Coolest way to CC I've had so far...

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Tulsa, I don't know, could happen.

Lawton almost everyday.

1911 is my AMEX, don't leave home without it, and it's within reach when at home.

Can't speak to the 'legalities' of belt buckle carry, but I'm guessing, since they openly sell them, no NFA violations and they have been selling them for 30 yrs. Neat little guns, the accuracy 'problems' come not from the short barrel but the fact, they are hard to hold onto. Had one back in the mid 80s, tried shooting a swamp rabbit with it, the rabbit had 4 lucky rabbits feet. :woohoo1:

Never tried to fire it while on the buckle, since it was on my belt; it didn't seem like a practical thing to do.

Now, my biggest problem is 'seeing my belt buckle'.

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