I plan on listing my guns for sale next month.

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Have a final surgery that will be very cool if it's approved. I'll be the first and only the 6th in the US to have the proceedure and I think it's neat as heck.
It may not work, they may not approve it or my insurance may not cover it. But they might. If the insurance won't cover the cost, it's a no go. I won't put my wife in poverty because I think it would be cool to have my name in a medical book as the first.
Anyway, lot of if's during the surgery, so it's time to let go of a few. I have others that I have already decided who they will go to. Most are related and a couple are just people that mean a lot to me and will appreciate them as heirlooms.
Sounds silly but I just want what they are worth before then next run on guns and ammo starts soon. I don't want to be a part of that triple the price thing. Just ain't me.
PS. Please don't bug me about this. I'll get them up when I feel better and it has to be an Oklahoma sale. You'll have to come get'em. Not to be an ass, I don't think I'll have any problem selling them so if anyone gets pushy, I'll just not sell it to them regardless of what they offer. Who needs the stress.
Each will have a picture and some info. I'll also show any warts or scars..ha. Some will have the ammo I have to go with them as I'll have no use for it, such as the AK.
I'll need to get with the moderators to find out how to list these without violating rules. I still have two strikes on my record......Ha again. Anyway, I just want to do it right.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
Bless you and your family on your future surgery.

I understand this is an experimental surgery that six others in the world have had and you will be the first in the U.S.?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
God be with you, SF. I thought you looked great in Durant and it was good to see you. Maybe you could borrow one of the drones they had out there and do some aerial gun deliveries.

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