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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
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40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
One interesting thing was I heard reports of the rally and the counter-rally and the counter-rally good ol' boys claimed to be there to support free speech yet wanted to shut down the muslim rally LOL...

At least someone had the guts to stand up and say what they thought about the Muslim agenda - or at least what they could see of it since it was a closed-door meeting without journalists allowed inside. Reminds me a bit of protests outside closed-door KKK meetings, and gives me a little hope that not quite everyone in this country has been socially and politically emasculated just yet. A lot of us P&M on these forums, but I'd wager that most wouldn't be willing to attend such an event much less take direct action against an apparent threat to our way of life.

Without some resounding public outcry, in much the same way as other things that the majority of the citizens of this country do not agree with but were willing to tolerate, Islam is going to worm its way through our court system until we end up being forced to comply with Sharia Law whether we choose to or not. I don't know about anyone else but that prospect scares me far more than the prospect of nuclear annihilation during the cold war ever did - perhaps simply because I think it's far more likely.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
At least someone had the guts to stand up and say what they thought about the Muslim agenda - or at least what they could see of it since it was a closed-door meeting without journalists allowed inside. Reminds me a bit of protests outside closed-door KKK meetings, and gives me a little hope that not quite everyone in this country has been socially and politically emasculated just yet. A lot of us P&M on these forums, but I'd wager that most wouldn't be willing to attend such an event much less take direct action against an apparent threat to our way of life.

Without some resounding public outcry, in much the same way as other things that the majority of the citizens of this country do not agree with but were willing to tolerate, Islam is going to worm its way through our court system until we end up being forced to comply with Sharia Law whether we choose to or not. I don't know about anyone else but that prospect scares me far more than the prospect of nuclear annihilation during the cold war ever did - perhaps simply because I think it's far more likely.

We won't stand for sharia...I encourage the counter-rally bud, but I found it ironic that they said that the did not think the muslims should be able to hold their rally...if you wanted to hit the rewind button back to 1776, then I don't think that this country was founded for religious freedom for satanists, muslims, etc...I think it was for various denominations of Christians to escape being forced to follow a state religion in England...I am a nationalist but I'm also a realist...I'm for closing the borders and a moratorium on immigration...but for the ones who are already here LEGALLY, especially if they are citizens, I think they have the same rights as me to the 1st amendment. And the guys who said that have a right to their opinion...I just found it ironic that they apparently would have supported the local gov't to shut down the muslims rally when they themselves claimed to be there for supporting free speech...surely you can see where I'm coming from...I totally see where you are and agree with the threat but we also can't by hypocrites if we want to be taken seriously. I would love to see a counter rally for any muslim rally there ever is here...I'm not against that.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone


Special Hen
Nov 29, 2014
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We have Muslim members here on Oklahoma Shooters?? Who? Anyone want to step up and claim to be a Muslim? Anyone want to step up and claim Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, or any other? Let's see. I call bull.

Hey Mr. Glock and everyone else in here. Whether those of Muslim faith are or not on this forum, These posts can be seen through just about any search engine when searching for a specific term anywhere on the internet, so what you post online in any public forum is not private to that forum. It is searchable. If there is a chance a comment is offensive to any legal standard that offends someone, it shouldn't be posted in a public forum. Such comments can get a forum blacklisted as a hate group. For mods to leave offensive items or comments that are protected against under the laws of the land, could leave the site open for liable. If the mods tell you the reason they edit something, just nod your head and say OK. I can't understand why a mod would tell a bull story for the reasoning behind the edits when what I just pointed out is a very good reason for editing/deleting and YK could have used that as a reason for the action, but instead he told us the real reason. Anyone running a public website has got to know these laws and abide by them. The sometimes "snarky" comments in here crack me up and entertain me, some of them have even been directed at me, but while I have worse things to worry about more than a comment on a website, there are sensitive people out there that might be bothered by the comments made to others. I have to keep that in consideration when I post online because I work with a very diverse group of people, so keeping that in mind keeps my butt out of trouble in real life and in the matrix. You can be snarky to me if you want. You will find that it's like wrestling a pig in the mud. Soon you'll discover that the pig enjoys it. LOL...If I offended any swine, I apologize in advance.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
atheist regimes kill the most...something like 265 million non-combatants killed by gov'ts since beginning of 20th century? Stalin, Hitler, Moa, Pol Pot, Castro, etc...always left-wing and always atheist LOL

I can tell you that always and never do not belong in debates of this type, except to say that they are never true. Are we talking about radical groups(and their religious roots, or lack thereof) or oppressive governments? Semantics and scale are definitely being misconstrued as terrorism is being loosely defined as large attacks on groups of people(which it is not). Is a right wing Christian’s murder of an abortion doctor terrorism? What about a whack-job racist killing Sikh’s, thinking they are Muslim. Radical Muslims and pedophile priests are different in that one is committing the act in the name of religion while the other is hiding behind theirs(do we argue which is more abhorrent?). Couldn't one also argue that we are a Christian nation and bombing Muslims in the name of freedom is a form of Christian terrorism(we gotta keep the fight over there even if it means killing innocent women and children)? But I digress, this thread is about the "evil" Muslim religion and none of this pertains to the discussion, so will stop there....


