NBC Admitted: No ‘Assault Rifle’ Used in Newtown Shooting

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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2. They reported that Lanza's mother was a teacher in the school.

Even the school nurse, a 15-year employee told an interviewer that she knew Lanza's mother and that she was a great Kindergarten teacher. Nancy Lanza wasn't even a teacher at all.

I think that there were at least 3 postings on the OSA forums about the Alex Jones/InfoWars video about "all the facts." And, Jones is one of those that STILL thinks that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by the government.

Boy, you're getting a lot of mileage out of that one, huh? IIRC, there was one post that had a video that was comprised of many videos taken from youtube - one of which was an Infowars clip, and you blamed the whole video on Alex Jones. You really have a mean-on for him for some reason. And yes - everyone knows that two planes can hit two buildings, and it's logical for a third to fall for the hell of it.:wink2: But this is about the Sandy Hook shooting; let's try to stay on topic.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 18, 2008
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I'm not sure what people are trying to prove with the idea that a semi-automatic rifle wasn't used in these murders.
If that evil bastard used only handguns or a shot gun, does that help anybody's feelings any? Those kids are still dead.
Should the cretins ban pistols and shotguns instead of "assault rifles"?
Serious question.

What are you trying to prove?

Trying to show the bias in the liberal media. Say anything 3 time on TV, no matter if it's truthful or not and it becomes the truth. By simply standing by and not speaking up for the truth, we actually become part of the problem.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
No one anywhere, no one at all, is arguing that the killing of the children wasn't horrible - so let's drop that line of discussion.
However, what has very obviously and demonstrably happened is that since, we were told, the weapon of choice in Newtown was an "assault rifle" it has gained a special stigma and has become the focus for a wedge into gun control. Right now the antis are getting a whole lot more traction out of the "we just want to ban assault rifles, not guns in general" argument than they otherwise would be able to gain with a simple "ban guns" argument.

Likewise, no one here at least is arguing for banning handguns or shotguns, rather the argument is that the weapon is more or less immaterial and really could have been easily replaced. It is the crime and the criminal that matter and that telling law-abiding citizens that they cannot own something because somewhere, sometime a criminal may use it for ill purposes is a silly argument made worse by the fact that the right to possess weapons is a specifically enumerated and protected right.
At least, that's my take.

Why all the attention on the "tool".
It was a seriously mentally ill young man that is to blame.
But yet ALL the talk is about the "tool"
Lets throw a little blame on the movie industry..Not
How about a little blame on video games...Nope
Bad parenting? not really
It was a young man with a mental illness, ban fn mental illness
Why no talk of helping/dealing with the mentally ill.?..it cost's too much , nobody Really knows what to do with them, for them.
Its all quite ridiculous, when the tail wags the dog!

.Oh Yeah, what about the national debt , Yep its kinda moved to the side....On purpose?


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Really???? NBC????? Is anyone really taking that story seriously?

And, who in the world is "Independent Journal Review?"

The day of the shooting, I was in the vicinity of a radio all day long and the news stories kept changing.

1. They couldn't get straight on who the shooter was.
2. They reported that Lanza's mother was a teacher in the school.
3. They reported that she was killed in the school.
4. They reported that his dad in New Jersey had been killed.
5. They reported that other family members in New Jersey were missing.
6. They reported the wrong name, confusing his brother for him.
7. They reported that the individual in handcuffs caught in the woods was his brother.

These two videos even seem contradictory. If I remember right, the shooting occurred in the morning, yet it is dark outside when they find the long gun in the trunk of the car. Is anyone going to tell me it took the police all day to find the time to search that vehicle? The second video speaks of Lanza's mother being a teacher and that he went into her class and started shooting.

For the life of me, I can't figure out how people want to glom onto every conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. I think that there were at least 3 postings on the OSA forums about the Alex Jones/InfoWars video about "all the facts." And, Jones is one of those that STILL thinks that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by the government.

I suspect that the same folks that believe all this crap will pay out the nose for anything that expels bullets.

Get a life, folks. Just because it is on the internet.......

I agree that conspiracy theory is usually just the product of gullibility combined with a strong pre-disposition to believe the worst of one party or the other. However, for some of us this is just a search for facts. If that upsets you, well, I don't really know what to say. Do I trust that the crime reported for NBC is at least trying to determine the facts of the incident - yes, I do. I realize that he is only reporting what his sources say and that can lead to manipulation but that is always true in reporting.
In the IJR case - who cares about that site? To attack the site is actually an ad-hominem argument. The linked report is an actual NBC news report and probably worth considering.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I agree that conspiracy theory is usually just the product of gullibility combined with a strong pre-disposition to believe the worst of one party or the other. However, for some of us this is just a search for facts. If that upsets you, well, I don't really know what to say. Do I trust that the crime reported for NBC is at least trying to determine the facts of the incident - yes, I do. I realize that he is only reporting what his sources say and that can lead to manipulation but that is always true in reporting.
In the IJR case - who cares about that site? To attack the site is actually an ad-hominem argument. The linked report is an actual NBC news report and probably worth considering.

The point is that after the event has been over for weeks or months, and the OFFICIAL voices and reports have been issued, there are still folks unwilling to believe what happened. I'm fully aware that in the rush for news, the reporters tend to take every statement from everyone as gospel and report it. It used to be that the news media made sure to verify with at least a second source for the same bit of information. But, this thread was started long after all the information is in.

As for IJR, I didn't attack the site. I merely questioned as to whom they were. Is it a site that is as credible as NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, or any of the major newspapers? Perhaps you are reading more into my comments than what was written.

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
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question #1--- should news stations; NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, ETC... be fined? i feel that for false or distrusted info given to the people something should be done. do you think that you as a person could go on national TV make false acquisitions, etc... and nothing come of it! something needs to be done so that they (news) do their GD jobs! old school research and find the answers....investigate and ask questions screw those that you are going to burn and burn'em its suppose to be your job to find the answers!

did this just not prove to some sheeple how the media is so mis guided! (probably not)

tonight on Piers Morgan: pistols are bad!

tomorrows gun nut review: Pistol shortages and pistol ammo shortages.

Gunbroker.com: i have -insert evil pistol name here- with 50rnds of ammo $2800.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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I'm getting more and more frustrated with this as time goes one...

While I do not believe the far extreme take on the school shootings being a government conspiracy, I do question why we cannot seem to get real, straight facts out of anyone on this matter.


I just don't get it...

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