Christmas Memories.

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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Woke up early this AM unable to sleep thinking about past Christmas's and wrote this. What are some of your memories that stand out?

When you think of Christmas as a child there are so many images that come to mind. We all have unique memories that define what Christmas was and how we felt. In many ways it sets the standard for what we want our own children to experience when they look back fondly on their childhood Christmas.

My own personal memories span between the different families Christmas’s traditions and the anticipation felt going to each one of them. At my great grandma Viola and Grandpa Howard’s house I remember watching all the adults play dirty Santa. It was such fun when we were deemed old enough to play with everyone else rather than have to sit and watch all the fun.

Over at my Grandma Donna and Grandpa Bill's all I can think of is me and my cousins being surrounded by gifts. Literally so much so that I couldn't see out around me and I would have to wait patiently as we took turns from youngest to oldest to open our gifts. Also, the deviled eggs and Grandma Donna's were something to look forward to.

I must have spent a lot of time over at my Grandma Deanna's house because I have many memories there of helping her wrap presents and sliding all over their ballroom floor listening to Christmas music. They had this enormous room that was a converted garage and it was the funnest thing to go sliding across the floor on your socks. Also over there, I can remember talking with my grandpa's brother TC about movies and such as it seemed like the only time I ever saw him was on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Then at home I can remember watching my parents play Santa for me. I had an upstairs bedroom with a spiral staircase and I would ever so quietly peek underneath the landing and get a sneak peek on what I was getting for Christmas. I would have to wait to go check the gifts our though because I didn't want to give it away I was wise to this whole Santa Clause is your parents thing for fear that if I didn't believe in Santa, the Santa gifts would stop. So I would toss and turn thinking about that Sega Genesis that I knew I was getting until about 4 am and I couldn't take it anymore so I went down to inspect my bounty.

You know actually when I think of Christmas, there is one specific memory that comes to mind and I don't even know if it is even a Christmas memory or not. I remember laying on that green carpet at my Grandma Deanna's and Grandpa Paul's carpet playing connect four and building lincoln logs with my Grandpa. Drinking on the best chocolate milkshake I have ever had (even to this day) made by my Grandma. I would give anything just to have one night back over with my Grandpa Paul playing games and falling asleep on the couch that now resides in my living room.

You see, the best Christmas memory may not have anything to do with Christmas but rather the people you love and the memories you made with them that you can never get back. My grandpa died when I was 16 and it really in hindsight is when my childhood ended. Coupled with the fact that at 16 it is time to start growing up anyways it really marked the separation of my childhood to early adulthood.

I think we all need to remember that it's not the gifts we share with our children that they will treasure, it is the memories we make with them by taking the time to play with them and give them our undivided attention. They will remember the time we take to spend with them far more than any IPAD or PS3.

Merry Christmas.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I think we all need to remember that it's not the gifts we share with our children that they will treasure, it is the memories we make with them by taking the time to play with them and give them our undivided attention. They will remember the time we take to spend with them far more than any IPAD or PS3.

Merry Christmas.

I agree; you rarely remember the toys after you grow up, but you always remember the times.

I write this sitting in a rented place in St. John, USVI, with my wife and two boys. We're getting ready to go to Trunk Bay and go snorkeling. I'm hoping spending Christmas in the Virgin Islands will stick in their memories, long after the memories of their presents fade. Merry Christmas to all, too.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2008
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Oklahoma City
My fondest memory was when i was a mere lil guy...My grandparents had a friend who would visit houses dressed as Santa on Chrsitmas eve (mostly to make the kids go to bed so they could get gifts out and built). This particular Christmas he (Jack) showed up at the door and when we opened it up this is what we heard "Ho Ho Ho Merry Chrsitmas, Its so cold Santa damned near slipped and busted his ass coming up the steps!" He then told my cousin slightly younger than me and myself that he doesnt deliver presents to little boys and girls that arent off Rusty and I go climbing the stairs and trying to pull each other down so that we could be the first in bed asleep!


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2009
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I remember my first 22 at Christmas when I was about 7 years old. I remember all the relative’s coming to our house for dinner. It’s so true, make those memories with your kids no matter how old they are.



Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
We were so poor that my folks fired a shotgun outside and told me Santa had committed suicide . . .

Actually, my Christmas memories are pretty good, but I have always felt for those who find Christmas to be a major downer. So, keep those folks in mind, and if you can do something to improve their season, please do. CB

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