Are they not screening for crazy anymore?

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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
Uhhhh, inferred. Most certainly.

More context for ya. Your government tax dollars at work.

Anyway, the finally removed that poster because even some libs and blacks were offended by it.

But that webpage sure is still there. It shows exactly what our government thinks.

Im sure you will explain it all away.

Yes, i found that page. Where it clearly says "At the National Museum of African American History and Culture, we believe that any productive conversation on race must start with honesty, respect for others, and an openness to ideas and information that provide new perspectives. "

but again, i don't fear talking about ideas. It's a great way to separate the good ones from the bad ones.

And it also sounds like the original poster was a mistake. But i don't think it speaks for the entirety of government any more than i think you speak for the entirety of white males.

It's also interesting that the whole thing with the poster happened prior to Biden even being elected.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
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Yes, i found that page. Where it clearly says "At the National Museum of African American History and Culture, we believe that any productive conversation on race must start with honesty, respect for others, and an openness to ideas and information that provide new perspectives. "

but again, i don't fear talking about ideas. It's a great way to separate the good ones from the bad ones.

And it also sounds like the original poster was a mistake. But i don't think it speaks for the entirety of government any more than i think you speak for the entirety of white males.

It's also interesting that the whole thing with the poster happened prior to Biden even being elected.

The crappy government we have VASTLY predates Trump.

And find me something from the Federal Government that shows an opposing view that that page.

Ill wait.


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Jan 16, 2024
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White males are evil. Just ask anyone who’s not one. Even some who are act like they’re ashamed of it. Black history month is ending and women’s history month begins tomorrow. I’d suggest July be named white male history month. You know, the race and gender that started America based on God and freedom. The ones who said all men are created equal. If the money our government spent promoting a race or gender over another was spent actually helping people who need it there would be fewer people struggling.


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Jan 16, 2024
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White males are evil. Just ask anyone who’s not one. Even some who are act like they’re ashamed of it. Black history month is ending and women’s history month begins tomorrow. I’d suggest July be named white male history month. You know, the race and gender that started America based on God and freedom. The ones who said all men are created equal. If the money our government spent promoting a race or gender over another was spent actually helping people who need it there would be fewer people struggling.
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Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
Ex Air Force(AF), cold war and Desert Shield/Storm era, here. The AF as a whole just is stupid anymore. I go to the AF reddit and can't believe what I am reading. If you thought my AF was mainly Chair Force then it is worse now. Everyone has "anxieties" and other B.S. crap. They aren't hitting the recruitment goals anymore. Plus even doing your job is not really a priority anymore, they want you to do volunteer work and get an education. If you don't, you won't get promoted. Plus they have this "Doing more with less." which really sucks for maintenance guys/girls. The suicide rate is getting higher. Oh they are asking recent retirees to come back and the AF might make them Warrant Officers, which hasn't been a thing since 1959. Some bases have gotten rid of the dorms/barracks as a whole. They rather just pay people to live of base. That leads to no social interaction among the troops, other than playing video games online. Hell when I was In West Germany I had at least 4 groups I was friends with. Most groups where about your job or music and the area you were from. If my era guys/girls were to go back and work like we did then they would look at us like we were 3 headed purple aliens. The amount of drinking we did would get us in "counseling" now. Plus some bases don't sell tobacco anymore and if you are under 21 and get caught with cigarettes or vaping you get to talk to your commander about that. It is so stupidly bad I worry if the AF can even pull of a minor war now, let alone a bigger one.
Pretty much agree. Late Vietnam Era, Cold War, Desert Shield/Desert Storm for me. October 1973-October 1997.

William R. Meyers, MSgt, USAF(Ret.)


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Del City, OK
So basically he was antifa. Meh...good burn.

I will give him credit where it is due. He only took himself out rather than do the shooting spree thing. All these mental trans killers should take note. Just do yourself and leave others alone.
My wife, who is generally a good and kind-hearted person, is sad for the 1st Responders who were traumatized by having to deal with his actions.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
The crappy government we have VASTLY predates Trump.

And find me something from the Federal Government that shows an opposing view that that page.

Ill wait.
an opposing view to what exactly? As in what claims does the page make that needs to be opposed? If you don't believe it you don't believe it. There was a time when the US government held a position, which it thought was based on science, that blacks were inferior. Being wrong isn't new to government agencies. Being one-sided isn't, either. The pendulum will swing back and back again.

From what i've read, the Smithsonian still owns a 'racial brain' collection.

"Since the early 20th century, the Smithsonian has held a collection of human brains. There are more than 200 brains in total, and the majority were taken from Indigenous and Black people without consent.

The collection was gathered at the request of a prominent anthropologist who believed in eugenics and the superiority of the white race. The brains are part of a collection of more than 30,000 human bones and body parts still held by the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum"

and yes, it certainly does predate Trump. Much like many of the problems we are all told to fear and get worked up about.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
At what point does a minority position become materially insignificant? 20%...10%...2%

I doubt every person in Hiroshima supported the Emperor. But the vast majority did. Should we have not dropped the bomb because 5% of the pop was anti Emperor?

Serious moral question there.

Sometimes blanket positions are not only appropriate, but are needed. Such as warfare. And if you think you are not part of a culture war you need to open your eyes.

I guarantee I'm classified as a "Magat" by most libs, yet I dont like or support Trump. You think that will gain me any favors from them?
I support Trump because he's marginally better than his opponent, IMO. That doesn't mean I like him. I just like the other guy a whole lot less. That's not gonna get me any favors, either. I support Israel in this particular matter. I really want to see Hamas exterminated. Kinda like to see Hezbollah get the same treatment. I am not, however, under the impression that Israel is actually a friend to the USA. We're allies. Which doesn't preclude being enemies either sometime in the past or future. We WERE Brits at one time, then enemies, and then allies. Once upon a time, we were allies with the Russians, too. I spent the major portion of my young adult life with them as the principle enemy, too. And they may yet do that again, according to what I'm seeing in the news. Nations have no friends.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Del City, OK
Respectfully, I see little relationship to the issue being discussed. Blanket positions are almost always vague and confused. Remember the saying

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’

The quote is most likely due to writer and philosopher George Santayana, and in its original form it read, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

If you go back far enough in history you can determine clearly where the trouble in the mid east originated.


I dont like or support Trump, but will vote for him over any of the parasites the liberals might put up.

Where is George Washington, the greatest American, of the greatest generation of Americans, when we need him?
He's doing what Bach and Beethoven are doing, and what we all will be doing sooner or later. Decomposing. And in a hundred years, all this will be nearly as much forgotten as he mostly is.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 12, 2022
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I support Trump because he's marginally better than his opponent, IMO. That doesn't mean I like him. I just like the other guy a whole lot less. That's not gonna get me any favors, either. I support Israel in this particular matter. I really want to see Hamas exterminated. Kinda like to see Hezbollah get the same treatment. I am not, however, under the impression that Israel is actually a friend to the USA. We're allies. Which doesn't preclude being enemies either sometime in the past or future. We WERE Brits at one time, then enemies, and then allies. Once upon a time, we were allies with the Russians, too. I spent the major portion of my young adult life with them as the principle enemy, too. And they may yet do that again, according to what I'm seeing in the news. Nations have no friends.
Agree with all you said except supporting Israel in this matter. Leave out the politics and religion and get down to the basic facts.

They stole the homes of hundreds of thousands of people. It's not the first time, read about their crossing the Jordan River and stealing the so called promised land and committing 100% genocide. Killed every living thing. They deserve what they get.

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