Omnibus Bill coming up may fund Junk science studies that "prove" guns are bad

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Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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I got the mail below from Gun Owners of America. They very rarely send out an email, and when Larry Pratt asks for help it's usually for a good reason.

Within the next few days, Congress will consummate a deal on the massive “omnibus” appropriations bill to fund all discretionary functions of the government.

House Speaker Paul Ryan is widely reported to be crafting a deal which would pass the bill with Democratic votes -- in lieu of conservative pro-gun Republicans.

In particular, Pelosi is demanding that Congress remove “boilerplate” text which has existed for twenty years -- language that prevents the use of taxpayer dollars for “junk science” government studies in support of gun control.

According to The Hill this weekend, while many Republicans are balking at Pelosi’s request, some have indicated that they are willing to engage in some horse-trading on this issue, and “House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has declined to take a position” at all.

We saw on Sunday how newspapers like the New York Times use fraudulent “studies” from anti-gun nuts like the “Violence Policy Center” -- and then pretend how these Leftist kooks are “unbiased.”

Imagine how much worse this would be if liberal Obama-controlled government agencies began pushing these same corrupt anti-gun “analyses.”

Remember, there’s a reason that Congress defunded this research in the first place.

Remember Dr. Mark Rosenberg, a former head of the CDC's National Center for Injury Control and Prevention in 1994, who said: "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes.... Now [smoking] is dirty, deadly, and banned."

And don’t forget Arthur Kellerman who, using CDC funds, published a study in 1993 supposedly claiming that a gun in the home is roughly three times more likely to be used against the homeowner, than to be used in self-defense.

For years, Kellerman’s junk science “research” was used by every anti-gun nut in America to demonize firearms. That is, until parts of his data were finally released in the late 1990s, and it became very clear that Kellerman had skewed his data.

If Ryan were to agree to Democrat demands for “junk science gun control” -- in order to get their votes -- he would be doing something that even his predecessor, John Boehner, wouldn't have done, turning the appropriations process over to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.

So please contact your Representative. Tell him or her to vote against any version of the “omnibus” which would allow fraudulent anti-gun “junk science” studies by Obama's government agencies.

To contact your congressman you can go here:

This is the email I sent to my congressman:

Dear XXX,
I have heard that House Speaker Paul Ryan is planning to push an omnibus bill that MAY TAKE OUT THE TEXT THAT BANS CONGRESS FROM FUNDING JUNK SCIENCE STUDIES related to GUN CONTROL.

There’s a reason that Congress defunded this research in the first place.

Remember Dr. Mark Rosenberg, a former head of the CDC's National Center for Injury Control and Prevention in 1994, who said: "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes.... Now [smoking] is dirty, deadly, and banned."

And don’t forget Arthur Kellerman who, using CDC funds, published a study in 1993 supposedly claiming that a gun in the home is roughly three times more likely to be used against the homeowner, than to be used in self-defense.

For years, Kellerman’s junk science “research” was used by every anti-gun nut in America to demonize firearms. That is, until parts of his data were finally released in the late 1990s, and it became very clear that Kellerman had skewed his data.

If Ryan were to agree to Democrat demands for “junk science gun control” -- in order to get their votes -- he would be doing something that even his predecessor, John Boehner, wouldn't have done, turning the appropriations process over to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.

So please vote against any version of the “omnibus” which would allow fraudulent anti-gun “junk science” studies by Obama's government agencies.


Rod Snell

Special Hen
Aug 10, 2006
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At over 2000 pages filled with all kinds of "special deals", this may be another bill that "has to be passed before we can find out what's in it." (ala Obamacare)
Wait until the Senate gets through with it.................

But from what I've been able to find out, Glocktogo's right, this one isn't unique, and saving the existing personal income tax cuts benefits most of us.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Seems like we dodged the bullet this time.
From :

Noticeably missing from the deal - and a blow to congressional Democrats - is the lifting the nearly 20-year ban on the Centers for Disease Control to study the impact of gun violence. That despite Pelosi personally raising the issue with the speaker himself late last week.

Seems like we can never relax, need to be eternally vigilant.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I think it is funny how the anti gun crowd's agenda is so bereft of fact, truth, and support from the people that they have to rely on government funding to finance their useless, miserable, and misguided livelihoods. Doesn't Bloomberg give them enough money?



Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
I think it is funny how the anti gun crowd's agenda is so bereft of fact, truth, and support from the people that they have to rely on government funding to finance their useless, miserable, and misguided livelihoods. Doesn't Bloomberg give them enough money?

So why is allowing funding for government run studies so bad, when private folk with big money (like B berg) are funding such junk already?

The key for the anti-2Aers is to get the Center for Disease Control to fund some junk studies...then these "findings" can be incorporated into Obama Care..For example they can find that "improper storage" of guns results in one death too many, and is a health hazard worthy of inspection. So if you have guns, they can schedule annual inspections in your home. Only fair and reasonable, right, because "we now know that guns are not harmless and can be a hazard to innocent people just by lying there" or some such gobbledygook.

They can make it a felony to lie on the medical info form you fill out if you have guns or not, since guns will be "proven" to cause harm to others.
They can do all sorts of things once they have some CDC funded studies.
Bloomberg is an interested party, the CDC is supposed to be "disinterested" and scientific.

Making policy and legislation based on bloomberg funded studies may seem fishy, but what "reasonable person" can argue with our hallowed CDC?
Hence it is necessary to BLOCK this insidious removal of language holding the government funded studies in check.

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