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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I thought they hated us for our freedom.

That is part if it if you think about it. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech both come to mind as big no-nos to radical Islams. To them you either pray to Allah in the way they demand or you die. Say anything against Allah, you die.


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Oct 9, 2012
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That is part if it if you think about it. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech both come to mind as big no-nos to radical Islams. To them you either pray to Allah in the way they demand or you die. Say anything against Allah, you die.

Why have they just recently brought their brand of Islam to the West, I wonder?


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I know muslims that say they see ISIS as heretics and sorta the same as some of us see the Westborough Baptist Church...they said that they are considered "liberals" because they are tolerant and the militants would chop off their heads before even mine just because they were friendly with the west. I want to believe them although I see the issue that there are probably millions of militants world-wide so I'm not going to bury my head int he sand. But I still just have to take things on a case-by-case basis in my daily life while recognizing the greater problem globally.

One interesting thing was I heard reports of the rally and the counter-rally and the counter-rally good ol' boys claimed to be there to support free speech yet wanted to shut down the muslim rally LOL...And of course, in supporting Je Suis Charlie, those same right-wingers are supporting a magazine to poke fun of Muslims yet I'd bet money that they would not support Je Suis Charlie's rights to free speech when they were making fun of Christians which they have done in the past (I don't personally like it either just like flag burning). I myself am an Independent Conservative but I'm honest and it is hard to deny the irony and closed mindedness of the average person regardless of their ideology...It is when a GOVERNEMENT tries to suppress speech that the real tyranny exists...saying bad things about Muslims was perfectly legal in France apparently, but if you badmouth the EU then you can be imprisoned...The Muslims who launched the horrible attacks on the magazine were out for revenge and not systematically suppressing free speech. If you go pick a fight with a bully then you better be able to back it up...the lack of the 2nd amendment is what got those cartoonists killed and nothing to do with free is partly their fault for instigating it and then voting for a leftist regime in France that denies them their right to self-defense...not very smart but I still condemn the attacks in every way and wish it had not happened, but I guess my point in discussing the rally is that the right is as easily manipulated as the left...people should apply principles evenly if it is what they believe in. It is hard though...I despise and personally condemn any provocations against my religion which usually comes from the left. In a different time I'd probably be for banning it but I'm not for violence against anyone unless it is in self-defense.


Special Hen
Jan 16, 2011
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I may be wrong, but I define a phobia as an irrational fear of something, I.E. claustrophobia. I don't think what most people feel about Islam is a phobia, but a prudent caution. When someone threatens to kill you, I think that the cautious person take that at face value. I'm not sure what percentage of Muslims want to kill all outsiders, but according to recent polls taken here in the US, a significant percentage of those living here would like to see the rise of a world wide caliphate. My own feeling about Islam have been formed by personal experiences over the last 30 some odd years. Back in the 80's I was influenced by my lab partners, Walid and Marhwan, one a Muslim the other a Coptic Christian, and the hatred they had for each other simply because of faith. In the 90's it was shaped by a beautiful Muslim girl, who stated that she would never marry a Muslim man, because of the way they treated their wives, but couldn't marry outside her religion for fear of her life. Or the angry young man, in my Anatomy class that proudly proclaimed that America would never be safe as long as we supported Israel. So I don't think it is a phobia, if I show caution and contempt for the jihadists.

And for the one that asked, I've been many things in my life, a church goer, an agnostic, and now a Christian, in the Church of Christ. I'm pretty sure if anyone in the church stood up and proclaimed a holy war, the vast majority would instantly denounce them, something that is lacking from the majority of Muslims.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Well, crap, I was gonna go eat some Indian food tonight, but may have to go visit the Muslim-run joint that makes some tasty kebabs. I ain't skeered.

By the numerical reasoning some of y'all are using, one could make some really nasty, comparable arguments about race and crime right here in the U.S., yet that wouldn't be quite as palatable, would it?


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
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Secret mission
Well, crap, I was gonna go eat some Indian food tonight, but may have to go visit the Muslim-run joint that makes some tasty kebabs. I ain't skeered.

By the numerical reasoning some of y'all are using, one could make some really nasty, comparable arguments about race and crime right here in the U.S., yet that wouldn't be quite as palatable, would it?

that would get a thread closed quicker than you can say meta-analysis.

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