Self- inflicted ?

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Special Hen
Feb 29, 2008
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Saw this on another forum .....Thoughts ?

"I am afraid a lot of what we are facing now, is somewhat self-inflicted. If you look at the advertising for most of the products we, as gun consumers buy,it is all about faster reloading time, higher capacities, more stopping power, conceal-ability, "it's what our troops use" etc.,etc. Those who wish to rescind or remove our 2A rights see this and it scares them out of their minds. I enjoy watching outdoor TV programming, but lately more of the programming is geared toward "tactical" training and procedures. I know a lot of this is aimed at LEO and competitive shooting sports, but I am afraid many" non gun people" see this programming and advertising and are again, scared out of their minds.

I will be the first to tell you that I am guilty of buying the products and watching the programming,(I even sometimes wear the goofy pants with the big pockets on the sides),but I really feel that we as responsible gun owners need to be especially cautious and sensitive to the image we project. I believe the number of responsible gun owners far out numbers the anti gunners, but the outcome of this fight will be decided by the non committed folks in the middle. If we scare them away, our cause is lost forever.

Just some rambling thoughts. "

I'm sorry, that seems to me a lot like saying that a girl who was raped brought it on herself because of how she dressed.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Now how does this apply to 1st Amendment Rights? i.e. Should we be saying enjoy free speech and freedom of the press but don't say anything controversial or that will rock someone else's boat? I am not trying to mock what was posted - I am trying to point out the practical difficulties, and maybe the danger, of the idea being discussed.

Frankly, Freedom of religion is already being impinged upon in the same way as the Right to Keep and Bear arms. People are being told "worship as you wish but don't let it affect anything you do and no there will be no provisions to keep you from being forced to violate your own conscience".

I'm not sure if we are becoming less tolerant or if this is just the usual back-and-forth of a republican form of government.

1st amendment rights prevent the Government from arresting you for saying unpopular things in a public forum. They don't prevent social consequences that may arise from saying unpopular things. Why is this not something that more people understand?

Back to the OP... This can cut both ways. How many people have been attracted to the shooting hobby because of the same "tacticool" factor that you say is scaring the carp out of certain people? The more popular that guns have become, the more people actually find their way to a gun range and pick up a firearm. As we all know, that is the only way to cure an anti, is to put a gun in their hand.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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I don't think many anti's even see firearms commercials and advertisements. The only channels I have seen the commercials on is the Outdoor channel and the Sportsman channel. Limp wristed liberals don't watch those channels. I guess there has been that Henry lever action commercial on History but that is hardly tacticool. Although, I guess Henry rifles are now banned weapons in NY.

I'm with franko. Guess we were just too damned sexy for our own good.


Formerly SirROFL
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 4, 2009
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"I know a lot of this is aimed at LEO and competitive shooting sports, but I am afraid many" non gun people" see this programming and advertising and are again, scared out of their minds."

The problem is that people are still stuck in the Matrix world of words, and actually believe that the government is the only one who should have the power to fight.

PROTIP: The government is just people with guns in colored uniforms who take your money by force. REGULAR PEOPLE have MORE of a right to be combat ready and capable than the government does.

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