2A Auditors back at it again last weekend.

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Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
Buzzgun, I will not argue what you are saying because you are not wrong BUT, if you go out to intentionally cause **** you may get it. Why do these people knowingly go into areas like this to do "audits"?? It has been said before, they are attention whores and they received attention and then whine about it. The people that lose are the average gun owner that gets judged by the infantile actions of asshats like this. If you feel the need to spread the gospel of 2A please use better judgement and do not make a spectacle of your self.
Cussing and yelling and being rude to the officers that respond to 911 calls is stupid plain and simple!! Grow the hell up and represent your beliefs in a polite and respectful manner or shut the hell up and stay at home until you mature !!

If the group was not illegally refused entrance to the event, where would the problem have been??

If they had entered the event and done something illegal, then they should have been arrested for it.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
Mr. Buzzgun, those officers acted just fine. They encountered idiots who decided on their own that they were going to create a scene intended to push the limit of intelligent actions. These clowns gave the exact same image of any if the recent mass shooting incidents. There is nothing good that can be said about any of these self-professed "auditors". They did nothing to preserve any rights.

I have too much respect for law enforcement to not speak in their favor. Sure there are individuals that give others a bad name, same as truck drivers, plumbers, store clerks, teachers, and preachers. But none of these individuals should be seen as representatives of all in that profession.


I have been reading your post for quite some time and I firmly believe you would be one of the first to hand over your guns if an agent of the government ever asked you to. I don't believe you would ever have the courage to "push back" if your rights are ever threatened......heck, from reading your posts here, I'm surprised you haven't turned in your guns already.

Make no mistake, those officers didn't "act just fine", they knowingly violated the law and you are cheering them on for doing so......every one of the officers involved in that incident had the DUTY to enforce the law correctly......that means they each had the DUTY to stop any of the other officers from falsely arresting the guy with the guns. Again, the guy they arrested did NOTHING illegal, yet you cheer on the cops who knowingly violated the law......how do you justify that??? Oh yeah, you justify it because you didn't like the way the armed citizen chose to exercise his legal rights.....

You should be ashamed of yourself.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Well, idiots are gonna idiotate. Can't be helped. Mom or dad dropped poor Richard on his head when he was a baby. Not his fault, of course; his parents are entirely to blame. They should have dropped him much more often, or from much higher off the ground, or maybe both. But, YouTube to the rescue--attention whores have a place to promote their idiocy to like-minded people, no matter how feeble-minded those fans and their stars really are.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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Well, idiots are gonna idiotate. Can't be helped. Mom or dad dropped poor Richard on his head when he was a baby. Not his fault, of course; his parents are entirely to blame. They should have dropped him much more often, or from much higher off the ground, or maybe both. But, YouTube to the rescue--attention whores have a place to promote their idiocy to like-minded people, no matter how feeble-minded those fans and their stars really are.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Del City, Oklahoma
I guess count me as one of the feeble minded. I follow alot of the 1st and 4th Amendment auditors and to some extent the non AR-15 2nd Amendment auditors. Why? Because it exposes the hypocrisy of law enforcement. As a group that is supposed to follow and protect OUR civil rights they try every trick in the book to abuse our rights to the point of out right lying to get what they want. If anything the auditors expose ridiculous attempts to seize, detain or harm citizens because LEO'S don't like or approve of what the auditors are doing. It keeps them accountable. Video evidence is proof of BOTH parties being accountable. That being said I do not think the long arm open carry is beneficial to our efforts to promote the 2nd Amendment. 1st and 4th Amendments do not or should not cause fear like the AR 15 silliness. But what do I know....momma dropped me on the floor alot.

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