Cross country moving fairly large gun collection

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 3, 2011
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Tulsa Oklahoma
Federal law allows interstate transport of firearms from one place where you lawfully own them to another where you can lawfully own them.

Basically, in addition to the above provisions, the guns must be: inaccessible from the passenger compartment (or stored in a locked container), unloaded, any ammunition should be stored separately.

OK... So you saw it one time and you have no other context of what happened. And certainly no one on YouTube ever lies...or at least posts sensational type stuff for added views and $$.

How many tens (or hundreds) of thousands of people go about their business every single day transporting firearms in their car and don't get robbed by the police. For all you know the cops were helping the guy change a tire and had to leave for something else. Regardless...your initial post referenced police forcibly taking your belongings for personal enrichment. I'm thinking you have better odds of being bit by a shark in OK than having that happen.

I'm not saying that police misconduct is unheard of. But what you're worried about is likely next to non-existent.
"you have no other context of what happened" - no, I only stated it briefly I do have some other limited context which I did not include. There were four police cars surrounding the car (two to the front and two to the rear) while multiple police officers were crawling in and out of the car in the front and the back doors as well as going through the trunk while the the driver was being questioned by an officer off to the side at the rear of the car. Maybe they were having a hard time finding the jack and/or spare...

As far as I know it's legal to transport your own private money around in your car too. Has anyone heard of a citizen having his money confiscated by the police?

Has a federal judge ever put an entire police department under a 'watch' or sort of a probation for routinely and systematically violating people's civil rights? Nah, never happens...


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 3, 2011
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Tulsa Oklahoma
Yep I uhauled all my guns from Illinois to Oklahoma. Just lock the Uhaul. Not sure if you’re going through Illinois or what implications their assault weapons ban could have on you.
I was thinking of by-passing Illinois if I transport either guns or ammo. However that adds about 5 or 6 hours to the trip.

user 51785

Nov 11, 2022
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you do spend to much time on the internet. we've crossed state lines more times than i can count with many guns including some very nice ones. been stopped by the police a couple times just cause we did something stupid, gone through US customs interior checkpoints and never had any threat of having our guns taken, not even close.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 3, 2011
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Tulsa Oklahoma
you do spend to much time on the internet. we've crossed state lines more times than i can count with many guns including some very nice ones. been stopped by the police a couple times just cause we did something stupid, gone through US customs interior checkpoints and never had any threat of having our guns taken, not even close.
You sound like my brother LOL. He says I watch too much YouTube and it makes me paranoid. But things do happen occasionally and with my luck...


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I second the UHaul or load them in your vehicle. How many we talking about. LARGE collection, PODS or similar would be best.
Last choice, pack them yourself, let moving company pack with rest of household.

I rented 2 U-Haul large trucks, moved myself, 3 times, no problems.

For the most part, cops are good. But, if you happen to get that one!

I was evacuating, hurricane moving in. Had 25-30 guns in back of my Bronco.
Moron ran me off the road. Hi-Po that came out was a 20-something newbie. He seen inside and RAN back to his car, called back-up.
#2 was a 30 yo. He says he is confiscating gun until the serial #'s can be researched.

"Nope, you have no cause to confiscate, get a Supervisor out here."

"Well, I will need to get the serial #'s."

"Nope, you will need to get a SUPERVISOR out here immediately."

He calls for a Lt or Capt to respond. A Lt arrives 10 minutes later. Talks to both on scene, sitting in car, watching intensely.
Lt comes over, I give him the story, he looks in back window. Calls the 2 over. Informs them they are idiots, this an accident scene. They have wasted over hour, allowing the hit-and-run driver to flea. Learn the law, grow a pair or get another job.
A Sargent arrived, told the 2 to leave and he finished the report, uneventful.

I would recommend that you take a lot of pics and make a log of everything.

Good luck.
Should be an uneventful move, BUT be prepared.

user 51785

Nov 11, 2022
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just my opinion but i think you are worrying about nothing. if you do get stopped just be respectful and you will probably be let go with a warning like we did. pretty sure no cop is gonna tear up your stuff and steal your guns. that stuff you see is mostly lies and videos that have been edited so it looks like stuff happened even though it never did. the way things are today most cops aren't going to risk their jobs and going to jail over something stupid as stealing somebody's stuff on a traffic stop.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 3, 2011
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Tulsa Oklahoma
I second the UHaul or load them in your vehicle. How many we talking about. LARGE collection, PODS or similar would be best.
Last choice, pack them yourself, let moving company pack with rest of household.

I rented 2 U-Haul large trucks, moved myself, 3 times, no problems.

For the most part, cops are good. But, if you happen to get that one!

I was evacuating, hurricane moving in. Had 25-30 guns in back of my Bronco.
Moron ran me off the road. Hi-Po that came out was a 20-something newbie. He seen inside and RAN back to his car, called back-up.
#2 was a 30 yo. He says he is confiscating gun until the serial #'s can be researched.

"Nope, you have no cause to confiscate, get a Supervisor out here."

"Well, I will need to get the serial #'s."

"Nope, you will need to get a SUPERVISOR out here immediately."

He calls for a Lt or Capt to respond. A Lt arrives 10 minutes later. Talks to both on scene, sitting in car, watching intensely.
Lt comes over, I give him the story, he looks in back window. Calls the 2 over. Informs them they are idiots, this an accident scene. They have wasted over hour, allowing the hit-and-run driver to flea. Learn the law, grow a pair or get another job.
A Sargent arrived, told the 2 to leave and he finished the report, uneventful.

I would recommend that you take a lot of pics and make a log of everything.

Good luck.
Should be an uneventful move, BUT be prepared.
Thanks. Did this happen before you got out of state or after crossing state lines? Were the guns locked in cases?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 3, 2011
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Tulsa Oklahoma
just my opinion but i think you are worrying about nothing. if you do get stopped just be respectful and you will probably be let go with a warning like we did. pretty sure no cop is gonna tear up your stuff and steal your guns. that stuff you see is mostly lies and videos that have been edited so it looks like stuff happened even though it never did. the way things are today most cops aren't going to risk their jobs and going to jail over something stupid as stealing somebody's stuff on a traffic stop.
To be clear, I have never seen a video where an officer stole something outright. The routine seems to be to 'confiscate' knowing that since you are from out of state you most likely won't bear the time/expense of fighting to get your things back (things usually come up 'missing' later from the property room). I have seen a video where a Texas cop used his pocket knife to cut holes in a guy's seats to look for drugs (that victim won his court case eventually, but the cop kept his job so he's still out there).

user 51785

Nov 11, 2022
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To be clear, I have never seen a video where an officer stole something outright. The routine seems to be to 'confiscate' knowing that since you are from out of state you most likely won't bear the time/expense of fighting to get your things back (things usually come up 'missing' later from the property room). I have seen a video where a Texas cop used his pocket knife to cut holes in a guy's seats to look for drugs (that victim won his court case eventually, but the cop kept his job so he's still out there).
chance of something like that happening to you is about as good as you winning the powerball. if you really believe it might happen maybe you should start playing the lottery.

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