Here we go again, another school shooting. This time in Texas

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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If I’m going to take “offense” with any wording of the meme, it’s the “white privilege” part, and that term gets thrown around ALOT. I think what should be said is “rich privilege”, because being white definitely doesn’t give me the ability to afford armed security for my family. Heck, I AM the armed security for my family. :anyone:


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I never thought I would say this and I’m having second thoughts as I write it but is there really a need for civilian ownership of Ar15 type rifles? I know all the arguments that it’s just a semi auto rifle etc etc. I’ve owned them, shot 3 gun, had one outfitted for home defense, deer hunting, etc. Also if we give up that then what will we lose next? Just seems maybe it’s time we think about allowing an 18 year old walk into a gun store and buy 2 Ar’s and a bunch of mags with ammo. I realize it’s a big issue on rights versus restrictions. Just thinking out loud here.
I cannot sit here and believe what I just read. How on earth can you be thinking we as civilians don’t need AR’s? Do you “need” a lot of things? I don’t “need” a lot of things but have the freedom to have them. Peoples feeling don’t override my freedom. I suggest you look up FBI statistics on not just AR rifles but ALL rifles. They are barely used at all. More people die by blunt objects than they do rifles. The vast majority of shooting deaths occur with handguns. If alot of these shootings start happening with semi auto handguns are you gonna start saying we dont need those as well? The vast majority of 18 year olds will never use a gun to kill someone. This is why these shootings are happening. If you don’t want to own them go right ahead. I for one won’t ever give mine up. Period. And that goes for every gun I own.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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No tiger. I was asking if it is wrong for anyone, regardless of wealth, to spend money for protection for them, their families, and possessions.

The rest of your post was unrelated to my question
The meme isn’t saying it’s wrong for them or anyone else to spend money on protection. It’s saying it’s wrong for anyone who has enough money to pay someone else to protect them, to then turn around and support denying the less fortunate the most efficient and economical means to protect themselves.

The elite on the left have been doing exactly that for decades, but some on the left are beginning to wake up regarding their hypocrisy. I thought that was pretty obviously the point of the meme.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
The meme isn’t saying it’s wrong for them or anyone else to spend money on protection. It’s saying it’s wrong for anyone who has enough money to pay someone else to protect them, to then turn around and support denying the less fortunate the most efficient and economical means to protect themselves.

The elite on the left have been doing exactly that for decades, but some on the left are beginning to wake up regarding their hypocrisy. I thought that was pretty obviously the point of the meme.
I was responding to Joe’s statement about the rich and powerful having armed protection, as if that was a bad thing. The meme is correct. No I’ll reflection on your post or any other.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
And just trying to fight is nonsense to me since they have the propaganda wing telling the public how evil guns are and if we only get rid of them everything will be peaceful, beautiful and unicorns will return with rainbows shooting out of their a$$.
We need to write the laws in such a way to protect our rights or we can kiss them goodbye,
Why can’t people like you grow a pair and stand up for our freedom? Because the left is Hell bent on destroying the 2A we should just give in and “compromise”? I don’t give a rats rear what they are doing. I’m not compromising and I’m not giving up nothing! We don’t need more laws, I don’t care who writes them. We need ALL the gun laws we have wiped out. Getting rid of gun free zones aka mass murder zones is a great start. Instead of hearing y’all talk about doing this, which would actually help, y’all want to talk about more laws. Or getting red flag laws or getting rid of AR’s. As I’ve said. More people die by blunt objects every year than with ALL rifles combined.

And I would also like to remind people of how many people died at columbine and no AR’s were used. It was a TEC 9, hi point carbine and a couple of shot guns. Remember what happened to the TEC 9? I do. Did getting rid of those stop them from being used in a mass shooting? Of course not. Neither will a new AWB. These sick scum bags target schools because they know that nobody will be there to stop them. Occasionally a school will have a cop. But that ain’t enough. As others have pointed out, we protect our court houses more than we do our schools. Look at the security at the capital and especially in DC. The communists don’t care about protecting our children. They want total power and control over us and will do anything to get it. Y’all wanting to compromise is playing right into their hands.

