possible ebola in dallas

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
My question is: How does a nurse who is working in a very modern hospital in Spain, and has specialized in treating infectious disease for 15 years, get infected? Also, how does the NBC cameraman get it by washing the car of an infected man? Also, the CDC previously stated that you can't get it from dogs. Now, disease specialists are going to torch the nurse's dog. So, the guy in Dallas was puking all over the sidewalk and parking lot - wasn't cleaned up for days. A dog comes by to the vomit....
Not buying that this thing hasn't mutated.

OK, let's take this one question at a time ...

Q: How does a nurse who is working in a very modern hospital in Spain, and has specialized in treating infectious disease for 15 years, get infected?
A: Any number of ways, but my first thought would be complacency.

Q: Also, how does the NBC cameraman get it by washing the car of an infected man?
A: If they cleaned the car with a power washer, the virus was probably splashed up on him and/or he inhaled water mist with the virus in it.

Q: (kinda) Also, the CDC previously stated that you can't get it from dogs. Now, disease specialists are going to torch the nurse's dog.
A: (kinda) I'm gonna go with overkill here. Looks good for the cameras kinda thing. The "there, THEY did SOMETHING, so we are all safe" kinda thing ...

Q: (again kinda) So, the guy in Dallas was puking all over the sidewalk and parking lot - wasn't cleaned up for days. A dog comes by to the vomit....
A: (again kinda) Again, cleaned up with a power washer ... If there wasn't bleach in the water used (and in the proper proportions) ... and even if there was there still has to be extended contact with the bleach to kill the virus (10 minutes IIRC, again in the right percentage solution) ... So yeah, I'd buy that there is some concern. Also, UV light kills it, too, from what I understand.

Q: (well not really) Not buying that this thing hasn't mutated.
A: (well again not really. More my take ...) I don't think it has. And even if it has mutated the odds of getting just the "right" mutation mixed in with just the "right" environment for it to become even more lethal than it already is are pretty astronomical. Still, I get what you are saying.

In the end, right now, I think ebola is more a threat to our economy than it is to us personally. For now. That's not saying I'm not watching what's going on ... and I'm not doing certain things ... just in case. But all in all, I'll wig out if it crosses the state line ... Then GC is gonna retire I don't care WHAT he says ... Because I'm pretty sure he won't cotton to being isolated to a cot in the garage for 30 days ... and by "30 days" I mean 30 days AFTER his last venture out "into the wild" ...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 29, 2005
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Rule of thumb: If the doctor that discovered Ebola and worked with it for 20 years is crapping his pants, so am I. ;) lol


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
I'm with CHenry. This thread should not be down for breakfast.

But since we're talkin bout gross out stories. I got called out to transport a guy who died in the bathroom of a small crab boat. The boat was adrift for a week in the Chesapeake bay...in August. Dude was a swollen ball of goo. Kinda just scooped up semi liquid hunks n pieces. Only time in my life I've vomited when dealing with dead stinky gross things.

LOL ... We got called out to do a necropsy on a dead cow in the middle of a pasture in the summer when I was a kid. She'd been out there long enough that she was pretty swollen. Nice and "ripe" ...

Me and the rancher and a couple of cowboys were standing right by the dead cow's head and when my dad pulled back on her leg to roll her over she lifted her head and "moo'ed" ... :lmfao: Next thing I know, me and a rancher and a couple of cowboys are a half-mile out in the pasture and my dad is rolling around on the ground laughing so hard he's crying ... :rotflmao: I wasn't embarrassed. I was six. Damned cow scared the **** outta me. Those grown men were making all kinds of excuses though. THAT was pretty funny! :P


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Rule of thumb: If the doctor that discovered Ebola and worked with it for 20 years is crapping his pants, so am I. ;) lol

True. I might be a whole lot more wigged out if all I had in the cabinet was a half-ful jar of peanut butter and a bag of stale chips. I might also be a lot more concerned if GC still had time to put in. One of the few times here lately that I've been pretty grateful that we are "old folks" and he truly is "just one bad day away from retirement." That "bad day" will most definitely be here the second brass starts handing out PPE to the guys ...


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
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tilling subprep's cornfield
Dallas County’s Dem Commissioner Blames Racism For Death Of Ebola Patient


DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price was blunt. He said Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital originally sent Thomas Duncan home three days before ?he was diagnosed with Ebola because he’s African and uninsured.

"It is historical what has happened in this community,” Price said. "If a person who looks like me shows up without any insurance, they don’t get the same treatment.”



Aug 14, 2012
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Dallas County’s Dem Commissioner Blames Racism For Death Of Ebola Patient


DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price was blunt. He said Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital originally sent Thomas Duncan home three days before ?he was diagnosed with Ebola because he’s African and uninsured.

"It is historical what has happened in this community,” Price said. "If a person who looks like me shows up without any insurance, they don’t get the same treatment.”


Johnny come lately....i called it first.

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