How do officers put up with this?

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
That officer was admirably reserved and level headed to be met with that kind of attitude right off the bat. Just one more reason I don't think I would make a good officer. I feel compelled to try to get people to see the error of their ways which probably wouldn't go over too well in uniform.
That's an interesting comment and I agree somewhat.
In high school I worked for a police officer that had a part time job putting up neon and lighted signs, so I interacted with lots of his buddies in the process.
He was becoming disillusioned with the city policies he had to work under. He did a month where he gave a lot of traffic tickets, and then did a month of doing warnings on traffic violations unless they were egregious and warranted a higher level.
He was counseled by supervision that he wasn't "doing his job" by issuing warnings.
Fast forward about 15 or so years, my mother worked for the city treasurer's office. The Chief of Police would come into her area and ask if sales tax rebates from the state were up or down. If down, the DUI "safety check points" would increase and the local news paper would show an increase in police calls.
Don't have any proof what so ever that cities enforce laws to increase revenue, other than personal observation, but the internet is full of similar reports.
Like you, I can say if I wanted to do that job, it would be for the better ideal and not for the political part of that job.


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
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I wonder why he had already called for his supervisor? It seems like something might have already been going on....

But in any case, I agree he seemed amazingly reserved and she seemed amazingly irrational.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:15 PM PT – Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A bizarre incident took place in Los Angeles County when an African-American woman was filmed using racist attacks to accuse a Latino police officer of racism.

“Here you go, Mexican racist,” the woman said to the officer. “You’re always going to be a Mexican, you’ll never be white, you know that? You’ll never be white, which is what you really want to be.”

The incident happened on April 23 in San Dimas, California after a Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy stopped the woman in a white Mercedes for using her cell phone while driving.

Bodycam footage released Monday showed how the woman began an unprovoked verbal assault against the deputy.

“I started to record because you are a murderer,” the woman claimed. “I was not on my phone, I was recording you. You scared me and made me think you were going to murder me.”

Following the incident, the woman — who claims to be a teacher — filed a complaint with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department’s Internal Affairs to get the deputy in trouble. However, Los Angeles police officials have sided with the officer.

“If you wanna call all of the deputies murderers, unfortunately, you’re doing the exact same thing, which you are excusing other people of doing against your own kind — of being racists, of being bigots,” Sheriff Alex Villanueva said. “You’re exhibiting the exact same issue and it is no different.”

The sheriff’s department has identified the woman, but it has yet to comment on whether she’ll face any consequences for this vile attack on an officer.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I guess she's mad about the questions on the 4473 form.
Aren't Hispanic or Latino buyers considered White on the form?

Yes. When I worked at the OSBI, one of our jobs was entering the data from the uniform crime reports sent in by the "arresting" agencies. Within those reports, Hispanics were considered an "ethnicity" and not a "race." One can have blacks that are Hispanic.

That said, I don't know if the same applies on the 4473 forms, but being that they are a government/FBI form, I'd say that the same applied to the 4473.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
If the cops could really just shoot everyone that needs killin' this would be a better country.

Not everyone mind you, just those that need killin'. Ya'll know who I'm talkin' bout. Everybody knows some. I know several.

It's a wonder those with terminal illness haven't taken the opportunity of a few of them. If I ever get something terminal, and quick, there are some folks out there that better lay low.

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