Gun Found In Parking Lot

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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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Anytime I hear,or read, " ... I believe in the 2nd amendment, BUT..." I just sigh, and realize I'm listening to another squish.
True. What things would you suggest, if any, to prevent an emotionally disturbed 18 year old from walking into a gun shop, buying 2 rifles with ammunition and using them to kill people with? I don’t have have the answers either. If not there he could have gotten guns other ways. Better mental health evaluations sounds good but how would that work? If 18 is old enough to join the military it is old enough to buy a gun. We an make all the arguments we want about the 2nd amendment being absolute. People are too interested in convenience to take security seriously. Locked doors, armed teachers, metal detectors, or other things will always be fallible.
Personally, I think we should be able to carry a firearm anywhere and anytime. The best way to deal with violent offenders is to stop them at the scene of the crime with a bullet. Our court systems are also a joke with leniency to violent offenders. Build more prisons and stack them deep. Execute those on death row and don’t take 20 years to do it. We all think we have the answers. The truth is evil will find a way to commit evil acts.


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
Reaction score
Perhaps they leaned it up against the tree to pick some innocent looking little berries or mushrooms: that later, somehow, 'convinced' them to 'donate' their precious rifle to the Forest? And to henceforth become Peaceful Vegetablenarians?
You're right. The Grizzlers got 'em while they were takin' a crap.
(Still doesn't fully explain the gun in the parking lot, however)

Who you two butt-heads callin' 'Ass hat'?

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