Getting healthy

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Special Hen
Mar 22, 2009
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Somewhere out here!
Well...Here's my story...

I was always a fat kid til I hit about 14, grew a foot and a half or so, and was thin almost overnight, but never really changed my eating habits. When I graduated high school, I was 6'1" and about 180, not skinny, but not fat either. Over the next few years, it all caught up with me. Freshman 15 was more like freshman 40, and by junior year I was up to 260.

I don't really remember what flipped the switch, but I decided to make a change. That January, I started casually eating less, working out a couple times a week, and about March, I noticed I lost 20 pounds. I thought, "wow, I wonder where this could go if I really tried?", so I started counting every calorie and running every day. After a couple months, I was running 2 miles a day, riding a bike everywhere, and lifting about an hour a day (Oh the life of a college student! I wish I had that kind of time now). By Thanksgiving, I was down to 160, 100 pounds in less than a year.

I did good keeping it off for about two years, but then I got married, went to work full time, and grad school full time, and long story short, 3 years later, I've gained back every pound.

Funny I saw this thread today, as this morning I was so disgusted with myself, not being able to find a shirt that fit, that I decided this is the week I get back on the wagon. My goal is to be back down to 200 at least in time for the Warrior Dash in May. Wish me luck!

Best of luck! And to everybody trying to get healthier. I recently quit smoking and I feel better already. Been lifting pretty regular for about 9 months. Now if I can get my lungs back I should be gold. Ran 1.5 on my last fitness test in 10:44. Should go faster in March with clear lungs!


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Well...Here's my story...

I was always a fat kid til I hit about 14, grew a foot and a half or so, and was thin almost overnight, but never really changed my eating habits. When I graduated high school, I was 6'1" and about 180, not skinny, but not fat either. Over the next few years, it all caught up with me. Freshman 15 was more like freshman 40, and by junior year I was up to 260.

I don't really remember what flipped the switch, but I decided to make a change. That January, I started casually eating less, working out a couple times a week, and about March, I noticed I lost 20 pounds. I thought, "wow, I wonder where this could go if I really tried?", so I started counting every calorie and running every day. After a couple months, I was running 2 miles a day, riding a bike everywhere, and lifting about an hour a day (Oh the life of a college student! I wish I had that kind of time now). By Thanksgiving, I was down to 160, 100 pounds in less than a year.

I did good keeping it off for about two years, but then I got married, went to work full time, and grad school full time, and long story short, 3 years later, I've gained back every pound.

Funny I saw this thread today, as this morning I was so disgusted with myself, not being able to find a shirt that fit, that I decided this is the week I get back on the wagon. My goal is to be back down to 200 at least in time for the Warrior Dash in May. Wish me luck!

Warrior Dash should be somewhat easy place to start for an obstacle type course, they only have 5 obstacles. Start the couch to 5k or couch to 10k program, 5k is 8 weeks, 10k is 14, with the first 8 the same as the 5k program. You'll have no problems with the warrior dash after that. 30 min(5k)-60(10k) minutes is about all you need for most of the program. I went from doing a mile to 5 miles and am only at week 11.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Update: I relapsed. LOL! Seriously, I gained every pound back I lost plus 4 or 5 extra. But I have been back at the gym for 3 weeks now, I have regained enough wind to do a good cardio workout so lifting comes next. I think I'm going to meet with a trainer and have them show me a specific regime to strengthen my back and core because lower back strains is what most commonly interupts my trips to the gym. I'm trying to be more realistic about my diet too, trying to go from a poor diet to 100% clean overnight is difficult to sustain.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Update: I relapsed. LOL! Seriously, I gained every pound back I lost plus 4 or 5 extra. But I have been back at the gym for 3 weeks now, I have regained enough wind to do a good cardio workout so lifting comes next. I think I'm going to meet with a trainer and have them show me a specific regime to strengthen my back and core because lower back strains is what most commonly interupts my trips to the gym. I'm trying to be more realistic about my diet too, trying to go from a poor diet to 100% clean overnight is difficult to sustain.