It’s time people open their dang eyes and realize the war we are in. Bullets are not being used to fight it. But I can guarantee bullets are gonna be required to win it. That’s a fact we can’t dispute. Our country is going down fast. It won’t survive without a fight. Sitting back always playing defense ain’t gonna cut it anymore.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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IF, this bears out, then there’s no redemption for anyone who didn’t move heaven and earth to get in that room sooner.



Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Why can’t people like you grow a pair and stand up for our freedom? Because the left is Hell bent on destroying the 2A we should just give in and “compromise”? I don’t give a rats rear what they are doing. I’m not compromising and I’m not giving up nothing! We don’t need more laws, I don’t care who writes them. We need ALL the gun laws we have wiped out. Getting rid of gun free zones aka mass murder zones is a great start. Instead of hearing y’all talk about doing this, which would actually help, y’all want to talk about more laws. Or getting red flag laws or getting rid of AR’s. As I’ve said. More people die by blunt objects every year than with ALL rifles combined.

And I would also like to remind people of how many people died at columbine and no AR’s were used. It was a TEC 9, hi point carbine and a couple of shot guns. Remember what happened to the TEC 9? I do. Did getting rid of those stop them from being used in a mass shooting? Of course not. Neither will a new AWB. These sick scum bags target schools because they know that nobody will be there to stop them. Occasionally a school will have a cop. But that ain’t enough. As others have pointed out, we protect our court houses more than we do our schools. Look at the security at the capital and especially in DC. The communists don’t care about protecting our children. They want total power and control over us and will do anything to get it. Y’all wanting to compromise is playing right into their hands.

It’s time people open their dang eyes and realize the war we are in. Bullets are not being used to fight it. But I can guarantee bullets are gonna be required to win it. That’s a fact we can’t dispute. Our country is going down fast. It won’t survive without a fight. Sitting back always playing defense ain’t gonna cut it anymore.
I have a pair, but I also have a brain to go with it. All the chest beating in the world is not going to prevent more gun laws let alone remove them. I at least am trying to keep the freedoms we currently have and if that means putting away crazies then so be it.

Tell me, do you bother to vote in every election? I do and I vote for the most gun friendly of who ever is running. Do you do anything to help besides beat your chest on the internet? If not, shut up and get busy.

El Pablo

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2007
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Why can’t people like you grow a pair and stand up for our freedom? Because the left is Hell bent on destroying the 2A we should just give in and “compromise”? I don’t give a rats rear what they are doing. I’m not compromising and I’m not giving up nothing! We don’t need more laws, I don’t care who writes them. We need ALL the gun laws we have wiped out. Getting rid of gun free zones aka mass murder zones is a great start. Instead of hearing y’all talk about doing this, which would actually help, y’all want to talk about more laws. Or getting red flag laws or getting rid of AR’s. As I’ve said. More people die by blunt objects every year than with ALL rifles combined.

And I would also like to remind people of how many people died at columbine and no AR’s were used. It was a TEC 9, hi point carbine and a couple of shot guns. Remember what happened to the TEC 9? I do. Did getting rid of those stop them from being used in a mass shooting? Of course not. Neither will a new AWB. These sick scum bags target schools because they know that nobody will be there to stop them. Occasionally a school will have a cop. But that ain’t enough. As others have pointed out, we protect our court houses more than we do our schools. Look at the security at the capital and especially in DC. The communists don’t care about protecting our children. They want total power and control over us and will do anything to get it. Y’all wanting to compromise is playing right into their hands.

It’s time people open their dang eyes and realize the war we are in. Bullets are not being used to fight it. But I can guarantee bullets are gonna be required to win it. That’s a fact we can’t dispute. Our country is going down fast. It won’t survive without a fight. Sitting back always playing defense ain’t gonna cut it anymore.

Best to try and control the one thing in the world that you can, yourself. So ask yourself what you are doing...


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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IF, this bears out, then there’s no redemption for anyone who didn’t move heaven and earth to get in that room sooner.

I’m not saying it’s the same kid, but it’s been reported multiple times about one little girl (Miah Cerrillo) in the room who watched her friend get shot and then covered herself with her friends blood and played dead. She supposedly picked up her dead teacher’s cell phone and called 911.

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