I hope you are holding on with both hands!

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Coal is interesting. I read that Soros is investing in it (true or untrue I do not know). But if you believe it is an essential part of our nation's energy supply and that government moves to make it go away are going to be reversed, then it might be a good investment.
At the same time it seems as if nuclear could be laying the foundation to expand. It is as if a deal has been cut behind the scenes to placate the environmentalists into letting it happen. It does need to happen but I assume will require many decades before nuclear begins to replace coal for electrical generation.
All of this is purely speculative stuff. Do your own homework.

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Dec 13, 2012
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Deep in the Creek County woods.
Gosh...I hope China doesn't call in any of their notes for U.S. debt :yikes2:..we will be red faced, because Obongo needs every spare billion he can lay his hands on right now
to send to the Cubans for reparations.

BTW...what is the National debt now...about 18 Trillion?

Increasing the National Debt is a sign of leadership failure-Senator Barack Obama 16 March 2006
I guess its not a failure anymore....


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Careful what energy stocks your looking at. With the new EPA requirements, some of these companies are going to be saddled with an enormous amount of debt. If they are a regulated industry, They might be a tad better because the rate payers have to foot the bill. All that aside, energy will always be here, and its importance will only increase with the population growth. I'd danged sure stay away from alternative energy. TBoon pickins has bailed on wind.

Pickens was never interested in wind; it was a cover for his attempt to establish a water corridor to Dallas. Wind farms just made it easier to use eminent domain than water would have.


Pickens wants to build his electricity transmission facilities on a strip of land 250 feet wide and 250 miles long that starts at his farm in Roberts County, Texas, and terminates in Dallas. Why that particular strip? Because Pickens has been buying up massive water rights from the Ogallala Aquifer and he wants to pipe that water to Dallas at huge profit. Unfortunately, pipeline right-of-way is pretty hard to acquire, so Pickens figured out a way to get some help: he formed a little water district headed by his wife and a friend and then convinced the Texas legislature that water plus wind electricity was a good reason to use its power of eminent domain to hand over the land to him for a song. Wind power wasn't really the motivation for this land snatch, it was just a sweetener for a water deal.

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