Try yoga or pilates. Back extensions and stretching might help too.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Congratulations to both of you!
Eating healthy is not easy but it gets easier if you do it all the time. Not cheap either, but worth it.
We quit drinking pop quite a few years ago and now only on special occasions.
Keep up the good work.

I respectfully disagree. Really I believe this may be one of the biggest misconceptions about healthy eating. I am more satisfied (nutritionally and hunger wise), eat less, and ultimately buy less food as a result. I probably easily spend $20-25 every two weeks when eating healthy vs $50 plus when having free range in the grocery store. YMMV of course


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Bettingpython looking at your eyes only it looks like your energy level and virility have increased dramatically in the last picture compared to the others. Congrats and keep it up!


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Special Hen Supporter
May 30, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Update. Down to 166lbs, been running for the last 2 months. Still can't complete a full mile without slowing to a fast walk for a little bit but I'm up to the first full half mile at a 10 minute per mile pace with the remaining mile of my 1.5 mile route working out to about 12:30 a mile now.Once I get that full mile down then I'll really begin working on expanding that distance. I did 5K a little while back with a 13:32 mile average pace.

First one is March of this year, second one is end of October and 3rd is Beginning of December

View attachment 24744View attachment 24743View attachment 24742

Great pics showing such a change. Nice work.

Well...Here's my story...

I was always a fat kid til I hit about 14, grew a foot and a half or so, and was thin almost overnight, but never really changed my eating habits. When I graduated high school, I was 6'1" and about 180, not skinny, but not fat either. Over the next few years, it all caught up with me. Freshman 15 was more like freshman 40, and by junior year I was up to 260.

I don't really remember what flipped the switch, but I decided to make a change. That January, I started casually eating less, working out a couple times a week, and about March, I noticed I lost 20 pounds. I thought, "wow, I wonder where this could go if I really tried?", so I started counting every calorie and running every day. After a couple months, I was running 2 miles a day, riding a bike everywhere, and lifting about an hour a day (Oh the life of a college student! I wish I had that kind of time now). By Thanksgiving, I was down to 160, 100 pounds in less than a year.

I did good keeping it off for about two years, but then I got married, went to work full time, and grad school full time, and long story short, 3 years later, I've gained back every pound.

Funny I saw this thread today, as this morning I was so disgusted with myself, not being able to find a shirt that fit, that I decided this is the week I get back on the wagon. My goal is to be back down to 200 at least in time for the Warrior Dash in May. Wish me luck!

Good luck. I am starting back up in my efforts these days too. As of today i;m at 267pounds! DAYUM!!


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Bettingpython looking at your eyes only it looks like your energy level and virility have increased dramatically in the last picture compared to the others. Congrats and keep it up!

That might have something to do with my wife deciding to work on our marriage. Running was my escape the last couple of months. Now that it's becime a habit I really do enjoy it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 5, 2005
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Edmond, OK
Here is what I've done.
In August of 2011, my doc said I had Type 2 Diabetes after a routine visit. He prescribed me three different meds and said I needed to loose some weight. I am 6'0" and weighed 275 on a good day. I was in a size 42 jeans and wore a 3XL shirt.

I started to research diets, as I wanted to loose a few pounds before I started working out so I didn't kill my knees and feet. What I found was the Primal Diet/Lifestyle. It required elimination of all sugars, grains and starches. There is a lot more to it, but this is the basics. Believe me, this was not an easy transition, as spuds were part of every meal for me. I started this in mid-August. After a few weeks, the weight was dropping fast. If I would reach a plateau, I would shock my system with a few carbs, and the weight would start to come off again.

By January of 2012, I had lost 70 pounds and was down to 205. I've stayed at that weight ever since. My doc took me off of all my meds and my A1C was down to 4.9. My current jeans size is 34 and I'm wearing a size XL shirt. I've also started Crossfit over the summer.

June of 2011 (I'm on the far left)

October of 2012 (I'm on the left again LOL)
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Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
By January of 2012, I had lost 70 pounds and was down to 205. I've stayed at that weight ever since. My doc took me off of all my meds and my A1C was down to 4.9. My current jeans size is 34 and I'm wearing a size XL shirt. I've also started Crossfit over the summer.

That's awesome man, keep up the good work.

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