SWAT guns down US Marine in home

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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
It seems like all OSA is becoming lately is a forum for people to bash cops and complain about laws and law enforcement practices.

No, we are pretty much and equal opportunity bashing forum....If you act like a dumb-ass you'll hear it whether you are a LEO, military, politician or just a private citizen. Nobody gets a pass...that's how it needs to be.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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"well they sealed the records they must be hiding something..." Thats conspiracy theorist bull crap.
I looked for this and couldn't find it in his post. It appears you made this up to straw man the person you quoted.

I wonder if anyone here has even entertained the ideal that the cops shot a bad guy and were justified in doing so....Just because this guy was a Marine doesn't mean he cant be a drug dealing dirt sack.
How would this situation be ideal? That's a horrible thing to say. The police found no evidence of wrongdoing on his behalf, does that still make him a drug dealing dirt sack?

"He didn't get medical attention for one hour".....He had 71 holes in him...the man was dead right there no medical attention warranted.
Nobody said he had 71 holes in him. Reports indicate that the police fired 71 times.

It seems like all OSA is becoming lately is a forum for people to bash cops and complain about laws and law enforcement practices.
People bash individual incidents. If all you see is cop bashing, maybe you should read some of the other threads in the forums. Posts related to police activity are an abysmally small percentage of the overall volume here.


Jan 19, 2007
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Yes the facts will come out and the public will find out what truly happened. And as for you comment about those guys not caring what the public thought...they would not be there cleaning up the street if they didn't care about the public..."well they sealed the records they must be hiding something..." Thats conspiracy theorist bull crap. There are many very good reasons to seal records. Perhaps its an ongoing investigation and the records contain information that would endanger witnesses, informants, ext.... also it is common practice to seal records while an investigation is conducted into any possible wrongdoing.

I wonder if anyone here has even entertained the ideal that the cops shot a bad guy and were justified in doing so....Just because this guy was a Marine doesn't mean he cant be a drug dealing dirt sack.

"He didn't get medical attention for one hour".....He had 71 holes in him...the man was dead right there no medical attention warranted.

It seems like all OSA is becoming lately is a forum for people to bash cops and complain about laws and law enforcement practices.

I'm no police officer but I play one on Grand Theft Auto sometimes. The question here is why even put people in harms way for "drugs and money" charges? This guy had a job, and it sounds like it worked like every other joe out there. Why put all these people's lives in danger? I haven't read anything that paints this guy as a the type who would put his life on the line so he wouldn't go jail.

I dunno, to me, it just seems unnecessary. But I've been wrong before. Ask my wife.


Special Hen
Jun 22, 2008
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The Pima County Sheriff's Department must explain the circumstances that led to SWAT officers firing 71 bullets at a former Marine inside his house while serving a search warrant.

The man, Jose Guerena, was hit 60 times and died while medics were kept outside and his wife pleaded with 911 dispatchers for help.

The wall of silence put up by the Sheriff's Department is alarming. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has refused to answer questions about the May 5 shooting.

A department spokesman told the Star's Fernanda Echavarri that no comment will be forthcoming until an investigation is complete - but the public has not been given any idea of when that will be.

What's more, the court documents that explain what officers were looking for at Guerena's home, or in three nearby homes that were also part of a drug investigation, have been sealed. Documents detailing what was seized as evidence have also been made secret.

Echavarri's reporting has unearthed details from the 911 call Guerena's wife, Vanessa, made while she and their young son were hiding in the closet. She has said she saw a man at the window on the morning of May 5 and heard noises outside.

She woke her husband, who was asleep after working the graveyard shift at his mining job.

He grabbed his AR-15 rifle, told his wife and child to hide and went into the kitchen, where he was shot in the stomach and hands, according to what a doctor told the family.

Deputies first said Jose Guerena fired at officers but later said he kept the gun safety on and never pulled the trigger.

Vanessa Guerena was on the line with 911 dispatchers for about five minutes pleading for someone to send help because her husband had been shot. She told them she didn't know what was going on, only that "a bunch of people" entered the house and shot him.

The public that depends on the Pima County Sheriff's Department for law enforcement and underwrites the department with tax dollars - not to mention the Guerena family - should know the answers to basic questions:

• What were SWAT officers looking for with the search warrant?

• Did they find anything illegal?

• Why did it take so long - about four minutes - for 911 dispatchers to figure out if Guerena's address was on the list of search warrants being served that morning?

• Why did officers shoot at Guerena, who had not fired his gun, 71 times?

• Why were emergency medical personnel kept out of the home for approximately an hour, even though his wife was pleading for help? Guerena was dead when they were finally allowed in.

• Why were search warrants sealed after the shooting, and was that done according to legal procedures?

It's easy to second-guess actions taken in a split second. But a man was killed at the hand of law enforcement officers and the circumstances surrounding the shooting raise serious questions about what happened.

Dupnik and the Sheriff's Department have much to answer, and the community is waiting.

Arizona Daily Star

I find it hard to believe that someone hit 60 times, didn't die very quickly......


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Isn't Dupnick the same guy who rushed to politicize the Tucson shootings? Class act that guy.

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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Wouldn't it be hard put 60 bullets in someone before they hit the ground?

Does anyone know that he was SHOT sixty times and not shot AT?

I do not and I doubt anyone here knows for certain.

Typically the ME's report on shootings won't even claim a certain number of hits and is left to the investigative agency or speculation based upon the ME report due to the damage projectiles sometimes create.

The reports I have seen point out entry and exit wounds although those are frequently duplications i.e. a single bullet striking two limbs and the torso.

I believe that any tabulation of the number of stikes in this incident is nothing but unbridled speculation.

Either way, I have read enough of your posts over the years to know that you are an intelligent individual; Intelligent enough to know that your post is simply inflammatory and not legitimate discussion.

Post according to the recommendations earlier in this thread if you desire to continue here.

Michael Brown


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Wouldn't it be hard put 60 bullets in someone before they hit the ground?

Not if you are already on the ground in a prone firing position and pointing a rifle at me...I will keep pulling the trigger until you are pink mist or I run out of ammunition.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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• Why did officers shoot at Guerena, who had not fired his gun, 71 times?

Well, in defense of the officers immediately serving the warrant, I think the answer to this one is pretty clear:

He grabbed his AR-15 rifle, told his wife and child to hide and went into the kitchen, where he was shot in the stomach and hands,

I mean, I'll bite that I think the overarching strategy and approach we take against drugs in this country is absurd and needs reformed. But I certainly would not expect the officers to have acted any differently when faced with an armed suspect.

It's just unfortunate that they were put in this situation which appears to have been a misunderstanding with a very tragic result ("misunderstanding" assumes that the decedent was not involved in the narco-trafficking that is being alleged and reason for the warrant).
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