The Last Rebels: 25 Things We Did As Kids That Would Get Someone Arrested Today

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DA 20

Special Hen
May 15, 2009
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Bartlesville, OK
This has been around a while, but still brings a smile.

With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30 survived our childhoods.

Here’s the problem with all of this babying: it creates a society of weenies.
There won’t be more more rebels because this generation has been frightened into submission and apathy through a deliberately orchestrated culture of fear. No one will have faced adventure and lived to greatly embroider the story.

Kids are brainwashed – yes, brainwashed – into believing that the mere thought of a gun means you’re a psychotic killer waiting for a place to rampage.

They are terrified to do anything when they aren’t wrapped up with helmets, knee pads, wrist guards, and other protective gear.

Parents can’t let them go out and be independent or they’re charged with neglect and the children are taken away.

Woe betide any teen who uses a tool like a pocket knife, or heck, even a table knife to cut meat.

Lighting their own fire? Good grief, those parents must either not care of their child is disfigured by 3rd-degree burns over 90% of his body or they’re purposely nurturing a little arsonist.

Heaven forbid that a child describe another child as “black” or, for that matter, refer to others as girls or boys. No actual descriptors can be used for the fear of “offending” that person, and “offending” someone is incredibly high on the hierarchy of Things Never To Do.

“Free range parenting” is all but illegal and childhood is a completely different experience these days.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
Our baby is 31 now. All four of our kids survived. The odd thing is this, each of our four has two kids. OK, I'll do the math for you...we have 8 grand kids. Ages are 6 years down to 18 months. Well here's the rub. The 5 year old grand baby boy is in kindergarten. Last week a little girl in the class said he poked her with something. The teacher didn't find the something and didn't find any marks on the little girl. But on the accusation, the offender was sent to another kindergarten class for punishment. Why the other class? Well, the principle was not in his office. Guess what, there's more. Our daughter and son-in-law have to go meet with the teacher and the principle to discuss the future of the families worst offender. Last time I was around a bunch of 5 year old kids, like the last birthday party for our grand kids. Every one of the 15 or so kids there were poking each other constantly. Isn't that what 5 year old kids do? It is amazing that our little 5 year old grandson has become such a problem.

120 Acres

Special Hen
Sep 23, 2013
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Mom used to clip our hair once a month or so with the buzz shears. She would give us a mohawk on Saturday morning so we could play cowboys and indians all weekend with the other kids around. Then Sunday night finish the rest of the cut before we hit the tub.


Special Hen
Jul 13, 2013
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collinsville ok
Did them all plus more.
Heck I remember being able to take a .22 on the school bus so I could drop it off at a buddies house in order to go squirrel hunting with him that upcoming weekend. Welding shop, where we made objects of mayhem and destruction.
School didn't put you into another class.....they busted your tail if you deserved it instead of molly coddling with time outs etc.
My cousins and I would grab our .22's, knife, fishing pole and axe, head to the Arkansas river first thing in the morning and never leave till we had to be home at dark. Don't know that my parents ever came looking for us, I'm sure they worried.
Same thing when I went into the big city (Ponca City) to stay with them. Jumped on bikes, rode all over town, walked to the north end of town to go roller skating.


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Did them all plus more.
Heck I remember being able to take a .22 on the school bus so I could drop it off at a buddies house in order to go squirrel hunting with him that upcoming weekend. Welding shop, where we made objects of mayhem and destruction.
School didn't put you into another class.....they busted your tail if you deserved it instead of molly coddling with time outs etc.
I probably filled up a whole paddle myself from signing it every time I was given a swat at school. Lol. Luckily my sons school still does it. The same school I went to for 9 years. I really feel bad for my son having to grow up in this pathetic time we live in. I always talk about when I was a kid to him and my 13 year old niece and they always say they wished they could be my age so they could have grown up then. Even music sucks today. Thank the lord for satellite radio and 80's on 8!!


Special Hen
Apr 11, 2009
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not available
stole the principals paddle once,took it to shop class and carefully cut it so that it would break when he used it. for punishment he made me make him a new one. i made it about five feet long and made a hole about three inches in diameter near the end and in red marker i wrote STINGER around the hole. he hung it on his wall to scare the freshmen with. once he came to class to ask if he could borrow my 22 rifle out of my truck to shoot a skunk or something. i said sure but be sure to unload it when you are finished. he was a WWII vet that had walked across europe."like i needed to tell him how to shoot my 22" sure. we didn't have bully's either because our big sisters would beat the **** out of them before they were old enough to develop any bad habits. nothing quite as humiliating as having someones sister beat the hell out of you. things just had a way of working out.

Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
When I was a kid (around 14-15) on Fridays after school, I used to put on my camo fatigues and take a .22 rifle, my Rambo knife, a few cans of Vienna sausages, a couple of canteens of water, a mess kit, a sleeping bag and a Bic lighter to a creek that ran behind our place. I would cut some wood, build a small shelter, shoot a squirrel or two, build a fire and practically stay there all weekend until around dusk on Sunday. Mom and dad knew where I was and didn't worry.

I can also remember many, many times when I turned 16, having a shotgun in my truck on "bird days" (remember those?) so I could go quail hunting after school.

My principal would park a space or so down from me, walk up to me and say, "hey, lemme see that shotgun."

I would hand him the shotgun, he'd look it over, nod in approval and then say, "hmmm..." He would then hand it back to me, walk back to his car, produce his shotgun and say, "here! Give mine a look!"

He also carried a pocket knife just like ALL of us did back then and he even dipped snuff on the baseball diamond and didn't say a thing to us whenever we did as well.

I can even remember one time when a bunch of us boys were out in the gym and we found a paddle in the coach's office. Me and another guy wrestled around with it for a while, when the coach (who was also said principal) came in and saw us. He said, "hey, why don't you two just trade licks with that thing since y'all are having such a good time with it?"

So we did.

If parents today caught word of shenanigans like that, hell, they'd close the school, me and my buddy would be in therapy and the coach/principal would be brought up on child endangerment charges by a grand jury!

I miss the good ol' days. :cry3:

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