Apology to All of You

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Special Hen
Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Takes a stand up guy to put himself out like that. Would to God there were more like you! Hopefully there will be more who will get off the fence of what they think the liberal/progressive agenda is and really look at it and compare it to their own values. One can only hope untill there is no more room for it.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I don't see this as a failure of the democratic party. Instead I see it as an opportunity to see who in the party is not working for the democratic view but for their own anti-2A agenda. I still believe in the core values of the democratic party especially those that put the importance of our poor and middle classes on the same level as our higher classes. This value in particular has been the fundamental failure of the republican party and the reason I changed my affiliation years ago. Unfortunately pro-2A democrats are now put in the position to try and balance their passion for social equality and their passion for the support of the second amendment. It's now clear to me that there are serious and fundamental core faults in both parties. To those democrats or in dependants I say 'don't leave your party...you are the best tool the fight for 2A rights has. The current administration is used to hearing republicans complaining so, all things considered, these pleas don't hold the power of those from inside the democratic party. The current administration has to hear from their own constituents that they DO NOT support this course of action. That's the only thing that's going to sway the decisions to be made in the near future.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.

No need for an apology to me. While I might have not liked some comments in the past, I've never considered you anything but really a stand-up guy. I am 66 years old and remember that my entire family was in the Democratic party, and I changed to become a Republican after I saw that none of the Democratic party presidents/candidates came even close to my philosophies. The last that did was JFK. A great many of my friends are Democrats and they will remain my friends. It is not the Democratic Party that I have an issue with, but I do have a major issue with the leadership of their party. Unfortunately, much of the leadership of that party has elected to run for office and then they began to ignore common sense.

In the same regards, I also have issues with the leadership of the Republican Party. While I am a registered Republican, I am a Christian and a conservative in my heart and mind. I guess I am somewhat like Reagan in that I believe that what we need to do is to reform each party from within. Since both parties have a tendency to work against allowing additional parties from being placed on the ballots, we will have to reform from within until we can start a new party.

As for the Tea Party, from what I saw of that group at the rallies, it was a movement that included both Republicans and Democrats as well as all races/ethnic groups. When we become a country whose parties truly look out for the people instead of trying to gain their own "power," we will have some work to do, starting with our own state Democratic and Republican party organizations.

Kudos for your sentiments, Sir.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Guys and Gals:


This will be my last post about this. It's just that I am ASHAMED of the way I have treated some of you. I hope you will find it possible to forgive me. I was dead wrong and I promise you all that I will do my absolute best to rectify my mistake.

You'll never be able to rectify your mistake, Books. You're mistake is a low hanging fruit out there in the public domain. Rectify your mistake? You have to be kidding.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Secret mission
instead of acting like I care.....

politicians are garbage. If you think falling on one side of the party or the other is better, you need to have your head examined.

back to the real world...

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