Wisconsin protest, a sign of things to come?

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Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
The Gubnor just blinked.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has offered to keep certain collective bargaining rights in place for state workers in a proposed compromise aimed at ending a nearly three-week standoff with absent Senate Democrats, according to e-mails released Tuesday by his office.

The e-mails, some dated as recently as Sunday, show a softened stance in Walker's talks with the 14 Democrats who fled to Illinois to block a vote on his original proposal that would strip nearly all collective bargaining rights for public workers and force concessions amounting to an average 8 percent pay cut.

Under the compromise floated by Walker and detailed in the e-mails, workers would be able to continue bargaining over their salaries with no limit, a change from his original plan that banned negotiated salary increases beyond inflation. He also proposed compromises allowing collective bargaining to stay in place on mandatory overtime, performance bonuses, hazardous duty pay and classroom size for teachers.

Increased contributions for health insurance and pension, projected to save the state $330 million by mid-2013, would remain. The unions and Democrats have agreed to those concessions to help balance a projected $3.6 billion budget shortfall.

Sen. Bob Jauch, one of the 14 AWOL Democrats, said he hoped the compromise would serve as a blueprint for future negotiations. But he and Sen. Tim Cullen, who were both working with Walker's administration, said the latest offer was inadequate.

The e-mails show that Jauch had wanted even more items to be subject to bargaining that Walker seeks to eliminate, including sick leave and vacation pay.

"I consider the lines of communication still open," Cullen said Tuesday. "Whether there's going to be any communicating, remains to be seen. These things ebb and flow."

Walker has repeatedly said that he would not budge on the key parts of the bill that's been stymied in the Senate after Democrats left 19 days ago. Since then, the pressure to deal has increased as protests reached as large as 80,000 people, polls show the public want a compromise and recall efforts were launched against 16 senators, including eight Republicans.

Some of the items in Walker's compromise plan could only be bargained if both sides agree to take them up. Workplace safety would be subjected to bargaining regardless.

Walker also proposed allowing collective bargaining agreements to last up to two years, instead of the one-year limit in his original proposal. Unions would only have to vote to remain in existence every three years, instead of annually as Walker initially proposed.

Additionally, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority employees would not lose all union bargaining rights and the Legislature's budget committee would have to vote to approve any changes to Medicaid programs sought by Walker's administration. Under the original bill, the Department of Health Services could make cuts and other changes to programs benefiting the poor, elderly and disabled without requiring a hearing or vote by the legislative committee.

Senate Republicans spent hours going over the compromise plan Tuesday morning in a closed-door meeting, Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said. He acknowledged that pressure was increasing on the senators, saying the recall efforts launched against eight Republicans was "on everybody's minds."

"Everybody's obviously receiving a lot of pressure," Fitzgerald said. "I had people on my front porch before I left this morning."

He didn't say whether Senate Republicans agreed with the concessions Walker proposed on Sunday said support for the underlying bill remained strong.

"We're rock solid, we're fine," he said.


JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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What a revoltin development. :Heya:

It sure exposed the lie about it being about the budget tho. :D

Screw the working man. Actually, they have screwed themselves by drinking the Kool Aid of Big Business and believing that their interests are one in the same with that of their would be Corporate Overlords.

Talk about time to wake up.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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What a revoltin development. :Heya:

It sure exposed the lie about it being about the budget tho. :D

Nope, because if the Fleebaggers ever come back to work, they can pass the rest of the bill.

Because of the way their laws are written they have to have a set number to pass any bills that mention funding, by splitting the bill they passed the part that did not mention money and now the Dems will probably come back so they can get back to work instead of holding up the entire state.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 23, 2005
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Maybe if those dumbocrats had stayed in the state instead of hijacking democracy and running way like a bunch of little cry babies then maybe the outcome would have been a little different for them. Ain't got no right to complain about it with what they did.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
Screw the working man. Actually, they have screwed themselves by drinking the Kool Aid of Big Business and believing that their interests are one in the same with that of their would be Corporate Overlords.

Talk about time to wake up.
Big party at David Koch's house tonight.

My invitation was lost in the mail though. :bah:


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I love how the left is trying to use the Koch brothers as a boogyman in this, but truth of the matter is they had little to nothing to do with it. Same as the lefties whining about Big Business when this is a problem between state government and Big Labor, but if the left admits that then they have to admit they are still trying to use class warfare to split us.

On a related note:

As the labor dispute continues in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee teachers union has dropped a lawsuit seeking to get back its taxpayer-funded Viagra.

Last July, the union sued to force the school board to once again include erectile dysfunction drugs in its insurance plans. It said excluding such medications discriminates against male employees.

The board cut the benefit back in 2005 to save money. Officials estimate taxpayers would be on the hook for almost $800,000 if the pills were put back into health plans.

Of the anti-climactic lawsuit, The Washington Post writes -- quote -- "Who knows how many man-hours and dollars the school district and the union wasted... These are ills you can't treat with a pill."

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