons include “inciting tensions between local communities” & plans to interview “far right extremist” @TRobinsonNewEra

— Nicole Pettibone (@NicolePettibone) March 10, 2018

Imagine if this was your daughter.

Please read. Brittany is a lovely young lady. I understand she is detained individually. Imagine if this was your daughter. The Establishment versus The People.

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) March 10, 2018



Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Banned in UK for wanting to TALK to a "radical" conservative.

Jailed Because She’s Conservative=> Canadian YouTuber and Activist Lauren Southern Denied Entry, Detained in the UK
March 12, 2018 by Cassandra Fairbanks
Canadian YouTuber and right-wing activist Lauren Southern has been detained in the United Kingdom and has had her phone and passport taken from her.


The detention comes on the same day that they released American YouTuber and activist Brittany Pettibone and Austrian activist Martin Sellner after refusing them entry into the nation and detaining them for nearly three days.

.@Lauren_Southern, on her way to the U.K. by bus, has been singled out by the border police—they took her passport and she’s currently being questioned. I’ll keep you updated on the situation as soon as I learn more.

— Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) March 12, 2018

Southern was travelling to the UK by bus when she was singled out by border police and taken in for questioning. The Gateway Pundit attempted to call her cellphone, but it was immediately sent to voicemail.

Sellner and Pettibone had been detained and denied entry for him planning to give a speech and her plans to interview right-wing journalist and UK citizen Tommy Robinson.

Southern had planned to meet with the duo in the UK prior to their detention.

Pettibone and Sellner banned from UK

— Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) March 10, 2018

Following the questioning, Southern messaged Pettibone and told her that they were taking her phone and placing her in detention.

UPDATE: Looks like the border police aren’t allowing @Lauren_Southern to enter the U.K. by bus. Does this mean conservatives are no longer welcome in the U.K.?

— Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) March 12, 2018

“Does this mean conservatives are no longer welcome in the U.K.?” Pettibone tweeted with a screenshot of the conversation.

Wow. Now it looks as though popular conservative YouTuber, @Lauren_Southern has also been detained and refused entry to our country.

We demand answers, @AmberRuddHR! Are genuine conservatives banned from exercising free speech now?

— Leave.EU (@LeaveEUOfficial) March 12, 2018

More…. Lauren was denied entry because she spoke out against radical Islam — which is not a race.

So are we now to assume that the UK has a kind of reverse Muslim ban?

Anyone critical of the belief system of Islam (which is not a race) is now barred from entering the country?

Questions in Parliament need to be asked about this. Truly shocking.

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) March 12, 2018

UPDATE: US Conservative Activist Brittany Pettibone Is Being Held in London’s Colnbrook Bypass Prison as Political Prisoner

March 10, 2018 by Jim Hoft
As reported earlier by Cassandra Fairbanks at The Gateway Pundit
American conservative Brittany Pettibone and her boyfriend Austrian activist Martin Sellner of Génération Identitaire were detained and imprisoned in London.

They are being held in prison for planning an interview with activist Tommy Robinson.


An American citizen is being unlawfully detained by the British government. Her crime? Traveling to the UK to interview Tommy Robinson.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) March 10, 2018

The two conservative activists were detained on Friday and they still do not know when they will be allowed to leave.

Sellner frequently speaks out about the dangers of European nations taking in migrants. He was supposed to be addressing the issue at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park on Sunday.

Conservative @BrittPettibone & Martin Sellner have been detained ILLEGALLY at the airport in the UK

They are to be deported and banned from the UK.

One of the reason is because she was going to interview Tommy Robinson.

Tyranny is here


— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) March 10, 2018

Detained at airport on the basis their speech at Speakers Corner MIGHT upset the Muslim population. And boy oh boy, we can’t allow that to happen in Londonistan now can we? #londonhasfallen #londonistan

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) March 10, 2018

UPDATE— Brittany is being held in Colnbrook Bypass Prison in London. The prison officials told her to “be careful around inmates with her politics.”

Brittany has informed me they are keeping her in 'Colnbrook Bypass' prison London. Their number is 020 8607 5200. She said they told her to 'be careful around other inmates with her politics' & she STILL hasn't been able to speak to her boyfriend Martin. Who she is worried about

— Caolan Robertson (@CaolanRob) March 10, 2018

This is a stunning development.

Reasons include “inciting tensions between local communities” & plans to interview “far right extremist” @TRobinsonNewEra

— Nicole Pettibone (@NicolePettibone) March 10, 2018

Imagine if this was your daughter.

Please read. Brittany is a lovely young lady. I understand she is detained individually. Imagine if this was your daughter. The Establishment versus The People.

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) March 10, 2018

I started a thread on Southern


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
In case some of you are interested, I am on a largely-British forum and here is an example of one of my posts. There is a very long thread on US gun laws and most of the regular posters seem to think that British-style gun laws would work over here and they don't understand why we have the type and quantity of guns that we do.

I had made the comment earlier that UK and Aussie style laws would be an American gun-owner's worst nightmare

Here is my response.

Many of you in the UK don't really care that much about guns so you can afford to be, shall we say, cavalier, about those of us that do. What's the big deal? you seem to ask. It's just guns. Right? This reminds me of the quote by German Pastor Martin Niemöller.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Now, lest some here think I am a paranoid obsessing about black helicopters and the New World Order, I am not. In fact, I think most conspiracy theories are rather silly. But please think about this: once the push to give up basic rights starts, where does it end?

Self defense, I think we would all agree, is such a right. And yet, without the means of exercising the right, it is meaningless, nothing more than a pious platitude designed to placate the public. Here in the US, I agree; it is not going to happen. Guns, for better or for worse are here to stay, even semi-automatic arms. And even in the so-called liberal states, such as New York, California and Connecticut, all of which which passed laws restricting semi-auto rifles, the non-compliance rate is extremely high. The reason is simple: the owners see what happened after Hungerford and Port Arthur, and they realize that if the government doesn't know about their rifles, it is much harder to take them away.

And that is the point. Over here, people are very resistant to the idea of gun confiscation like what happened in the UK and Australia, especially if they have done nothing wrong.

Getting back to my point about basic rights; why not do away with the right to trial by jury? After all, the people who would use this right are mostly criminals already. Just think how much safer that would make us. Or, if that is not the right that is suitable for the scrap heap (for now), how about religious liberty? After all, isn't one religion implicated in much of the terrorism sweeping Europe or the US? No? I have it! Freedom of the press!! Yes, that's the ticket, isn't it? After all we can't trust the media, therefore we must pass laws that mandate only the Truth shall be disseminated. Who defines the Truth? Why bother with small trivial details like that when the public must be protected?

Now, I will state what I hope would be obvious: the preceding paragraph is hyperbole, and is a deliberate exaggeration made to make a point. For the record, I don't advocate doing away with any of the rights that I mentioned.

But, by the same token, neither do I advocate giving up the right to arms.

I got into a discussion about gun ownership in Barbados with a resident while we were out touring the island. (I had a Hornady ball cap on)
He asked why I needed a gun in the US. I asked him if he was from Great Britain.
He replied that he was and was a college professor in some college.
My reply was that in the US I'm a free citizen and in GB he is a subject to the crown. Big difference.

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