Just some "peaceful" protesters expressing their anger....

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Hi all!
Long time since I posted, been distracted I suppose. Just wanted to see if anyone had clarified the truck and horse trailer event in Tulsa. I'd heard that the windows of the trailer were broken on the drivers side and incendiaries tossed inside which resulted in the death of one of the 4 horses and burns to the other three. While I agree that many of the protesters did not sign up for that, they are also to blame. Simply entitled, ignorant behavior. The idea than anyone who happens across their path is eligible for whatever punishment they choose to inflict is beyond compression. Sometimes, public safety is in telling people what they can't do, like play on the freeway....

From some people who were part of the mob on the highway I've heard they did nothing to the vehicle, occupants or trailer until it started moving, thus "endagering protesters lives". What I did get out of them was that yes there were broken windows and incendiaries involved, which is all the admission I need to know the driver was justified in pushing through them.

They were not "peaceful".


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I'll look.

Unlike most, I don't believe it's your responsibility to educate me, so I appreciate the tip, and I'll look and see if I can find an example.

I'd bet our definition of "peaceful" is going to differ, and that's going to be a big difference.

The only reason I'm not providing direct links is because of how I accessed the information. Reddit (and specifically the r/PublicFreakout sub) is a great aggregator of self-posted and media links and reports, where you can view most of the posted content without ever clicking a link. I was also able to see witness statements and video on r/tulsa directly from people who were on the bridge during the horse trainer incident. I didn't have to check Youtube/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and a hundred other websites to gather information. You can if you want click to the source web address to see comments outside of Reddit though, so it's a pretty effective aggregator.

I browse Reddit on mobile, but post here on a laptop, hence linking is rarely practical, especially if there are multiple links. Sorry.

To me, "peaceful" is up to and including yelling and foul language, but no incitement to riot or cause any person or property damage. No stockpiling, carrying of improvised or manufactured weapons with the intent to cause harm or damage. No defacing of property. No detention of any unwilling person to prevent them from leaving the scene of the protest. Absolutely no direct physical contact with others or their property with the intent to menace, coerce, extort or cause fear.

The mob on the bridge in Tulsa broke several of those expectations, so I do not consider them peaceful.


Special Hen
Aug 8, 2013
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This is how a peaceful protest should be handled.


Btw: before someone mentions the white car "trapped" on the bridge, according to the 'nets:

"It’s a support car for the protestors carrying supplies. All roads to the bridge have been blocked off for the protest, there’s no way for anyone driving to reach the protest route."


Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
One last comment regarding the truck/trailer incident. If you'll look at the first minute of that interaction, you'll see the truck is both following another vehicle, and the crowd is being told to allow them to to continue.

Suddenly, pony tail sign guy steps in from the drivers side, seeming offended that the driver is doing what he had been doing, following another vehicle through slow traffic. Driver continues to slowly roll forward, pony tail sign guy slams his hand on the hood of the truck. Immediately tall unshaven fedora guy strikes the passenger side of the windshield with a foam bat of some sort and chaos ensues...ponytail sign guy is briefly joined in front of the truck by another, then two girls take their places as the driver slams on the breaks.

So where did ponytail sign guy and tall fedora bat guy go? No telling, it's almost as they they simply disappear once things get kicked off. I'm sure a totally random occurrence. Well, that's what I'd assumed since the first time I watched it I hadn't seen the first minute.

A quick backtrack in time to the other morning in T's castco. Lines are a bit long but moving well and I have a few minutes to observe the local flora and fauna...Seems to be a few folks I'd more expect to see on the west coast, just a generalized stereotype I've developed over decades of living all over. Imagine my surprise when I find the first minute video and realize pony tail sign guy and tall unshaven fedora guy were shopping together! Same full cart, 1 card to pay.....

So perhaps the actions of the assault were not so random, and the previous weekends actions seem to follow exactly in the steps of their doctrine. If anyone is interested I can provide specifics on times...
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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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One last comment regarding the truck/trailer incident. If you'll look at the first minute of that interaction, you'll see the truck is both following another vehicle, and the crowd is being told to allow them to to continue.

Suddenly, pony tail sign guy steps in from the drivers side, seeming offended that the driver is doing what he had been doing, following another vehicle through slow traffic. Driver continues to slowly roll forward, pony tail sign guy slams his hand on the hood of the truck. Immediately tall unshaven fedora guy strikes the passenger side of the windshield with a foam bat of some sort and chaos ensues...ponytail sign guy is briefly joined in front of the truck by another, then two girls take their places as the driver slams on the breaks.

So where did ponytail sign guy and tall fedora bat guy go? No telling, it's almost as they they simply disappear once things get kicked off. I'm sure a totally random occurrence. Well, that's what I'd assumed since the first time I watched it I hadn't seen the first minute.

A quick backtrack in time to the other morning in T's castco. Lines are a bit long but moving well and I have a few minutes to observe the local flora and fauna...Seems to be a few folks I'd more expect to see on the west coast, just a generalized stereotype I've developed over decades of living all over. Imagine my surprise when I find the first minute video and realize pony tail sign guy and tall unshaven fedora guy were shopping together! Same full cart, 1 card to pay.....

So perhaps the actions of the assault were not so random, and the previous weekends actions seem to follow exactly in the steps of their doctrine. If anyone is interested I can provide specifics on times...

So you're saying you saw this video from the bridge, noticed two guys who were 'instigating' the attack on the vehicle and specifically remember these two guys from seeing them in Costco several days before, remembered they were together and how they paid for their items?

I'm just clarifying what I think you're saying - that you personally saw these two together at Costco, didn't know them from Adam, but they stuck in your memory, and then you saw them attacking the truck on the bridge days later?


Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
Nope. Just opposite. I saw them in the store and thought them kind of out of place. I'd seen a couple of the short truck videos but not the first with the "trigger". That's when I recognized them, it would have been several days following the incident.

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