Gay marriage

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Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
It's funny that you want to cling to that Elton John example when he eventually got married himself, so it's obvious you don't understand what he said. Rather it was a definition difference in lieu of a opposition of the concept.

Actually it’s even funnier that you can’t comprehend that there are people that object to same sex marriage that are not religious. When you research what his previous position was it wasn’t based on religious beliefs, was it? So it is “quite simply” rather “obvious” that you do not understand his position.

The "Black" culture shows a significant amount of ignorance in terms of why they keep it on the "down low."

Wow. You don’t play the “race card” very well. So if a high percentage of a demographic thinks that homosexuality is wrong and or sinful, that makes them ignorant? Do you realize that when you attach a “color” to that it makes you sound like a racist?

So this begs the question. Given what you have said, do you have a prejudice against people who have religious beliefs and/or those people of color who disagree with you?

Nonetheless, most of my questions were rhetorical as I knew they wouldn't or couldn't be answered.

You are trying to make the case that those who oppose same sex marriage are doing such for religious reasons. That is ignorant, not rhetorical.

Either way, to not blame religion for at least a vast majority of hate towards homosexuality shows a significant amount of ignorance of social structure and history in general.

Again … So only people that are “religious” can hate homosexual and homosexual behavior and disapprove of same sex marriage?

You are trying to frame the debate to rationalize your intolerance towards people of faith and people of color. The reality is that there are people that are opposed to same sex marriages who have no religious affiliation.


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
You know I ain't gonna respond ...

Yet in true fashion you trolled a magnificently non sequitur response.

So it’s all about the butt? Either you are Stevie Wonder or you are you trying to rationalize your bisexuality. Either way, you are amusing.

“Butt” more to point (genius) … You are trying to make this about homosexuals and anal sex. You do realize that the topic of same sex marriage also includes lesbians?


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
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I don't think anyone is saying only religious people oppose it, but that the majority of opposition is certainly religiously based(while most accept this position, you seem to be in the minority or willfully ignorant) There is also the point that those who don't hold religious beliefs but are against it could have a skewed view because of the dogma that religion and society have imposed on the population about homosexuality(kind of like marijuana is evil and will either kill you or make you go insane or cause you to turn to heroine and other harder drugs). There are plenty of examples of ignorant bias in society that people believe based on what they are taught/told.


Aug 14, 2012
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Yet in true fashion you trolled a magnificently non sequitur response.

So it’s all about the butt? Either you are Stevie Wonder or you are you trying to rationalize your bisexuality. Either way, you are amusing.

“Butt” more to point (genius) … You are trying to make this about homosexuals and anal sex. You do realize that the topic of same sex marriage also includes lesbians?

Paleez. Hey Genius guess what. This thread is about gay marriage, you know, 2 people of the same sex....Wadda think gay couples do, kiss n hold gay couples do what 7 out of every 10 men do or did, and gay couples do what 8 out of 10 women do or did. The butt is the thing that makes gay. Almost everyone has been gay....and if ya been gay once, then yakking about how wrong it is on a forum makes ya a hypocrit.

So come on genius do a little math, 2 out of 10 women are straight and maybe 3 out of 10 men are straight. Everyone else has been gay at least once.

You really do suck at arguing on a gun board. You prolly did alot better in school but out here.....your arguing skills suck.


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
I don't think anyone is saying only religious people oppose it …

Go back and read the comments. GMThunder is contending that bias against same sex marriage is by faith based ideology.

…but that the majority of opposition is certainly religiously based(while most accept this position …

And that is not being disputed.

… you seem to be in the minority or willfully ignorant

My point goes to your opening statement that not everyone who opposes same sex unions is doing such on religious reasons. And that is “willfully ignorant”? Now do you understand why I have no respect for you?

There is also the point that those who don't hold religious beliefs but are against it could have a skewed view because of the dogma that religion and society have imposed on the population about homosexuality

Please explain how a person who you agree may not have any religious affiliation or bias be against same sex marriage because society "could" have imposed a skewed view based on the religion that they do not believe in?

There are plenty of examples of ignorant bias in society that people believe based on what they are taught/told.

