OK Republican calling for forced vaccininations - as predicted

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
BB - sorry to hear this happened, no, was done to you. But don't give up on people, some do suck but not all. There are many fine people out there doing good every day unasked and often unnoticed - look hard and you'll see them.

You know, you are right. I have an awful lot of good folks in my life now. I need to not be so grumpy ... Lol ;)


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Jan 12, 2007
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This remark reminds me of something an attorney would day.

If I'm reading you correctly, you feel I gave a "lawyerly" response. Could you elaborate on why you feel that way and whether it's a good or bad thing?

BB - sorry to hear this happened, no, was done to you. But don't give up on people, some do suck but not all. There are many fine people out there doing good every day unasked and often unnoticed - look hard and you'll see them.

A person may be good, but people suck. They're stubborn, mean, petty, ignorant and convinced they're without fault. Just sayin...


Nov 9, 2009
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Republican or Democrat I could care less. This is not a political issue. It is however a health issue for the children and parents of this state. As I see it our country is based on majority rule That said if the majority of citizens of a state want to protect the majority of kids in said state from those kids that are not vaccinated the majority have a right to do that. This is called states rights. I for one believe in required vaccinations. I spent 36 yrs in education, 27 of those as an administrator. l have grand children that I prefer they not be exposed to diseases that traditionally have been eradicated because of the required vaccination laws in this state. Why should a minority of parents/citizens go against this when the risk is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo small of side effects of these vaccinations? If you don't like the law move. Thank goodness "majority rules" is for the most part alive and well in our state. Minorities have no right to risk the lives of others with such idiocy.:Heya:

Since when did majority rule trump individual choice, Herr Fuhrer? You have no right to tell me what i will inject my children with. If you think unvaccinated children are so dangerous, feel free to vaccinate yours. If the vaccinations are as important as you say they are, your children have nothing to fear from unvaccinated kids. Leave it to a school administrator to try to tell other parents how to raise their kids.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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Since when did majority rule trump individual choice, Herr Fuhrer? You have no right to tell me what i will inject my children with. If you think unvaccinated children are so dangerous, feel free to vaccinate yours. If the vaccinations are as important as you say they are, your children have nothing to fear from unvaccinated kids. Leave it to a school administrator to try to tell other parents how to raise their kids.

Did just that sir. They are now grown with families and very successful. Not only that but my grand children are also vaccinated. The Fuhrer was part of autocratic rule in Germany. That is clearly not a democracy where the majority rule. Like it or not that is what our country is about. We have elections just for that purpose. For the most part, only when laws are broken, that are made by those who were elected, when the majority choose those people who make the laws do we vary from that. That happens when the supreme court or its lower courts find such laws to be unconstitutional. That happens once in a while.

Individual choice is fine unless it violates the will of the majority.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
Since when did majority rule trump individual choice, Herr Fuhrer? You have no right to tell me what i will inject my children with. If you think unvaccinated children are so dangerous, feel free to vaccinate yours. If the vaccinations are as important as you say they are, your children have nothing to fear from unvaccinated kids. Leave it to a school administrator to try to tell other parents how to raise their kids.

First, you've always been told that there are things you cannot inject your children with to some degree.

Second, your theory works up until the point where your unvaccinated child encounters a child who is unable to be vaccinated. And mind you, i have no real horse in this race. I'm just pointing out that there are kids who, because of medical conditions, cancer treatments, etc, are more susceptible to preventible diseases because they cannot be vaccinated.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok

Furthermore, no ongoing abortions are required to continue production of these vaccines. Cell lines derived from fetal tissue can be duplicated and grown in culture for decades, and thus additional abortions aren’t necessary to replenish the vaccine supply.

For these reasons, I join the vast majority of faith-based medical ethicists who don’t believe that producing or administering a vaccine made in the past from the cells of an aborted fetus is an evil act.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Did just that sir. They are now grown with families and very successful. Not only that but my grand children are also vaccinated. The Fuhrer was part of autocratic rule in Germany. That is clearly not a democracy where the majority rule. Like it or not that is what our country is about. We have elections just for that purpose. For the most part, only when laws are broken, that are made by those who were elected, when the majority choose those people who make the laws do we vary from that. That happens when the supreme court or its lower courts find such laws to be unconstitutional. That happens once in a while.

Individual choice is fine unless it violates the will of the majority.

I think SoonerATC got it slightly wrong. BTW, Comrade Stalin called. He wants his useful idiots back.

Seriously, only fools actually believe this country is a "democracy". It is a Constitutional Republic with a democratic framework. The lawbreakers are those who pass unconstitutional laws. That may be an irrelevant fact to you and many like you, but that's only because of your disdain for those who disagree with you. You want to control those around you and you're willing to use mob rule to do it. Sadly, I don't think your desires were fulfilled with adults. That's why you chose children, because people don't listen to them and you could control them more easily. We've come to notice that liberals tend to target the little ones.

The Constitution is a tool, but not for the likes of you and your ilk. It's a tool to use against you, that you may not trespass on others. It's tattered and frayed from countless battles against aggression cloaked in a kindness, but it's still there. One day, the pendulum will swing. I hope you're around to feel it coming for you. :teach:

P.S., I am for vaccinations and think they should be encouraged, but not shoved down people"s throats. That is all I have to say about that.
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