Oregon Militia take over federal building

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Nov 9, 2009
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Possession of firearms on federal property, perhaps, along with conspiracy to commit same. And as soon as they resist an attempt to eject them, it's going to get really, really bad for them. Rest assured, the charge sheet will be a mile long. What they plead to/are convicted of, maybe not.

I'm curious how it's illegal to possess firearms on Federal property? That in itself is an unconstitutional "law".

All laws must be predicated on the Constitution, and one that contradicts it (the Bill of Rights doesn't say anything about "...shall not be infringed, except on Federal property"), essentially nullifies itself. I realize they'll prosecute you for it, but that doesn't make it a Constitutional law. We are not bound to any law except those in agreement with the Constitution.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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No sir, what's stupid is following a self-proclaimed messiah to the promised land, which, to Pastor David, involves the porking of any and all teenaged girls and/or married women in the compound. If you are that stupid, you'll just have to bear the consequences. It's natural selection of a sort.

So you believe that the .gov using tanks against abused children was not stupid. Interesting...


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
I'm trying to think of a way you could be more wrong, but nothings coming to mind. You really should do a little research on Louis Farrakhan and the Nation Of Islam. It's so absurd it borders on amusing trying to conflate Farrakhan, #blacklivesmatter and Islam. It like saying the KKK, the NAACP and the Human Rights Campaign are working together. The Nation Of Islam is about as Islamic as the Westboro Baptist Church is Christian. If #blacklivesmatter acted the way they have in this country in a Muslim theocracy they would lose about 15lbs, all from the neck up. And if they, and we know exactly who you mean, wanted to "riot, burn, loot and kill at every opportunity", what's stopping them? According to you, not only would the government do nothing to stop it, they encourage it.
they do this in a nation of infidels...infidels must be converted, enslaved or killed. Cannot compare actions here to actions there. The 15lbs lost from the neck up would be true with sharia law...not so here - or in Europe for that matter. As to the research reference, you should know you cant use western understanding with Islam - you must first understand Islam before you can render any judgement on their actions. Western ideals are simply, not relevant. And, my reference was not toward any particular race as you implied - its about the cult known as Islam. If one were to take a serious look at Islam it would not be long till you realized it is not a religion but a political movement disguised as a religion. Politically sworn to dominate the world, by any and all means at their disposal.


Jan 24, 2013
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I'm curious how it's illegal to possess firearms on Federal property? That in itself is an unconstitutional "law".

All laws must be predicated on the Constitution, and one that contradicts it (the Bill of Rights doesn't say anything about "...shall not be infringed, except on Federal property"), essentially nullifies itself. I realize they'll prosecute you for it, but that doesn't make it a Constitutional law.

That "argument" has been made ad nauseam, and it's never been a good argument. The founders never, never, intended for the 1st, 2nd or any other amendment to be unlimited. Do you think the 1st was intended to allow for the public call for the violent overthrown of the government? Do you think the founders intended the 1st to allow people to libel or slander others? Do you think the founders intended for the 2nd to allow slaves to legally bare arms?

We are not bound to any law except those in agreement with the Constitution.

Wonder how many people sitting in prison made that same claim.


Jan 24, 2013
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they do this in a nation of infidels...infidels must be converted, enslaved or killed. Cannot compare actions here to actions there. The 15lbs lost from the neck up would be true with sharia law...not so here - or in Europe for that matter. As to the research reference, you should know you cant use western understanding with Islam - you must first understand Islam before you can render any judgement on their actions. Western ideals are simply, not relevant. And, my reference was not toward any particular race as you implied - its about the cult known as Islam. If one were to take a serious look at Islam it would not be long till you realized it is not a religion but a political movement disguised as a religion. Politically sworn to dominate the world, by any and all means at their disposal.

Okay, since you clearly do not know, and do not care to find out, the Nation Of Islam is not a true Islamic group. They don't allow white members which is a big, BIG, no-no in Islam. They don't pray 5 times a day, they think their leader was a messenger from God, just about the biggest no-no in Islam. The biggest no-no in Islam is not accepting that there is no other God except God. The Nation Of Islam believes that The Nation Of Islam founder, Fard Muhammad, was God incarnate. The Nation Of Islam and Farrakhan are very much western products. They do not represent Islam.


Jan 24, 2013
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Seem the boys are getting a bit hungry.


We hate the guberment, but could you use the United States Postal Service to send us snacks!

Here's an idea, Mr. Boot-Strapper, go get your own snacks.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
Okay, since you clearly do not know, and do not care to find out, the Nation Of Islam is not a true Islamic group. They don't allow white members which is a big, BIG, no-no in Islam. They don't pray 5 times a day, they think their leader was a messenger from God, just about the biggest no-no in Islam. The biggest no-no in Islam is not accepting that there is no other God except God. The Nation Of Islam believes that The Nation Of Islam founder, Fard Muhammad, was God incarnate. The Nation Of Islam and Farrakhan are very much western products. They do not represent Islam.
actually I do understand all those things...my reference to Islam was the Islam of the true believers not Farrakan...he is just mouthy...even though he repeats the actual muslim stance....Islam allows infidels to convert or be enslaved or be killed - period - that is the summation of the muslim position.....Farrakan and the black panthers hence the BLM folks follow the same path.

they have taken a step toward the modern world (the true believers) in that they now do not allow fathers and sons to have sex with the same slave nor do they allow an owner to have sex with both mother and daughter....enlightening isn't it....try the cliff notes on Islam...

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