Employers can forbid guns, a judge rules, issues an injunction against OK law.

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Special Hen
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Does anyones empolyer charge for parking??
Mine does and since I pay for the privlige of parking where I work, by extension the parking spot is MY property while I'm parked there.
Hasn't been tested for firearms but due to "NO SMOKING on property" statue, owner sitting in his vehicle during breaks can not be sited for smoking on property. Also can't be sited for having EVIL tobbaco in vehicle.. Just a thought.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Edmond, OK


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Many, if not most of us, are limited as to where we can work. Feeding our families and paying the bills trump "choosing" not to go on someone's property. It would be very nice to be able to choose to walk away from a job because of an irrational policy.
The laws usually recognize that we are to be secure in, have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and are free from illegal search and seizure in our vehicles. So why do my "property" rights end when I park said vehicle in a parking lot on your property?
The main problem is not that I cannot have it in your parking lot, it is that you are denying me protection coming and going to work. Would you, the employer, not then be responsible for my safety from the time I leave for work until the time I return home?
Our legislators need to understand this, as they are denying teachers and many government employees, including military personnel, from carrying the means to protect themselves.

weighing the upsides and the downsides of a job in deciding whether you want to work someplace is a decision everybody has to make. In any job, you have to decide whether the compensation they're paying is worth the BS you have to put up with. But ultimately, it IS a choice. you can take the job or not. Our society is pretty good about protecting the ability of the employee to terminate the relationship whenever he wants and for whatever reason he wants, but we are not so good about protecting the ability of the employer to do the same thing. Just one example of how we do not have equal protection under the law. I know everybody has a family to feed, but until somebody sticks a gun to your head and makes you work someplace, I don't want to hear about how you have no choice in the matter.

As for the laws that protect against unreasonable searches and seizures, those laws are purely directed at government action. Of course, it would also be illegal under the trespass laws for a private citizen to search another's property without permission (as well as a violation of that person's liberty). You have every right to refuse your employer's request to search any of your property that you bring onto his, but he has every right to kick you off his property and terminate any consensual relationship he has with you at any time and for any reason. Just like you can quit for any reason, and just like you could kick him off your property if he came onto it without your permission. That's what is meant by equal rights. Or do you think you have more rights than your employer for some reason?

The property rights of businesses are not unlimited. As a business owner you cannot forbid someone to be on your property because of skin color, religion handicaps or any number of other reasons.
I'm right.
You are wrong
We have already beaten this dead horse may times here so I'm done.
You're talking about what the law says. I'm talking about what people have a right to do. Those are two very different things. you don't think our rights come from the law, do you? Or that the law can legitimately take our rights away? The law is supposed to protect our rights, but all to often it is the main violator of them. Those employment discrimination laws you refer to are some examples.

I'm sure none of you guys are socialists or anything, but some of these arguments sound an awful lot like you think you are ENTITLED to a job, and ENTITLED to have someone provide you one on certain terms. Sorry to break it to you, but the only thing you are ENTITLED to is for everybody else to leave you alone to do as you wish with your life and your property. Nobody owes you any affirmative duty to provide you with anything; only the negative duty to leave you alone. That's freedom. It can be harsh, but not as harsh as the alternative.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
doesn't this come down to Concealed is Concealed.

You can tell them you are going to have it in your can and risk being let go at will.


you can just don't ask and tell.

I don't see the point anymore on trying to get an employer to change there official policy.


Special Hen
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
South OKC
One thing you should think about is alot of states are now saying the car is seen as an extension of your home. So when you drive your vehicle onto another property, I believe this protects your rights to and from where you are going. You can park in parking lots of government building with the obvious exception of bases. You can even drive onto school property with a gun as long as you are just picking up and dropping off. To me it only makes sense to allow them to park and store the gun in your lot, the reason being just as people say those who ban conceal carry are responsible for your security on thier property, I would say if you ban the storage in the lot then you are responsible for for thier security to and from also.

I still like the way Texas seems to have gun, instead of the old 30.06 sign, it seems as though alot of business have gone to signs basically saying if you have a gun illegally on this property you are subject to whatever laws and penalties. I honestly believe if we had a law such as 30.06 here in Oklahoma alot of businesses would actually lose more business because it is more blantant than just a little ghostbuster sign that they use now. As ambiguous as our laws are here with the famous "asking to leave" vs. trespassing complaint in regards to those signs, I think most people just disregard them. But when forced to comply with a hard and fast law most would turn around and leave and go elsewhere.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
I find it interesting that so many of you want your employer (the property owner at your place employment) to allow you to carry a gun at work. You say how they dont understand. Some of you still don't understand that a property owner has a right to decided if you can carry a gun or not. You rant about how since you cant carry a gun they should be responsible for your safety. If you really think your life is in danger because you don't have your gun at work, maybe you should get a different job. You do have a choice. Unless your commitment to carrying a gun only lasts until it inconveniences you. Most of you are being selfish you want your rights but don't want your employer to have his/her rights. Look at it this way. If you have someone over to your house and they have something with them that makes you uncomfortable. You ask them to leave. They explain that they have a right to have that object because it is religious or a free expression type object. Would you let them stay? Would you ask them to not bring this back to your house? Would you invite them back?

For those that say concealed is concealed don't worry about what your job says. That is fine and dandy. Just remember that if anyone ever sees your gun or hint of your gun you can be fired. Is it really worth losing your job? Most don't think it is worth switching jobs just to carry at work. The good thing is most of the people that work on Tinker, Ft Sill and the other bases and federal buildings in the state understand they can go to jail for a felony for carrying at those jobs.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
I let all my people who worked for me carry in their car. They way I feel is that if I told them they could not have it and then something did happened to them, it would be on my hands.
As far as work goes. It would be nice if they would fire me over my gun. I would not have to work for awhile.
People can say what they want about me, but if they tell my wife she has to get rid of her gun, I would think that they are selfish and do not have her safety in mind.

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