Fat slob at the OU game

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 2, 2014
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Your primary complaint was that he was too fat and took some other guys seat because he was too fat, so said un-fat guy had to stand. You indicated he rude and careless because he was too fat because he made impossible for un-fat to be able to sit in his own seat. The nice legs comments was secondary.

He is a Porch Dog JEVapa, simple as that. Why he felt to come here and cry about it like a kid baffles me! LOL!


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
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I have heard of simplifying your diet so there’s less desire to overeat. Eating the same well rounded meal as often as possible.

What if cafeterias came back for cost efficiencies? People could eat their meals there and socialize over their 4oz sirloin, scoop of potatoes, steamed broccoli and a cup of yogurt. Pizza on Friday and that’s also bring a friend day.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 25, 2014
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Man, this is a rough crowd when someone ventures too close to feelers, haha.

My primary complaint is how many stinkin seats they try to cram in these places. There may be a percentage of folks that are truly morbidly obese that would have issues fitting in what should be a standard seat, but I think the tiny seats that allow them to fit 1000 more seats in the stadium or 15 more seats on a plane create a bigger issue than we are addressing here.

Im certainly not skinny, never have been, but my my stomach doesnt hang over my belt buckle, I dont have to hold my breath to tie my shoes, and I can look down and see my pecker without any special maneuvers. My shoulders are broad for my diminutive 5'7" height though and that creates issues as well. My former boss that was a 6'7" competitive body builder has tons of problems in all of the scenarios presented here and it is certainly not due to being overweight.

Also, guys, do whatever you want to stay in whatever shape you want, even if that shape is round. I hope everyone strives to create habits to maximize their quality of life, but at the end of the day freedom also includes making less than ideal decisions for the sake of gratification. I too get frustrated if the person next to me spills over into my seat on a 3 hour flight (which I have had happen from as many fit but inconsiderate assholes as I have overweight people), but I just make sure to book a window seat so I can lean against the wall with my headphones and sleep until we land. Problem solved.

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