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Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
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Gundy is a tool and always has been since before he was 40. I had to quit following OSU football years ago its just to frustrating. Sadly the majority of fans suffered so long under the likes of Pat Jones and Bob Simmons that they think this moron is a great coach. Each time he has threatened to leave and go somewhere else so that he can get more money and show up Holder. I was ready to drive to Stillwater to help him pack. When Boone dumped all the money into the stadium there was a clock ticking. That timer has expired and has been squandered.

Everyone talks about what a great recruiter he is. Please, OSU fans are delusional. The forums are full of people talking about how so and so is a 2 star but should really be rated a 3 star. Give me a break we are always fighting for mediocre talent. I could go on but whats the point. In the end Les Miles was the best coach we have had in my lifetime and we should have broke the bank to keep the Mad Hatter. Gundy is not worth what he is paid. He is at best a decent OC but not a head coach. This was proven all the years he turned his back on the defense while they were on the field. We should never be okay with a 12-2 record against OU. He should have been fired long ago. Putting on my flame retardant suit now.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Gundy is a tool and always has been since before he was 40. I had to quit following OSU football years ago its just to frustrating. Sadly the majority of fans suffered so long under the likes of Pat Jones and Bob Simmons that they think this moron is a great coach. Each time he has threatened to leave and go somewhere else so that he can get more money and show up Holder. I was ready to drive to Stillwater to help him pack. When Boone dumped all the money into the stadium there was a clock ticking. That timer has expired and has been squandered.

Everyone talks about what a great recruiter he is. Please, OSU fans are delusional. The forums are full of people talking about how so and so is a 2 star but should really be rated a 3 star. Give me a break we are always fighting for mediocre talent. I could go on but whats the point. In the end Les Miles was the best coach we have had in my lifetime and we should have broke the bank to keep the Mad Hatter. Gundy is not worth what he is paid. He is at best a decent OC but not a head coach. This was proven all the years he turned his back on the defense while they were on the field. We should never be okay with a 12-2 record against OU. He should have been fired long ago. Putting on my flame retardant suit now.
Mike was 40 10 years ago and you had to quit watching OSU so how do you know a damn thing about the team now?
I graduated OU and can honestly care less whos coaching or if OSU wins every game. I mean I want any OK team to do well but I simply know we wont. Neither has OU always.
I believe Mike holds the best record in the last 20 years or however long he's been HC.
The point is, these colleges are for Education first and foremost and OSU is a great school for certain degrees and that's what I suport most.


Aug 15, 2012
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Gundy is a tool and always has been since before he was 40. I had to quit following OSU football years ago its just to frustrating.


Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Mike was 40 10 years ago and you had to quit watching OSU so how do you know a damn thing about the team now?
I graduated OU and can honestly care less whos coaching or if OSU wins every game. I mean I want any OK team to do well but I simply know we wont. Neither has OU always.
I believe Mike holds the best record in the last 20 years or however long he's been HC.
The point is, these colleges are for Education first and foremost and OSU is a great school for certain degrees and that's what I suport most.

I never said a thing about the schools ability to educate or the degrees they offer. I am not sure how that has anything to do with this. Just because I don't follow them and waste 4 hours a weekend watching their terrible games doesn't mean I live under a rock. Last years record was 7-6 including their bowl win. Regular season was 6-6 it could have just as easily been 4-8. Of those 6 wins 2 were joke teams as is every year. Gundy does not like to play any teams of any caliber at the beginning of the season. For that matter he wont play anyone worth a crap outside of the BIG12 which is nothing like it was as the Big8. Gundy has a single Co-Championship in his 14 years. That is nothing special with all the resources he has had.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Man, that's the second Gundy rant I've heard in a week from an OSU fan. I just don't get y'alls thinking. Gundy has been extremely successful and he's a good man. What was OSU's record before he got there? Who do you honestly think you can get to come to OSU and stay there instead of treating it like a stepping stone?


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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Sadly the majority of fans suffered so long under the likes of Pat Jones and Bob Simmons that they think this moron is a great coach.
By and large, I liked Pat Jones. With him, Barry and Billy Tubbs at OU, and Norm Stewart at Iowa State, the Big 8 had some hella colorful coaches in the late '80s.

And Les Miles was a golden asshat. He belonged with the other horses' asses in the SEC.

Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
What was OSU's record before he got there? Who do you honestly think you can get to come to OSU and stay there instead of treating it like a stepping stone?
My main point is we missed our window. When the stadium was renovated we had the brand new plush locker rooms and Boone was dumping money left and right. We should have spent big money to bring someone in then and change the perception of the school. Instead we went with the "he is an alum and his is loyal." Basically this is the best we can do so shut-up and settle attitude. Now that window has passed us bye and lots of other schools have spent money and have facilities as nice or nicer than Ok State. We get what we have because we don't expect anymore.

Honestly I was always amazed that OU put up with Stoops not winning another championship after the first with John Blake's recruits. I expected more from OU fans. Having a crappy season but just beating OSU is not the history and prestige that program created. I thought Stoops should have been run out of town a few times after blowing so many big games. I think all the fans are soft now compared to when I was kid. OU fans were blood lusted under Barry. Now nobody's planting for sale signs all over someones yard after a loss.

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