Another One Bites the Dust!!!

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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It’s a simple recipe - Don’t get your bread and butter from the same place. And, be respectful of women.

I strongly suspect that some of these guys (maybe half) were lured by the women; and some are entirely innocent. This whole thing is a crock. Wait until they start showing videos of the girls working their stuff and they’ll start a biting the dust, too. I call Quid pro quo for most of it. Sweet, innocent maidens, my ass......

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 20, 2005
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About a week ago, I was asking myself if these harrasment scandals would ever reach the likes of Matt Lauer or Tavis Smiley. It looks like I am batting 500 so far. :wink2: :rollingla :rotflmao:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I strongly suspect that some of these guys (maybe half) were lured by the women; and some are entirely innocent. This whole thing is a crock. Wait until they start showing videos of the girls working their stuff and they’ll start a biting the dust, too. I call Quid pro quo for most of it. Sweet, innocent maidens, my ass......

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I agree strongly with your strong suspicion


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
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Southern Oklahoma
Meh, guys (for the most part) are hound dogs.

I was raised old-school to be polite and protective toward women, but many are/were not. Give one of those guys a position of authority and/or prestige, and this is what ya get.

Absolutely disgusting, and right up there with beating a wife or girlfriend IMO. :bah:


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I'm not a bit surprised. And I'm not skeptical of the claims, either. I've not seen it firsthand, but I have heard many stories of how some men behave towards women and it sickens me. I have little to no doubt that many of these men are guilty of being overly forward or aggressive in pursuit of their desires. Not at all.

Lauer particularly has been well-known to have had many flings with coworkers over the years - but all were ostensibly consensual, it seems, until this accusation arising from the Olympics trip.

Do I think there are some men who get falsely accused and railroaded out of town? Abso-f***ing-lutely. Many women in the corporate world have known forever the means to get rid of a male rival or a superior, and many have done it ruthlessly and with much malice aforethought. These women should be tarred and feathered just as badly as the men whom are guilty of the behavior (and sometimes crimes) in question. Like in the Duke lacrosse case - women like that should get prison time. And that woman eventually did, but for the murder of her boyfriend in 2013 - but I digress.

Bottom line is, my opinion is that most of these men probably ARE guilty of many of the things of which they are being accused - and likely much more. The level of inhumanity out there sometimes shocks even me - and I'm pretty well calloused to a lot of sh|t anymore after decades on the "front lines", so to speak, of human debauchery and depravity. But the sword cuts both ways, and I've known a lot of women over the years who wouldn't think twice about destroying some man's life for profit or for spite. Not for half a second. You better believe I play it safe and try to have witnesses with me as often as possible when there is ANY chance of a misunderstanding or whatever.

Scary, scary stuff out there, how easy it is for a woman to bring down a man in a position of "authority"... whether true or fabricated, those accusations will NEVER go away. Just ask any teacher.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Although I love seeing the left and their media self destruct, I really believe this is a huge part of the issue. They somehow feel empowered by getting guys canned and its working, without any real basis that the general population knows of. I find it really hard to believe these guys go around legitimately (in my mind) harassing/assaulting all these women. Thats always been my beef with "sexual harassment" seminars...its soooooo loosely defined that if a guy says anything positive towards a woman, it could be perceived as a sexual advance by him and thus, sexual harassment if she so sees it fit. I really think there's gotta be some real definition or guideline on what constitutes sexual harassment.
Lauer exposed himself, gave a coworker a sex toy as a gift, and was known to regularly pinch Katie Couric's ass (she mentioned that back in 2012). Keillor put his hand up a woman's shirt.

A little more than "saying something positive."


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Lauer exposed himself, gave a coworker a sex toy as a gift, and was known to regularly pinch Katie Couric's ass (she mentioned that back in 2012). Keillor put his hand up a woman's shirt.

A little more than "saying something positive."

Yeah, those things sound quite a bit over the line.

Giving a sex toy as a gift... hmmm... some situations, I can see that wouldn't be unusual. I can't ever see myself doing it, but I know in some workplace environments there are lots of shenanigans all the time, and that kind of gift might be seen as a gag gift. I know one of the ladies I work with hosts adult-themed parties at other ladies' homes. Sort of like Tupperware parties, if ya'll remember those? Well, of course, they have often gotten into pretty racy conversations at work about some of the stuff (comparing notes, etc.). I usually excuse myself to another area when this stuff comes up (they find this hysterical, BTW), but it wouldn't surprise me at all to see someone get a gift like that. Now, if *I* were the one to give that gift, I think it would probably raise some eyebrows - since some people think of me as being in a position of authority at work - I don't, but some do.

Exposing yourself or touching a woman's butt repeatedly and intentionally, that's just stupid and asking for trouble.

I remember a couple of the ladies I worked with in the past who used to constantly touch my chest, and pinch my nipples. It was funny for a while, but it got a bit old at times, if I was in a pissy mood. I never made a big deal of it, but oh my GOD, could you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot? Holy CRAP, I would have gone down like the damned Hindenburg!


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Probably more like Hiroshima... :D

I will say, though, that I have heard many many stories over the years all over the world, US and internationally, about men in my position who do exactly that to women they work with. Pinching, touching, rubbing up against, etc. Like leaving Betadine handprints on nurses' bottoms, etc. Just total douchebaggery. So I know it's out there, I know it happens a lot. Probably a lot less than in years past, but definitely not gone.

But there are plenty of women who play the banter right back, too. It can be difficult to know where to draw the line, for sure. Another reason I excuse myself when the more ribald topics come up... it's just better to avoid being involved.

In addition, from my point of view, establishing a bit of a buffer zone routinely for those things, I would hope my coworkers would step up and defend me should I be the target of one of those unscrupulous characters in the future who might falsely accuse me. As a man in the workplace, I have always worried about this kind of thing, and even moreso now, with the turn things have taken in the media and society.

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