Do you folk ever "binge" a TV series from start to finish?

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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 30, 2010
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I'm a single male, retired, with a lot of idle time on my hands,,,
I live out in the boonies and often go a week without human contact.

Consequently I watch a lot of Netflix.

Back when I worked and only had a couple of hours for TV,,,
I often got bored watching episodic tv series,,,
But since I've retired that has changed.

Now I find that I get a lot of enjoyment "binging" a series,,,
Watching the episodes in rapid succession,,,
Gives me more of a feel for the "story"

I watched a few episodes of "The Blacklist" when it was on TV,,,
But I lost interest after the first season,,,
It just never coalesced for me.

But now that I have full days of time to waste,,,
I've started to understand the concept of binging.

When you watch several episodes one right after the other,,,
The complicated story lines of modern TV writing,,,
Come together with amazing clarity.

In the past two years I've binged several multi-year series,,,
Watching the episodes in rapid succession,,,
Gives me a better "view" of the story.

This is not a life changing revelation,,,
But it does make a huge difference in my enjoyment of a series.

I remember watching the Game of Thrones saga week by week,,,
I enjoyed the heck out of them because I love Sword and Sorcery stuff.

But it wasn't until I "binged" the entire series on DVD,,,
That the episodes made sense enough for the story line to fully emerge.

I mentioned this to a friend of mine,,,
His response was much the same as mine.

He absolutely loved the series "Yellowstone",,,
He and his wife never missed a weekly episode.

His daughter gave him the DVD set,,,
He said it sat on his TV shelf for over a year,,,
But when he finally started watching the episodes on his time frame,,,
He suddenly started getting those subtle sub-plots that escaped his notice before.

Way back in time I enjoyed the weekly Sci-Fi episodes of Stargate SG-1,,,
So when I saw the entire series on DVD for $39.95,,,
I just had to purchase it.

I found that watching the episodes in rapid succession,,,
They transcended from weekly episodes,,,
To a saga of immense enjoyment.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience as I have?




Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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I will binge a tv show if it keeps me interested. But I have a bad habit of starting shows and movies and losing interest in them. Game of thrones was good enough to binge for me. But I don’t think it was fantastic as everyone made it out to be. Actually Breaking Bad was the best tv I’ve personally watched in a very long time. After that was Black Summer. But I love zombie flicks

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