Quora Digest - Stupid questions about gun owners

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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For some strange reason, I have been getting flooded with Quora emails with stupid questions about gun owners. I have no idea why but my God, there are some people out there in the world that are a building short of a few bricks rather than a few bricks short of a building.

This is just one page

I do enjoy the answers to these mental midget's questions though.

John Blaylock
BS in Machine Design & Mathematics, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Graduated 2003)Updated 2y

Are guns really necessary for self-defence?
I was camping with a girlfriend.
6 guys in 3 canoes pulled up by where we had just vacated along the 11 Point River. They were drunk. They stopped because they had seen a girl. They spread out and advanced rather threateningly. I told my girlfriend to get out of there. They told her to stay and asked what I thought I was going to do about it. I pulled a gun they hadn’t seen before. One idiot said “You can’t get all of us.” I leveled the gun on him and said something like “You’re first, so let’s see.” They stared at us for a few seconds, then I said “3, 2…” and they ran back to their canoes. Fired a couple rounds over their heads. They paddled faster. If I would have had a banjo, I might have played it….
I have several more instances where my gun was the trump card in a bad situation.
The presence of my firearm has prevented several rapes, robberies, etc., and possibly murders.
So, Molon Labe.

How scared would gun owners be if I strap or tie myself to a missile that's about to be fired up into the sky?

Rather Notsay
BS in Psychology & Computer Science, University of South Carolina Gamecocks (Graduated 1981)Aug 11

How scared will gun owners be if I crush a ball in front of them with a hammer? I want them to fear me when I'm angry.

“I want them to fear me when I'm angry.”
Then you need to crush BOTH your balls: doing just one shows a lack of commitment.

Hansel Bumgarner
Firearms Trainer, Capt USMCR ‘80-‘94 USMC Aviator Upvoted by
Bill Caffrey
, Forty years of firearms experience; student of the gun.Jun 23
What would gun owners get in return if they give up their rights to own a gun?


Lisa Navis
Former Medical Review SpecialistAug 1

How many gun owners will be scared of me if I recruit 18-year-old men and mobilize them to take away all guns? I will arm my men with shields and tough armor.

So you're planning to send a bunch of kids out to commit felony larceny of firearms on your behalf who will likely be shot and killed in the attempt, making you guilty of murder in some states, and have admitted your complicity and guilt on a public forum in advance but you think that should scare gun owners? You're not the brightest crayon in the box, are you bud?

C Kado
Upvoted by
Denny Davis
, Have owned and safely used firearms for over 50 yearsAug 7

What are the chances that a gun owner will drop his gun if I come towards him with a flamethrower?

110% chance of them dropping all of their bullets right into your ass
There will only be one hit,you hitting the ground,since the ambulance isnt going to rush to pick up a dead body
And I aint even pro gun,Im just anti idiot

What would make you consider buying a gun?







Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Recently an illegal attacked people in Las Vegas with a knife. Two died and I believe four are in the hospital and screwballs in DC have a desire to take our guns. That would leave us literally vulnerable to anyone, they could enter our homes, assault us on the streets, take advantage of our women and children and whatever else is valuable.
Now, more than any time in my life we need a means to protect our loved ones, these are dangerous times not for the faint hearted.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Subscribe to pro second amendment, pro life, and channels about fracing and you can amuse yourself for days on end.
I'm just wondering how and or why I am getting these emails? I don't subscribe to Quora, in fact, I consider it one of the stupidest websites I've seen. A 12 year old girl can get on it and explain in great detail how to install a 240V receptacle for a dryer. She even went into detail which leg was positive and which was negative. A group of electricians pointed out she was going to kill someone if she wasn't reined in and that took about a month before it was removed.


Special Hen
Jan 27, 2009
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under the rock
I'm just wondering how and or why I am getting these emails? I don't subscribe to Quora, in fact, I consider it one of the stupidest websites I've seen. A 12 year old girl can get on it and explain in great detail how to install a 240V receptacle for a dryer. She even went into detail which leg was positive and which was negative. A group of electricians pointed out she was going to kill someone if she wasn't reined in and that took about a month before it was removed.
She was trying to overcome warning labels and help Darwin along.

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