Gay marriage

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Aug 14, 2012
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If you're going to quote me, you might try reading the whole thing first. The bit in boldface specifically answers your question: no, I am not okay with it. I merely said that alternatives do exist, refuting your claim that the faithful only have two choices.

Besides, isn't the Bible full of stories of how people's faith is tested? It's easy to be faithful when everything is going well; this is their chance to show how strong their faith really is. We've seen several clerks resign rather than issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. I disagree with their position, but I have to respect them for having the strength of their convictions. I suspect they won't end up on welfare, either; they'll simply find jobs compatible with their faiths.

Ain't many people on these forums will stand beside their convictions but they'll sure stand behind, very far behind btw other people's convictions.

And that's the hypocrisy of it. They won't bake a cake for a gay couple or they'll resign their clerkship position but they are ok with hubby gettin behind them behind closed doors where they can have plausible deniability.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2009
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some animals are more equal......

In a sign of the overt fascism and religious persecution to come in the wake of a Left emboldened by the Supreme Court’s recent gay marriage ruling, a judge in Oregon has issued a gag order denying two Christian bakery owners from speaking out against same sex marriage.

“The Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries hereby orders [Aaron and Melissa Klein] to cease and desist from publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation,” [Administrative Law Judge Alan] Avakian wrote.

That this kind of fascist oppression was always the endgame in the Left’s push for same sex marriage, was apparent to anyone familiar with the Left’s tactics.

The push for same sex marriage was always nothing more the Left’s sheep’s clothing in a crusade to destroy Christians and the Christian Church.

By adhering to the word of God, the Left will label Christians bigots and haters, and use the power of boycotts and the State to punish and silence us.

Now that gay marriage is the law of the land, the gay-pride flag will become the fascist banner under which any Church that doesn’t perform same sex marriages will be dismantled piece-by-piece. The tools used by the Gaystapo will include coordinated hate campaigns in the media, as well as political campaigns aimed at removing the Church’s tax exempt status.

Christians and conservatives who never believed this could happen are part of the problem.

1995: We don’t want marriage, just civil unions.

2005: Our marriage won’t affect your rights.

2014: Bake me a cake, or else.

2015: Your opinion against same sex marriage is illegal.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
some animals are more equal......

In a sign of the overt fascism and religious persecution to come in the wake of a Left emboldened by the Supreme Court’s recent gay marriage ruling, a judge in Oregon has issued a gag order denying two Christian bakery owners from speaking out against same sex marriage.

“The Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries hereby orders [Aaron and Melissa Klein] to cease and desist from publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation,” [Administrative Law Judge Alan] Avakian wrote.

That this kind of fascist oppression was always the endgame in the Left’s push for same sex marriage, was apparent to anyone familiar with the Left’s tactics.

The push for same sex marriage was always nothing more the Left’s sheep’s clothing in a crusade to destroy Christians and the Christian Church.

By adhering to the word of God, the Left will label Christians bigots and haters, and use the power of boycotts and the State to punish and silence us.

Now that gay marriage is the law of the land, the gay-pride flag will become the fascist banner under which any Church that doesn’t perform same sex marriages will be dismantled piece-by-piece. The tools used by the Gaystapo will include coordinated hate campaigns in the media, as well as political campaigns aimed at removing the Church’s tax exempt status.

Christians and conservatives who never believed this could happen are part of the problem.

1995: We don’t want marriage, just civil unions.

2005: Our marriage won’t affect your rights.

2014: Bake me a cake, or else.

2015: Your opinion against same sex marriage is illegal.

take the state to court, have it overturned as being unconstitutional.

Afterall, that is what it took for gays to gain the right to marry.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Ya know, if I baked cakes for my profession and someone I didn't like asked me to make them a cake I think I would just sneeze a few times, scratch my ass, pick my nose and say sure,... I would love to make you a cake.

No kidding. Is religious persecution really occurring en mass in states that have already sanctioned gay marriage? The only cases you here about are those who grandstand and make a big public showing about refusing to serve homosexuals. I find it hard to believe that one would want to force someone to perform a service against their will.

The sky is falling reaction to this ruling reminds me of how the left reacts to any expansion of carry rights. Cries of blood in the streets despite the fact that none has occurred where expanded gun rights are already in effect. Same **** different issue.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2009
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The last statement of the article was interesting....

Besides the State, the true bigoted oppressor here is the fascist lesbian couple demanding Christians be silenced by the State, but only after demanding the State force a small business owner into celebrating their marriage.

Oh, and happy Independence Day.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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some animals are more equal......

In a sign of the overt fascism and religious persecution to come in the wake of a Left emboldened by the Supreme Court’s recent gay marriage ruling, a judge in Oregon has issued a gag order denying two Christian bakery owners from speaking out against same sex marriage.

“The Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries hereby orders [Aaron and Melissa Klein] to cease and desist from publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation,” [Administrative Law Judge Alan] Avakian wrote.

That this kind of fascist oppression was always the endgame in the Left’s push for same sex marriage, was apparent to anyone familiar with the Left’s tactics.

The push for same sex marriage was always nothing more the Left’s sheep’s clothing in a crusade to destroy Christians and the Christian Church.

By adhering to the word of God, the Left will label Christians bigots and haters, and use the power of boycotts and the State to punish and silence us.

Now that gay marriage is the law of the land, the gay-pride flag will become the fascist banner under which any Church that doesn’t perform same sex marriages will be dismantled piece-by-piece. The tools used by the Gaystapo will include coordinated hate campaigns in the media, as well as political campaigns aimed at removing the Church’s tax exempt status.

Christians and conservatives who never believed this could happen are part of the problem.

1995: We don’t want marriage, just civil unions.

2005: Our marriage won’t affect your rights.

2014: Bake me a cake, or else.

2015: Your opinion against same sex marriage is illegal.

See post #398

This issue is touched on in this very decision.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
See post #398

This issue is touched on in this very decision.

Yup. Petition the courts, let them either apply the ruling or not. If so, good. If not, appeal.

No one ever said the gay couples pushing these 'agendas' are correct. They can be wrong too. Just like those opposed to extending equal protections of the law to gay marriages were.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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The thread that just won't die, despite the attempts of numerous people trying to bore it to death. In some sense, that goal has been met. Bore on, please.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
I have a group in my client base for my business. Their money spends like anyone's.

Unlike RickN, they are some of my best customers. I don't have to wade through weeds to get to the AC. The yard is immaculate including the house. The filter is already clean, and most want PM's twice a year.

If you know any religious heat and air guy, tell them to send the gays over. I'd donate 10% of my profits to the church if it would save me from hell
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