Oregon Militia take over federal building

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Raoul Duke

Special Hen
Jan 28, 2013
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Somewhere in the stillborn state of Sequoyah
Great link. The BLM is doing every thing they can to steam roll these folks.

If some of the red coats in this thread would do some research, they would find the BLM has done the same to many individuals with ranches that have been in family's for generations.

Yeah, the only time it's cool for the federal government or the BLM to steamroll people like this is when it's tribal land or they are tribal members.

Where do they get off treating Cowboys like Indians?

If these "Militia" members really cared about restoring the sovereignty of the land back to the people it rightfully belongs, they'd be calling for it to be returned to the Paiutes.

The feds should transfer this land back to the Paiutes and let the "Militia" tell the tribe about how they have a sovereign right to occupy it.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Yeah, the only time it's cool for the federal government or the BLM to steamroll people like this is when it's tribal land or they are tribal members.

Where do they get off treating Cowboys like Indians?

If these "Militia" members really cared about restoring the sovereignty of the land back to the people it rightfully belongs, they'd be calling for it to be returned to the Paiutes.

The feds should transfer this land back to the Paiutes and let the "Militia" tell the tribe about how they have a sovereign right to occupy it.

The Natives had the land at one point, and the Europeans won.

Now it's ours. We're not giving it back. If we didn't come here and civilize the place, they'd still be nomadic warrior tribes no more advanced than the tribes of central Africa. If anything, we should be taking more of their land and paying them compensation. The need for tribes and tribal lands are over, and probably stopped having a need for it 100 years ago.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
The Natives had the land at one point, and the Europeans won.

Now it's ours. We're not giving it back. If we didn't come here and civilize the place, they'd still be nomadic warrior tribes no more advanced than the tribes of central Africa. If anything, we should be taking more of their land and paying them compensation. The need for tribes and tribal lands are over, and probably stopped having a need for it 100 years ago.

LOL, tell that to the Supreme Court, and the tribes that signed treaty's.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
If you want to protest, fine. But this isn't the first time these nutcases tried to tally up with the feds, the last time they threatened to shoot some cops over grazing rights. Of course the cops decided to leave it alone for 'safety reasons'.

some on the left are saying it's 'treason', but i don't buy that at all. Not every opposition to the federal government is treason, and not every physical opposition to federal control is necessarily treason either. Treason only exists in very specific circumstances. Otherwise the Battle of Athens, Tennessee would have been 'treason'.

That being said, i'm not a fan of Federal power or the government use of force. What they're fighting against is the 'unconstitutional ownership' of western lands by the feds to my understanding. A fair point, the feds do own too much land out west. But bringing guns to your occupation and threatening to shoot any law enforcement officer that tries to enforce the law is insane.

Sooner or later the feds or the State will have enough of these lunatics, and there is going to be a very lopsided slaughter where dozens will die and the rest will be injured or captured and spend a very, very long time in prison. That is, if they don't manage to kill a cop and spend the rest of their lives in prison(or get the death penalty). There are ways to protest the government without using guns or threatening to shoot people.

They are trying to blackmail the government, and if Waco and other incidents show, the U.S. government will use force when necessary. 150 guys might be a bloodbath waiting to happen, but the State and Federal government have more than enough resources to wipe them out in less than 5 minutes if they so chose.

They never threatened to shoot cops, then or now. They aren't nutcases. They are ranchers trying to retain the land they own. They are being railroaded by the BLM.

What would you do if your property was being taken over, and you were charged with offenses that you didn't do?


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
LOL, tell that to the Supreme Court, and the tribes that signed treaty's.

I would. It's not like we're known for honouring treaties we've signed with the Natives before, why start now?

The same supreme court that created homosexual marriage and made all those racist rulings against blacks and asians? The same supreme court that caved into political pressure during the "court packing plan" of the '30s? The supreme court is a joke, and is even more so now that they rule on ideological lines and political pressure than on actual constitutionality. This 'evolving' constitution BS has it's uses, and we can evolve it to fit this situation if we can put people on the court who agree with it.

They never threatened to shoot cops, then or now. They aren't nutcases. They are ranchers trying to retain the land they own. They are being railroaded by the BLM.

What would you do if your property was being taken over, and you were charged with offenses that you didn't do?

“We will be here as long as it takes,” Bundy said. “We have no intentions of using force upon anyone, (but) if force is used against us, we would defend ourselves.” -- http://newsone.com/3315846/armed-militia-occupies-federal-building-over-rancher-dispute/

So basically, they have no intention of using force. Unless force is used against them.

