CCW class pricing max

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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Southern OK
I am too. It sure is fun. If I cover gas and food & expences thats pretty good. I dont think you can charge for a "range fee"


They may make more money than I do teaching these classes but I bet they don't enjoy it as much as I do and I certainly sleep well after one. That is after I go to my knees after each class and pray that it was the biggest waste of time and money these "students" ever experience because they will never need what they have learned or the permit it allows them to attain.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Yes they do and they are a disgrace to all legitimate firearms businesses.

It's not just the price they charge for the class while forcing students into purchasing a year membership that they then have to pay for each time the shoot, but also in their pricing and poor customer service. Not to mention the countless times I have either seen or heard of one employee being a sleeze to women customers. Also, I was informed by a fellow church member who got their carry license through Tulsa Firearms and that the instructor did nothing but talk about how great of a shooter etc he was and when I asked about the shooting portion, he stated he learned nothing in regards to the fundamentals.

They were able to get away with it for a long time as the only indoor range in Tulsa, however, now that others have opened up, customers now have better options. Pricing is still high in terms of firearms at 2A (check out sports world for better pricing when purchasing a gun), but at least they don't charge you for a membership on top of the $60 for the class, as well as not charging $25 for non members to shoot and they have a WAY BETTER ventilation system. When you shoot at Tulsa Firearms you will smell and taste it in the back of your throat after you leave.

When it comes to getting a carry license, there are several better options than Tulsa Firearms. Granted this is just my opinion in how they do business and in no way should be construed as the absolute experience or opinion for others.

Thats a pretty good summary. They didnt teach squat in the class and the shooting part is a joke. You listen to they guy tell a few stories and brag on his own shooting and thats about it. If 2A had a south location it would kill them.


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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You guys are great. Could be full of BS but you really seem to care about value and service. A friend of mine used to do a lot of the ccw classes and I think he kinda got tired of it. Or other things became more important or he got a raise and didn't need the exta $$.

When I took mine the instructor borrowed a conference room for the class and we went out to a sand pit and shot. It was 60$ and it was only six blocks from my house. We drove four miles to shoot. There was eight in the class. The class room part was interesting. The instructor was a retired OHP and had been the chief of the local PD for a while. He's a good guy and was looking for a little extra income I think.


Special Hen
Dec 4, 2012
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Tulsa, OK
I would have to say you will know who is in it for money and who is doing it out of the love of teaching firearms. When people start bundling in "range memberships" in order to increase costs, that should be pretty telling, however, there are some good "salesmanship" out there that could sell water rights in the Sahara desert and really just take advantage of your lack of knowledge on the subject.

In my case, I tell everyone that I became a CLEET L.E. Firearms Instructor at first to just have another accomplishment in my life, but soon found while adjunct instructing at CLEET academies, as well as training officers at my department, that I enjoy taking any shooter and teaching them that anyone can be a proficient shooter if they learn the basic fundamentals of shooting and you as an instructor can develop the skills in the shooter to apply those principles. There is no such thing as a "born shooter" and it is only about mastering and applying the 6 basic fundamentals of shooting every shot. Really is that simple.

I saw way too many people going to the range, loading up a magazine full of rounds, then just aimlessly slapping the trigger and then leave believing they accomplished something. These are the same people that had just received a carry license and was taught nothing about marksmanship or handgun skills. It's not the students fault they didn't learn anything, but is the instructors' fault for spending the class talking about how great a shooter they are and expecting that to develop their students. Just because you can shoot, that doesn't mean it translates into being a good instructor. After a year of putting it off and just helping people I knew or came across while at the range, I decided if I wanted it to change, I needed to go out there and teach the public the same things I teach our officers across the state. Because of this, I measure my success at running this business not on the money we make, even though it does matter to a degree as it is a lot of your time away from your family and anyone who says otherwise is lying, but I measure success primarily in how well I developed you as a shooter when you leave my class.

I bet there are several on here who have similar stories. However, it's a shame that we even have to spend time discussing it to begin with.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 11, 2005
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I'm with Jason above. I became my dept firearms instructor with no plans to teach SDA classes but started after hearing horror stories of people getting run through the class like cattle. I wanted my friends and family to be an assets to society and not a liability.

I charge $50 because the facility I use charges $10 a shooter so it comes out to $60. I let my PD and FD brothers bring their wives for free.

Stephen Cue

Jan 17, 2008
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West Tulsa
I agree, those the teach strictly for the money are no good. I personally wish the class was not compulsory; but since it is I try to give the best information at the lowest price, lowest in the state I think. Another thing to is there is a difference in staying through until they feel comfortable and trying to make them 'tactical operators', LOL. You guys know most people are far from that ability.
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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
when i took my class the class itself cost $50 and he charged $10 for the use of his guns(and u had to use his guns cause as he said he was having to many people bring relics to the class and try to use them) and ammo and another $10 and he supplied the 2 photos for u so a total of $70 for the entire class.

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