quick point of order...courtesy on the road

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Zaphod Beeblebrox

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Sep 18, 2008
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C'ville, America
I've given up on my fellow driver. Seems every woman and an increasingly large percentage of dudes think the rearview is only useful for applying mascara.

Yes, I am the guy who just passed you in the right lane; that whistling sound is called a turbocharger.

Oh, and in before some self-appointed speed Nazi talks about me putting his life at risk because he is going the speed limit, and I should be too, and he has been driving for three and a half centuries, and blah blah blah, when in truth, if he would pull his head out of his butt and move over, I would be only a fading memory.

And no, I don't drive like some Fast and Furious wanker. Actually, I go pretty close to the speed limit.


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Jun 13, 2005
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LOL left lane campers, the driver who has to speed up to pass you, then cut in front of you only to exit that could have easly made by staying behind you but no that 3 seconds is so very important, lets not forget that most drives have no comprehension of the word YIELD, when present at on ramps, yes they are there, open your eyes.
I could go on, but wont..


Feb 17, 2010
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Broken Arrow
In my experience , it's not that they are camping that pisses me off, but that they pull along side another car and match speed. So you literally are stuck riding behind these two under speed limit jack. Holes for 30 miles while the akwardly pace next to each other.

I could care less if they are slow boating in one lane, so long as I have a lane to get around em.

What really floors me is the throttle jocky, they are going 10-15 under the speed limit, then when you pass em they speed up, and in moat cases will play leap frog with you. It's 2012 I'm pretty sure your 4 yea old car has cruise control, learn to press the freaking button!


Distinguished 1998
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Dec 4, 2008
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Midwest City
I usually complain about Okie drivers but this past weekend in Dallas truly made me appreciate how good we have it. The level of stupid I observed on a continual basis was beyond belief!


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
So, let me stir the pot....

When I paid my Oklahoma taxes, I specifically designated that my share going to the road building and repair was to go towards the left hand lane, so I'm staking out a claim on that lane. In addition, I have a tendency to be driving at least 5 to 10 miles over the speed limit in that left lane, so if you are wanting to pass me, you are speeding. Seek out the nearest LEO and surrender yourself for a ticket.

Those of you that tend to get into the lane you will need 15 miles away need to learn to drive city streets and county roads so as not to impair my ability to get from point A to point B using the above mentioned speed.

While I'm at it, those ladies out there that are H-A-W-T need to be driving while wearing bikinis. I drive an F450 and should I want to check out your seat covers, at least adorn those seat covers appropriately.

Those "studs" driving a pickup with those falsie testicles hanging down from the rear bumper need to remove them. I'll guarantee that someone, somewhere, is either a much bigger guy or driving a much bigger truck than you are. Get some real confidence instead of trying to impress the rest of us.

Seriously though, I pretty much have to agree with the majority of the posters above, especially the one that spoke of driving in Dallas. I am a former professional driver with experience with bobtails, 18-wheelers, and just about every other kind of vehicle as well. I avoid Dallas as much as I can. If I don't need to actually go into Dallas (which is extremely rare), I'll gladly drive extra miles to drive around it.

Oh, and in spite of having been a professional driver before, I still miss seeing an occasional stop sign. (Maybe those H-A-W-T ladies SHOULDN'T wear bikinis.)


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Jan 12, 2007
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I've seen it all, but one really got to me the other day. Anyone who lives North of Tulsa on Hwy 169 will appreciate this one.

Traffic has been insane on Hwy 169 North lately due to bridge repairs. I work at the airport, so I had been taking Mingo to 56th St. N. before getting on 169. That on ramp was designed by the person who finished dead last in their civil engineering program. Short, steep up grade, almost no merge lane to speak of before hitting a 2 lane bridge over Bird Creek with no shoulder. You either get the merge right or you come to a dead stop and wait forever for a break large enough to go from zero to seventy in about 200 feet.

So I hit the bottom of the on ramp and crank my head around to gauge the traffic. Nice, wide opening in the slow lane, but it's closing rapidly. So, 342hp and 8 speed transmission, here we go! Before even cresting the top of the grade, I'm doing 70. I pull smoothly into the slow lane and the wide berth, at the exact same time some stupid cow pulls into the slow lane doing 80 in an attempt to pass on the right. She flies right up on my bumper before slamming on her brakes and tailgating me for the next 1/4 mile, while acting indignant that I had the NERVE to get in her way. As she finally passed me on the left, she really got ticked when I waved at her!

Courtesy indeed! :D


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 31, 2009
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Central OK

Those "studs" driving a pickup with those falsie testicles hanging down from the rear bumper need to remove them. I'll guarantee that someone, somewhere, is either a much bigger guy or driving a much bigger truck than you are. Get some real confidence instead of trying to impress the rest of us.

Seriously though, I pretty much have to agree with the majority of the posters above, especially the one that spoke of driving in Dallas. I am a former professional driver with experience with bobtails, 18-wheelers, and just about every other kind of vehicle as well. I avoid Dallas as much as I can. If I don't need to actually go into Dallas (which is extremely rare), I'll gladly drive extra miles to drive around it.

^^^^^^ every time my wife sees those hanging on the trailer hitch, she has to make a comment. And I am lmao....

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