There is nor has there ever been any disagreement that bias is at play. The point is as you stated that not everyone who opposes same sex marriage is doing such on religious basis.

You really want to argue the point you agree with me on?


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
You really want to argue the point you agree with me on?

See young fella, it just ain't gonna work unless ya inject a little humor. Your arguing every single point. What have you won? What have you proven? Please, try to fit in. The forum is changing. Evolve with it......think Zen lil bro.

Start a fun thread.


Special Hen
Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
The butt is the thing that makes gay....

So come on genius do a little math, 2 out of 10 women are straight and maybe 3 out of 10 men are straight. Everyone else has been gay at least once.

So you partly define being homosexual by having had anal sex? I'm fairly confident a large majority of the 80% of women that you are referencing are having anal with men...not other lesbians. I'll leave finding that stat to someone else as I'm not going to Google it at work...


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
This thread is about gay marriage

We have been discussing same sex marriage as in the SCOTUS ruling. Gays are part of that math equation.

Wadda think gay couples do, kiss n hold gay couples do what 7 out of every 10 men do or did, and gay couples do what 8 out of 10 women do or did …. The butt is the thing that makes gay.

I want you to say the word “lesbian”. Can you do that? Try … “LEZ be an”. Let me help you that. A “lesbian” is when a woman wants to be and/or is with another woman. Kind of different than when a man wants to be with another man as you are used to. To this and despite your puerile explanation of “butts” women have different body parts than men. And you are welcome for that teaching moment.

Almost everyone has been gay …

You are projecting your homosexual experiences. To be very clear, I am not disparaging you because you are gay or from what you have said, had a sexual relationship with another man or three. Heck Lurker, you could have sex with a goat (or three) and I wouldn’t think any worse of you.

You really do suck at arguing on a gun board. You prolly did alot better in school but out here.....your arguing skills suck.

That’s not what you said on the PM where you wanted my help you throw someone under a mythical bus because you don’t have the stones to do it yourself. You said you “like the way I argue” and that I had a pretty mouth. OK ... the last part I added only because I find you amusing in an “odd” kind of way.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
If 80%+ of the world is religious in some form or fashion and the general religious view is that homosexuality wrong, how can you not contend that it is possible a predisposition to those morals/values taught and ingrained into society as whole will not have an impact on the other percent of the population that is not religious? There are people out there who think it is wrong, but never came to that conclusion through any experiences or research themselves. They only came to that conclusion because they learned it through the environment in which they were raised(even if they don't have their own faith, they are exposed to it). Example, there are plenty of white supremacists who hate blacks, not because of anything that has actually happened to them, but because the people around them told them so.... Ignorance, or a lack of understanding about any held belief doesn't explicitly imply valid reasoning, even though it exists.

ETA - I am glad we are able to agree on some things(or rather one thing), even if you don't respect me. My only intentions are to further the discussion and understanding of the subject. I am an outside of the box kid of person, so I like to play devils advocate with some subjects(even if I don't completely agree with the position).


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
We have been discussing same sex marriage as in the SCOTUS ruling. Gays are part of that math equation.

I want you to say the word “lesbian”. Can you do that? Try … “LEZ be an”. Let me help you that. A “lesbian” is when a woman wants to be and/or is with another woman. Kind of different than when a man wants to be with another man as you are used to. To this and despite your puerile explanation of “butts” women have different body parts than men. And you are welcome for that teaching moment.

You are projecting your homosexual experiences. To be very clear, I am not disparaging you because you are gay or from what you have said, had a sexual relationship with another man or three. Heck Lurker, you could have sex with a goat (or three) and I wouldn’t think any worse of you.

That’s not what you said on the PM where you wanted my help you throw someone under a mythical bus because you don’t have the stones to do it yourself. You said you “like the way I argue” and that I had a pretty mouth. OK ... the last part I added only because I find you amusing in an “odd” kind of way.

See you can be funny...a little bit. Now I if you would quit spitting hairs and arguing every stinking sentence, there might be hope for you.

And this thread is about gay marriage.....not just Lez be an marriage. Even says it on top if this post. All I'm asking is that you either start injecting a lil humor n quit being super critical on some of your posts.....if you do that, there's hope for this site.
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