It's Official - I hate the GOP

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Exactly. So why buck the one guy who really offers something different from Obama? If the media were forced to give up their denial of service attacks on Ron Paul and the GOP apparatchik were forced to support him, he could defeat Obama quite handily. It would send a chilling message to both parties controlling interests, that the business as usual politics is no longer supported by the voters. Straighten up and get in line, or don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

At this point in time, any other vote is a tacit admission that what they've been doing to us for 25+ years is acceptable. :(
I'm not bucking RP. In fact I don't think he will make past Florida in the primaries, but I might just vote for him if he does for no other reason than to do my miniscule part in sending the message to the GOP that you preach because I agree with you. But the bottom line is he doesn't stand a chance to make it through the primaries, but I'm hoping that he does well enough to seriously get the GOP's attention.

First off, it's not like Romney would ever give us a Roberts or Thomas. Perhaps a Kennedy, but more likely a Souter. Even if Obama wins, he'll get to replace Ginsburg & Breyer, and perhaps Kennedy. Scalia would have himself embalmed on the bench before he'd let Obama pick his successor, but he might not outlast Romney. None of the rest of them are going anywhere soon. Were Obama to get a total of 5 appointments, you can be sure that the GOP would extract at least one moderate in the bunch, lest Obama really hit a brick wall in appointments. Four vs. four with one swing voter would probably ensure a balanced judiciary. Stacking heavily one way or the other could ultimately be detrimental to the nation. It's been proven in our SCOTUS history.
I don't think Obama gives a rat's ass about doing what's good for the country. He will nominate who he damn well pleases just because he can. Just look at the signing statement he issued a couple of weeks ago. He signed a bill only because it gave him more money to distribute to the sheep, but also said in his signing statement "I won't be bound by it" (paraphrased). Take a look and the speech he just gave. Drill down to the core and it's nothing different than what a communist dictator would say. You can tell exactly where his philosophy comes from and it's not America. So I believe he would have no compunction about stacking the court as deep as he possibly could with Marxists like himself and this is the main reason I will vote for anyone that has a shot at beating Obama.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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There is no "3rd party" in Oklahoma. You either run on the democrat or the republican ballot....3rd party is not an option.

Sad, but most people in Oklahoma do not know this.

It is an option, but only if those that want it get out and work for it.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Both houses vote down party lines even when the bill is stupid and backwards. Hell, the GOP opposed a revived version of one of their 90s bills, and called it socialist.

If President RP is pushing libertarian agendas with an (R) stamped on it, the GOP assclowns are going to say "shut up and take my vote please!" and the DNC will oppose it... except for Kucinich.

That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Members of congress have not toed the party line on much of anything in decades. The only thing they care about is getting re-elected and what is in it for them. That is in large part why Bush and Even Obama have had so much trouble. If RP did somehow win, he would be a lame duck on most issues from the start.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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At this point, I'm just ready to give in and line up for JB's camp.

Uncle JB, will they have cable TV and lots of fattening snacks? Please?

Spec ops Grunt

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2011
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That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Members of congress have not toed the party line on much of anything in decades. The only thing they care about is getting re-elected and what is in it for them. That is in large part why Bush and Even Obama have had so much trouble. If RP did somehow win, he would be a lame duck on most issues from the start.

He'd be able to do some damage to the ATF at least.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I am never giving in. That is what the powers that be want. I even still have a faint hope that someone decent will get into the race. The way the GOP primaries are set up this year and with the early voting states losing delegates, it is entirely possible for someone to get in before super Tuesday and win the nomination.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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It is an option, but only if those that want it get out and work for it.

According to data from the last few elections, you can get ~20% of the State House/Senate vote in some areas without actually running a real campaign.

That's after 34% of the vote goes straight-party Republican and 30% of the vote goes straight-party Democrat - leaving only the final 16% really up for grabs. Suddenly, that $30/vote (House) or $80/vote (Senate) to ensure enough marketing to stay competitive and hopefully overcome the voters' fear of voting for someone not in a major party because "no one else will" gets a little more expensive. (Cost based on HD55 and SD26 - all numbers in this post should be regarded as close but fuzzy as it's been at least a year since I pulled them up.)

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