More call for Holder to step down.

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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC

Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar’s office announced on Thursday morning that it has 73 cosponsors on its House of Representatives resolution of “no confidence” in Attorney General Eric Holder’s ability to serve.

Between the 58 congressmen demanding that Holder resign and those who have signed onto Gosar’s resolution, there are now a total of 85 members of Congress who don’t trust Holder in his office.

Some of those members who have signed the “no confidence” resolution have not made outright calls for Holder’s resignation, but the resolution is close to an outright call. Likewise, some of the 57 demanding Holder resign have not signed onto Gosar’s resolution, either.

The resolution alleges that Holder’s actions have proven the nation’s “top law enforcement official” is not “competent, trustworthy and beyond reproach,” and that he has sought to “cover up” mistakes when they are made rather than cooperating with Congress “in disclosing the events and circumstances and transparently addressing the issues.”

The measure describes how Holder “presided over a law enforcement scheme called ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ that was ill conceived at the outset and mismanaged.”

It describes Fast and Furious as an operation that “allowed thousands of weapons of various types to be illegally sold and or transferred from the United States to violent drug cartels and known criminals in Mexico and elsewhere,” and that the operation “was not set up to catch criminals and no proper monitoring of the guns being sold or transferred was undertaken.”

The resolution also points out that Holder “further failed to inform or cooperate with Mexican authorities even though hundreds of weapons were being sent to Mexico,” and that “Mexico is under severe stress due to drug cartel wars.”

Read more:


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Dear (my Oklahoma Congressman),

Please cosponsor Rep. Paul Gosar’s resolution of “no confidence” in Attorney General Eric Holder’s ability to serve. Holder's failure to adequately perform his duties and his blind support of further gun rights restrictions indicate that he should step down.

If you are already a cosponsor of the resolution - Thank you.

If you are not a cosponsor, I urge you to waste no time in becoming a cosponsor.

(your name)
(you town)

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