Ron Paul Slams Murdered U.S. Sniper Chris Kyle

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
You know, I really hate it when an elected (or otherwise) official "clarifies" their previous nonsense statements. Why don't they just come out and do the right thing and APOLOGIZE?

Now, if RP had first apologized and then "clarified" his statement, I might buy into it.....

....until I remembered that he was simply trying to cover his b*tt.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Sometimes we speak quickly from our emotions and don't allow our words to be held back until we can better shape them. Dr. Paul was guilty of that in this instance.

I am pretty sure he understands his error.

It was a stupid thing coming from emotion about the tragedy.

After receiving some criticism on Twitter, Paul, 77, later clarified his comment on Facebook, posing Kyle’s death as an unintended consequence of “unconstitutional and unnecessary wars.” On Monday evening, Paul posted the following note:
As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend’s violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies. -REP
Paul has vocally opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as unwarranted and unconstitutional. In his two recent presidential runs, Paul warned repeatedly of the consequences of America’s wars and global military presence, citing the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as blowback from U.S. foreign intervention.

If he had said only the bold, and then followed up with, " I apologize for my previous statement, it was uncalled for while we are mourning the death of an American hero", then I would have respected his stance.
But no, he has to go off on a tangent relating this attack to illegal wars this and 9/11 that. It is unbelievable to me that any body would defend the timing of his statements. It's o.k. guys, sometimes your guy makes mistakes, he isn't Jesus after all.
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May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
It's all about blowback and unintended consequences of waging endless war around the globe. Sometimes the doctor has to tell us things we don't want to hear. Ron Paul was booed for saying the United States should follow the Golden Rule, so it's no surprise that what he said here is another example of what endless undeclared and unconstitutional wars can do and how most people believe that Dr. Paul would intend to personally offend a fellow service member.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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It's all about blowback and unintended consequences of waging endless war around the globe. Sometimes the doctor has to tell us things we don't want to hear. Ron Paul was booed for saying the United States should follow the Golden Rule, so it's no surprise that what he said here is another example of what endless undeclared and unconstitutional wars can do and how most people believe that Dr. Paul would intend to personally offend a fellow service member.

Ron Paul was out of line using the death of Chris Kyle to further Ron Paul's myopic view of the world. The fact is, regardless of whether the war was unconstitutional or not has no bearing as to the fruits which will come to bear as a result. In other words, why does RP believe that if our "illegal" wars some how legal, then Chris Kyle would be alive today? What difference does it make?
It doesnt.

Personally, I like some of the stuff RP has to say, and I will defend it as good policy. But some of it is bat$#it crazy, and will serve our enemies. Whether or not he intended to insult anybody is not the issue. The fact is he did; a lot of people, and instead of addressing that he continued the old crap he has been known to espouse. Like I said before, an explaination isnt necessary, we know what he thinks. An apology is what is needed.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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Ron Paul was out of line using the death of Chris Kyle to further Ron Paul's myopic view of the world. The fact is, regardless of whether the war was unconstitutional or not has no bearing as to the fruits which will come to bear as a result. In other words, why does RP believe that if our "illegal" wars some how legal, then Chris Kyle would be alive today? What difference does it make?
It doesnt.

Personally, I like some of the stuff RP has to say, and I will defend it as good policy. But some of it is bat$#it crazy, and will serve our enemies. Whether or not he intended to insult anybody is not the issue. The fact is he did; a lot of people, and instead of addressing that he continued the old crap he has been known to espouse. Like I said before, an explaination isnt necessary, we know what he thinks. An apology is what is needed.

Exactly, those giving Paul a pass would have been all over this if Obama or Biden had done the exact same thing.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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RP is and always has been a nutjob. The problem is that he has a cult following that tend to believe everything that he says, even when shifting the blame for his mistakes.

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