The only people i can imagine who would have any desire to use force on them are federal and state official seeking to enforce the law.

We can have this discussion in Congress, we can protest and write our representatives about this issue.

But we don't take guns and occupy federal buildings and land and threaten to use force against anyone who tries to enforce the law.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Yeah, Waco and Ruby Ridge aren't conparable to these assclowns. Both Waco and Ruby Ridge were total and complete disgusting murderous f×ckups by the feds.

The Davidians wanted to be left alone, but Koresh needed to be arrested and the kids needed to be checked on. They could have easily done that without the shitshow.

Weavers kept to themselves (didn't want attention like modern conservitard heroes) and Randy's crimes in no way warranted the ridiculous response the feds had.

Faux Patriots of the new millenium just want attention and interviews and to be facebook memes and to feel masculine for a minute.
And some sit on their asses and type some long useless diatribes on web sites and do nothing. Pot calling the Kettle black?
I thought you hated this forum? Are you lost?

As I explained to your sweetheart, it's not the pot calling the kettle black because I've never verbally supported an armed revolution and denounced and insulted non-participants in said revolution while simultaneously continuing my mundane mediocre ass life in an Oklahoma college town and keeping the guns in the safe.

You really can't accurately call me anything I don't openly admit to being. The same is not true for Heroic Keyboard Patriots, or the HKP as the SPLC calls them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I would. It's not like we're known for honouring treaties we've signed with the Natives before, why start now?

Just to address this comment. Your not correct. The supreme court has honored most of the treaty's that were signed with Native American Tribes.

Hence the tribal soverenty, casino's, lands, vehicle tags etc.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City


Nov 9, 2009
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I read it all. Scanned it pretty quick. Is there something I missed about abuse by the BLM?

The "witness" that claimed they shot 7 deer and wounded more is so full of **** its unbelievable.

I've shot over 200 deer, and I can assure you they won't mill around while more are shot even if using a suppressor. The legal team they used are idiots.

Anybody that says different is a whacko idiot when it comes to hunting. Even if they burnt it, the DNA would still be there and all wildlife agencies in the US have access to DNA identification from blood left on the scene, and it doesn't get eliminated by a grass fire.

The stupid in this thread is incredible.

Y'all need to look up what the founders of this country had to put up with their "radical" ideas. I think its called the Constitution. Most of the red coats in the country didn't agree with them.

Most suffered for their "radical thoughts", and some lost their lives. Again, I applaud these folks for fighting against the government knowing they might go to jail for it or worse. Read about it here.


Thank you - finally someone who gets it. The Founding Fathers were also called "radical" by loyalists at the time.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Exactly. It's go time.

Here it is, yet another opportunity for the revolution ****-talkers to back it up, but I bet they're just going to come up with excuses like when the Bundy Ranch situation was happening.

I disagreed with the force the BLM used in the Bundy stand-off...They could have done it all with paper if they "really" believed Bundy was guilty. A lien on all of his cattle sales and ranch would have won the fight without a single agent having to show up with a machine gun. I was glad it ended peacefully and I saw that as a much different situation than this one.

The ranchers in Oregon's charges and sentences didn't fit the "crime", but the issue here is double jeopardy...they already served their time and some liberal judge decided to lock them up again. HOWEVER, they don't want the militia's help and have asked them to leave. So it appears to me that despite the wrongs of the .gov here, this group is intending on armed conflict hoping to kick off a war. It is a bit like your cousin's brother's friend starts a fight in a bar and expects YOU to take a beating on his behalf. Them picking this issue to me is about like the other BLM (black lives matter) picking the Michael brown or Travon cases as their "cause" instead of a more legit cause such as Erick Garner...So what they are doing is brave, but stupid; I hope it resolves peacefully...you can be sure the southern poverty law center will have agent provocateurs or other democrat operatives on-site in hoped to spark a conflict. This way, they get to Waco the patriots and legitimize any further executive actions on gun rights...they (the militia men) are hurting the cause of law-abiding 2nd-amendment supporters. I think this is about agenda 21 personally, and probably why they threw the book at them.

But the BLM could still show restraint and diffuse things; one gesture of good will would not to be putting a 73yr old man in prison for life because he burned land he was leasing to control cedar trees, etc...is that really worth terr0rism charges or armed conflict? Nahhh...back to beer and TV, goodnight!

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