Interrogated Until He Wet His Pants

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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Interrogated Until He Wet His Pants and Suspended for 10 Days: This Is What Happened to a 5-Year-Old Who Brought a Cap Gun to a School

A five-year-old Maryland boy was interrogated until he wet himself and suspended for 10 days after school officials caught with playing with a “cowboy-style cap gun,” the Washington Post reports, citing the child’s family and lawyer.

School officials interrogated the boy for two whole hours until he “uncharacteristically” wet his pants, the boy’s mother said.

He’s “all bugs and frogs and cowboys,” she said.

“I have no problem that he had a consequence to his behavior,” said the mother, who has requested anonymity to protect the boy’s identity.

“What I have a problem with is the severity,” she said, adding that the school’s handling of the situation was unacceptable.

The family’s attorney has asked for the school to reverse its suspension decision and to expunge the boy’s record.

“If the punishment stands, it would become part of the boy’s permanent school record and keep him out of classes the rest of the school year,” the WaPo notes, citing the family. “He would miss his end-of-year kindergarten program at Dowell Elementary School in Lusby.”

Yes, this is real life.

A “disciplinary conference” is scheduled to review the situation on Friday.

The Washington Post details how everything went down [emphasis added]:

According to the family, the boy’s friend had brought a water gun on the bus a day earlier. On Wednesday, unbeknown to his parents, the boy stowed his cap gun - from Frontier Town near Ocean City - inside his backpack as he left for school.

He told his mother after the incident that he had “really, really” wanted to show his friend.

The mother was called by the principal at 10:50 a.m. and was told that her son had the cap gun and pretended to shoot someone on the bus. She said that both the kindergartner and his first-grade sister, sitting nearby on the bus, disputed that account.

The mother said the principal told her that if the cap gun had been loaded with caps, it would have been deemed an explosive and police would have been called in.

School officials said the boy was suspended for being in possession of a “look-alike gun.”

The boy’s mother is a high school teacher in Calvert who “strongly supports the school system and loves the teachers at her son’s school” and she and her husband are active in the community.

But support for the school aside, she says the interrogation process was over the line.

“The school was quite obviously taking it very seriously, and he’s 5 years old,” she said. “Why were we not immediately contacted?”

“Kids play cowboys and Indians,” the family’s attorney added, saying the boy’s age is important in this situation. “They play cops and robbers. You’re talking about a little 5-year-old here.”


What kind of idiot interrogates a 5 year old for 2 hours? The kind that needs to be unemployed and bankrupt.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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"What kind of idiot interrogates a 5 year old for 2 hours? The kind that needs to be unemployed and bankrupt. "

The kind that should be interrogated and his stupidity explained in Drill Sergeant fashion for as long as it takes for him to wet his pants and then ridiculed for a couple of hours while sitting in his pants. Then marched down the halls in front of all the students and faculty wearing a sign stating "This is what stupid looks like!"


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
"What kind of idiot interrogates a 5 year old for 2 hours? The kind that needs to be unemployed and bankrupt. "

The kind that should be interrogated and his stupidity explained in Drill Sergeant fashion for as long as it takes for him to wet his pants and then ridiculed for a couple of hours while sitting in his pants. Then marched down the halls in front of all the students and faculty wearing a sign stating "This is what stupid looks like!"

Everybody has a boss, the people that did this should be asked if it's true, and if the answer is yes, their boss should respond with, "you're fired, get out".


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2005
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"What kind of idiot interrogates a 5 year old for 2 hours? The kind that needs to be unemployed and bankrupt. "

The kind that should be interrogated and his stupidity explained in Drill Sergeant fashion for as long as it takes for him to wet his pants and then ridiculed for a couple of hours while sitting in his pants. Then marched down the halls in front of all the students and faculty wearing a sign stating "This is what stupid looks like!"

I love this idea!


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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This is a bunch of crap. Does anyone else see the sexism involved in this? It is little boys that pretend play with guns. It is only little boys that are punished by these overboard stupid rules.

Our schools have been actively trying to uplift girls by making boys quit acting like boys. It is natural and normal for boys to play guns with their finger or a stick or a pop tart. So this whole zero tolerance is all against boys. A little boy can be punished for emulating his military father or LEO father. It has happened.

That little boy is being punished for normal boy behavior.

Do we only have girly men on our school boards and in administration jobs? Why can't they see it for what it is. Why do they bend over for this PC crap when it is aimed at their own gender.


Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
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This is a bunch of crap. Does anyone else see the sexism involved in this? It is little boys that pretend play with guns. It is only little boys that are punished by these overboard stupid rules.

Our schools have been actively trying to uplift girls by making boys quit acting like boys. It is natural and normal for boys to play guns with their finger or a stick or a pop tart. So this whole zero tolerance is all against boys. A little boy can be punished for emulating his military father or LEO father. It has happened.

That little boy is being punished for normal boy behavior.

You may not have seen the articles about the little girl who took a paper gun (made by her grandfather) to school. She got similar treatment, not to include wetting her pants that I know of.

I have several female cousins who, if they saw the above post, would be highly amused. We played cops 'n robbers, cowboys and native americans (PC!!!), and had frequent shootouts in the street between the house and the barn. We often took capguns to school, though to pop a cap in class was a sure whipping, so we didn't.

So no, I don't see a feminist conspiracy in the schools. I do see a bunch of idiots who are scared of everyone and everything. Zero tolerance sucks. Beware of all absolute statements including this one.

The two hour interrogation could have long term ill effects on the child. I'll bet the attorneys are being impolite to each other in their efforts to get there first.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
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40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
What I see is a need to file a complaint with Child Protective Services (or whatever their local version of the same is) for mental and emotional abuse of the kid, naming each and every adult involved in any way with the interrogation.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Whatever one thinks of the school district's policy (which, in this case, I happen to think is a ridiculous, mindless, and spineless policy) the way they handled this situation and this child is inexcusable - and at the very least demands disciplinary action against the administrators and an official apology to the parents and child.
This recent trend of severely punishing what is essentially "officially disapproved thinking" (the actions cited were basically play/pretend) is a scary and dangerous path to head down. It is one thing to instruct a child not to play in a certain way - the school can do this and should be able to expect the child to obey - it is quite another to treat a child who is playing as a criminal and a terrorist. This needs to be stopped.

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