White Adjacent - I guess there are degrees of whiteness

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Oct 27, 2012
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Since Obama came into being in OUR Oval Office we have had nothing but strife and division in nearly every aspect of our society. Do I blame him? Sure I do, he encouraged demonstrating and resistance and said, "put on your marching shoes" and the cops that stopped a Black university professor from entering his home were racist and led to the "Rose Garden Beer Fest." He got involved in selective events in this country like Treyvon Martin and took it personally upon himself to defend Martin when it was within his purview as president to do so. He entertained BLM and lauded them as being legitimate which emboldened and encouraged them and look at what we have now. He disliked Whites even though he was part White and he took the Black side and between he, Holder, VanHorn, Rice and others virtually and literally ignored the US Constitution in his regulations that hurt the workers of this country. His far-left appointees literally changed the culture as well as the curriculum of our schools-which worked on the young minds of our children by instituting Common Core and the "pillars of Islam" which is said to come from the School Board-they set the curriculum of study. Islam is a religion and there is a separation of church and state but woe be the classroom teacher that even mentions the Bible- but islam is acceptable? And in campaigning, Biden feels that islam should be taught in our schools". He is a lawyer and has been in Washington politics since 1973 and hasn't learned the law yet! am angry because both sides of congress has allowed our country to deteriorate, we cannot even walk our streets in the business districts of some cities without being attacked because we are the "undesirables" which is perpetuated by the media. Our society is seriously sick and on life support in certain cities.
Mandatory Islam Instruction in Georgia Schools Outrages ...

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