One day black bear season....

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Special Hen
Mar 16, 2010
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You have a bear "problem"? Seeing bears on trail cameras makes them a problem? Unless they are knocking over your garbage cans or something, they are a beautiful creature and certainly not a "problem" just by existing. I have no more fear of a black bear than I do a pig or rattlesnake. Unless backed in a corner or you get between a sow and her cub, they are going to bolt 97.6% of the time.

Ya well the problem lies in that 2.4% of the time when they bolt AT you. I can outrun a rattlesnake and legally shoot a pig if I need to, and I would love to be able to legally shoot a bear when I see one without having to worry about being in the right county or whether or not some unrealistic "quota" has been met yet.
Yes, they are beautiful creatures and I'm glad they exist in my neck of the woods, but they can also be dangerous whether you back one in a corner or not. And I guess you missed the part about them tearing up a couple of feeders.

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