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Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
December 17th 2004
Location; Bayji Iraq MSR Hershy
Time; 07:15
Type attack; VBIED
Vehicles involved; Primary target Casspir, All vehicles, except lead security, were damaged.
Personnel injured; 2
Inroute to our work site our convoy was attacked by a VBIED(Chevy Suburban late 1970's model) painted to resemble a taxi(solid white with Safety Orange front an rear quarter panels). Vehicle was parked on side of roadway pointed in the opposite direction. Vehicle was cleared by lead security vehicle, when we were almost beside him, the operator of the VBIED hit the gas an drove the SUV under our Casspir(Smiling the whole time). As the driver of the Casspir I attempted to swerve away from the VBIED. As soon as I turned the wheel the VBIED detonated, launching our 16 ton vehicle end over end, landing on its side facing the opposite direction. "Wild" Bill Boyce received a concussion from the blast/over pressure. I received a flash burn on the left side of my face, laceration of my chin, was knocked out for about five minutes, and unknown to me at the time, I had C4 through C7 all compression fractures, and pulled damage to my Ulnar nerve.

This shows how large the Casspir is next to a up-armored Hummer.

Blast site.

Where the Casspir stopped moving.

Its tough looking at these pic's as I have no memory of them being taken.

Flash burn from the VBIED. It was later determined that the SUV had over 1000lbs of explosive's in the bed of her.

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