"For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies"

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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Did somebody hijack Tristan's account?

I'm socially conservative, but i'm more moderate on some other issues. I don't follow labels like 'conservative' or 'liberal', i have my own ideas that i formed independently, influenced by my own experiences and judgment.

Ultimately, I just want what is best for our country.


Special Hen
Jul 23, 2009
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I'm socially conservative, but i'm more moderate on some other issues. I don't follow labels like 'conservative' or 'liberal', i have my own ideas that i formed independently, influenced by my own experiences and judgment.

Ultimately, I just want what is best for our country.
It's good to want what's best for our country, but you and yukonglocker are living in dream world if you think socialized medicine is a good thing. The fact is our healthcare cost so much, because it's the best in the world,we have the most advanced technology, and the greatest minds from around the world come to American to practice medicine, so they can make the most money. If you have a single pay system, in the end it will limit what hospital make ,and what doctors make. And when you limit that those bright young minds from around the world will no longer go into medicine, but will instead choose other fields of study that won't limit their personal income. And trust me on this if you disagree with everything else that I've said, I've work for the government for almost 18yrs ,and there is nothing that they can't screwup . You can't name me one program in this country that operates smoothly and efficiently. Schools are broke,roads and bridges no money ,social security is going broke,warfare spending is a complete disaster. Look at the VA hospitals and they will show you what government healthcare looks like. Veterans with options don't go to them for their healthcare, because it's horrible.

Yukonglocker you said last night it's the right thing to do, your right it is the right thing to do. But,this isn't a perfect world,the fact is there are poor people and there are rich. I can't afford to live in a home like Bill Gates, and I can't afford the same healthcare treatment he can. That's just life we all do the best that we can and that's it. The problem we have now in this country, is everyone thinks that they are entitled to the best,from cars, to homes,clothing you name everyone wants things instantly, nobody wants to work hard and earn what they get. And I'm not talking about the elderly or handicapped people, I believe they should be taken care of. But, the rest of you get up and go to work!
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Mar 15, 2009
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Apr 14, 2010
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That is a bunch of claptrap. Sorry, but I am not an oppressor even though I am White. I worked for what I have, and even though I faced a lot of obstacles as a disabled person, I know that things are getting much better for folks like me than they were in the 1950's and earlier. Do I still face prejudice? Sometimes, but when it happens I deal wth it.

And please don't tell me that Blacks and other ethnic minorities can't make it, because I did, and I had a lot fewer things going for me than many of them do.

If I sound angry at this type of whining, it's because I am. This cult of victimhood has got to end. It is hurting the very people it is supposed to be helping.


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Jun 13, 2005
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I understand where he's coming from, but i think there are several things wrong with his statements.

In Canada, if you have a serious, life threatening problem you will get treated immediately. wait times are only for surgeries that are not life-threatening.

The difference between a chair, bread and medical care is that two of those things are very cheap and require very little labour to produce. and the last thing requires significant education and experience.

Also, a good bit of the cost of that MRI is not because the evil government is regulating the market but because the machines cost 100 grand and they have to recoup those losses. and the technicians earn a **** ton of money.

Lasik Eye Surgery may be cheaper but he doesn't give much detail(sources) for it. There could be multiple reasons why Lasik eye surgery is cheaper that have little to do with the free market.

Also, getting eye surgery and obtaining life-saving medication or medical care are two different things. Healthcare is a lot more expensive and less available than food or a chair.

Capitalism is a great thing, and i'm a believer in regulated market capitalism. But the U.S. has far worse outcomes than in other countries with universal healthcare systems. Canada, Norway, UK...well pretty much every other developed country. Why aren't all these other countries ridden with debt since it cost so much for healthcare? Why does it in fact cost less than in the U.S.?

That's where his argument falls apart. He actually attacks banning pre-existing conditions. He seems to act like people choose to have pre-existing conditions. Is that what we want? to return to the days where kids born with diabetes or who have asthma can't get healthcare?

his arguments are simply not backed up by the fact that we spend more than every other country in the developed world in healthcare, have less coverage and worse outcomes.

Also, in countries where the government negotiates drug prices, the cost is a lot lower than in the U.S. Remember that sneaky Martin Shkreli character who raised the cost of his life-saving drug by a factor of 56!

Also, Ben Shapiro mentions the fact that many people go to Hospitals to receive medical care because they don't have insurance. But he blames it on illegal immigrants. Nice. Unfortunately, most the uninsured folks who go to the hospital to receive treatment are no doubt Americans.

He put forth a far more comprehensive argument than yourself IMO, basically saying Nuh uh and citing false narratives of better overall healthcare elsewhere.

Your MRI statement shows a gross amount of ignorance of the regulation of the industries he spoke of. The Machines are more expensive than 100K btw but the cost of service has to do with no accountability and no real competition.

Pre-existing conditions? He's not banning them lol I grew up with asthma.... had better care than I do now in reference to what my parents paid and what I pay now for my family. Also grew up with two kids with Cystic Fibrosis, they never wanted for anything in the previous system, outside of a new set of lungs, which one of them got. While not perfect, they were never denied coverage nor care. They've both passed away but I'm still involved with the CF foundation here in Tulsa and thanks to Obamacare, many normal families with CF are struggling to pay individual premiums and deductibles..... because..... Obamacare forced several companies to shrink their insurance pools and kick families off ancillary coverage.

You keep citing "worse" outcomes and it's simply not true. Again, why did Canada's own PM fly down here for heart surgery?

Drug Prices? There's some merit here for sure. However, the lack of competition, extended patent periods, and research costs have all contributed to the rising costs.

In terms of illegal aliens using ERs as primary care, this isn't even up for negotiation. I've seen it first hand when I was working in the service industry for years. That's their culture, partly due to fact they aren't used to normal or routine healthcare.

Pay special attention from 3:00 on..... Doctor shortages are already happening.



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May 15, 2010
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So, if health insurance is necessary for life, how did we EVER get from Adam&Eve (could be figuratively speaking here) to where we are now? Was there health insurance for the Egyptians? Was there insurance for the Romans? What about the insurance that was available in the Middle Ages? So, we are the first three-four generations on earth since the 'creation' of health insurance and medical care and suddenly you think health insurance becomes necessary for life? Yeah, not buying that at all. How in the world would 'we' have ever gotten to this point without insurance?

Also, I think y'all are messing up. Health Insurance does NOT equal healthcare! On so many levels.

Lastly, if anyone thinks that they are ENTITLED to steal another dollar from me for the government, I've got news for you that you're an imbecile or useful idiot and and an enemy of what I stand for and believe in!
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