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Secret mission


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Twilight Zone
I can tell you that always and never do not belong in debates of this type, except to say that they are never true. Are we talking about radical groups(and their religious roots, or lack thereof) or oppressive governments? Semantics and scale are definitely being misconstrued as terrorism is being loosely defined as large attacks on groups of people(which it is not). Is a right wing Christian’s murder of an abortion doctor terrorism? What about a whack-job racist killing Sikh’s, thinking they are Muslim. Radical Muslims and pedophile priests are different in that one is committing the act in the name of religion while the other is hiding behind theirs(do we argue which is more abhorrent?). Couldn't one also argue that we are a Christian nation and bombing Muslims in the name of freedom is a form of Christian terrorism(we gotta keep the fight over there even if it means killing innocent women and children)? But I digress, this thread is about the "evil" Muslim religion and none of this pertains to the discussion, so will stop there....

Well the problem is that in recent times, there are not too many religions or lack thereof invoking ideology in perpetuation of world-wide makes the "good muslims" look bad just like the perverts make the Catholic church look bad, except on a massive scale due to brutality all over the globe. It is a problem that so-called moderate muslims have got to help combat better. Otherwise, it just appears they themselves are not violent but they don't mind if the violent ones act up. It is an age-old problem; Ishmael was described in the Bible:

Genesis 16:12

"He will be a wild donkey of a man;
his hand will be against everyone
and everyone’s hand against him,
and he will live in hostility
toward all his brothers.”

Irony is Saudi Arabia building a great wall to keep out ISIS which they fund and helped to create LOL...


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
tilling subprep's cornfield
I can tell you that always and never do not belong in debates of this type, except to say that they are never true. Are we talking about radical groups(and their religious roots, or lack thereof) or oppressive governments? Semantics and scale are definitely being misconstrued as terrorism is being loosely defined as large attacks on groups of people(which it is not). Is a right wing Christian’s murder of an abortion doctor terrorism? What about a whack-job racist killing Sikh’s, thinking they are Muslim. Radical Muslims and pedophile priests are different in that one is committing the act in the name of religion while the other is hiding behind theirs(do we argue which is more abhorrent?). Couldn't one also argue that we are a Christian nation and bombing Muslims in the name of freedom is a form of Christian terrorism(we gotta keep the fight over there even if it means killing innocent women and children)? But I digress, this thread is about the "evil" Muslim religion and none of this pertains to the discussion, so will stop there....

How do you feel about the Crusades?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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In all reality, fear and distrust of Muslims is tactically wise. No different than keeping a close eye on any other person in your presence that has an appearance or vibe that gives you an uneasy feeling. There are a lot of people that would rather die being political correct than survive because they are being rightfully suspicious.

Now some will say this feeds Islamophobia. The truth is that it really depends on the mindset. Statistically speaking, you're most likely to be physically assaulted by someone you know personally. Beyond relatives and acquaintances, you're most likely to be assaulted by someone dissimilar to you, be it race, creed, color, etc.

If you're taking a tactical mindset of "That person is unknown to me, dissimilar, and may have different values...", that would be a prudent personal security measure.

If you're saying "That person looks Muslim and I don't trust Muslims...", well, that would just be bigotry and irrational fear.

Well, crap, I was gonna go eat some Indian food tonight, but may have to go visit the Muslim-run joint that makes some tasty kebabs. I ain't skeered.

By the numerical reasoning some of y'all are using, one could make some really nasty, comparable arguments about race and crime right here in the U.S., yet that wouldn't be quite as palatable, would it?

That would really depend on whether your comparison was grounded in fact and logic, or perception based hyperbole?

At least someone had the guts to stand up and say what they thought about the Muslim agenda - or at least what they could see of it since it was a closed-door meeting without journalists allowed inside. Reminds me a bit of protests outside closed-door KKK meetings, and gives me a little hope that not quite everyone in this country has been socially and politically emasculated just yet. A lot of us P&M on these forums, but I'd wager that most wouldn't be willing to attend such an event much less take direct action against an apparent threat to our way of life.

Without some resounding public outcry, in much the same way as other things that the majority of the citizens of this country do not agree with but were willing to tolerate, Islam is going to worm its way through our court system until we end up being forced to comply with Sharia Law whether we choose to or not. I don't know about anyone else but that prospect scares me far more than the prospect of nuclear annihilation during the cold war ever did - perhaps simply because I think it's far more likely.

I disagree. Our entire judicial system is based on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. For Sharia law to be accepted practice in a court of law, Muslims would have to become the majority and most likely, the super-majority to revise the Constitution. Statistically speaking, we’re more likely to see revisions based on Catholicism than Islam. Just sayin…

Are you expecting me to take an article seriously when it’s topped with a pic of an AK variant with a tri-rail on the dust cover, with nothing mounted on it? Seriously??? That dude isn’t even wearing his belted ammo correctly!

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