Turkey Madness!!

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Special Hen
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Earlier in the week I went out with some buddies and managed to get this bird. 1 inch spurs and 8 3/4 inch beard. Used the Jake Intimidator from Countrymen Innovations and that decoy is the only reason we got this bird.


Fast forward to Saturday night. I took my wife to a different property north instead of south (different county). She has never killed a turkey or even seen one in the wild. We drive by the place and see several birds in the field so it is on. We put in a good walk and sneak in close to the birds, when I peak into the field they are gone!! So I give them a few clucks and a soft cut and they thunder 70 yards away in the timber, I quickly set up a decoy and got her positioned. Managed to get 3 birds in to 10 yard but her gun would not fire!! Talk about bummed but at the same time it was a lot of fun because they really gobbled good.
So we went back this morning after I gave that gun a good cleaning. We set up in the wheat close to where I thought they were roosted. A couple of deer winded us and when they blew the Gobblers thundered!!! We sat there for 30 minutes listening to the gobblers and hens talking in the roost, then she heard them fly down. They moved to our west not in the field and I would call occasionally with no luck. Just about to pull of the decoys and she said she heard them closer (her hearing is much better than mine lol) So I sat back down and called a bit more.....got a gobble, called again a bit more aggressively nothing. Gave it a few minutes and called GOBBLE, gave them another round and double gobble then the hens they were with lit up and these three birds were double triple and quadruple gobbling!!! It sounded like someone dropped a turkey bomb. I told her to get ready and I laid into them with the call, looked down to the end of the field and I can see a red head. Well as soon as they stepped in the open they spotted my double hen and gobbler set. The 3 gobblers came running in full strut along with about 10 hens to a distance of 15 yard and gobbled at the decoy gobbler. I told her to kill the left one and we smacked a DOUBLE!!! The birds turned out to be Jakes but it was her first bird and I was so freaking pumped. Sorry for the wall of text but what a day!!!


Best turkey hunt I have been on and this is how to end it right here!!


Special Hen
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Nice story and congrats to you and your wife! I went out saturday to try to help get a friend of mine a bird, but no luck. I did get to hear the sound of a Tom actually getting him some strange! Never heard a hen squeal like that! haha

Oh and that last picture is really cool!

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