Is your house gross? Anonymous poll

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Is your house gross?

  • No, my home is immaculate or close to it at all times.

    Votes: 16 10.6%
  • My house isn't perfect, but it usually just needs a quick straigtening.

    Votes: 82 54.3%
  • I'm messy and don't dust, but my kitchen and bathroom are not scary.

    Votes: 44 29.1%
  • My house is gross and smells. Bathroom is a biohazard and kitchen is an affront to humanity.

    Votes: 9 6.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Special Hen
Dec 30, 2008
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
I love an immaculate house. Problem is, I don't see one all that often. I live solo and my 9 and 11 yr old are here week on\week off. I have time to keep it immaculate (or nicer than I usually do) but don't much. It's not terrible by any means. My daughter's room is fairly bad but she's the one who has to sleep in there. Along this line, I hate mail. The junk shows up in the mailbox, I take it in the house and it ends up on the kitchen counter. It has my name on it so I don't like to throw it in the trash and shredding is a slow process. Hmm, time to burn my brush pile and toss some mail in it...


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Guess we can combine general housekeeping here.

When my house was showing I got in the habit of everything in its place, beds made, floors mopped, shoes off. I was never bad, but I certainly never had everything in ship shape. It really does improve my happiness/quality of life to have it that way. Very relaxing coming home to a clean house and comforting to know things look good if someone comes over. We'll see how long I can keep it up. Guessing 6 months until I'm wearing logging boots around the house tracking mud and leaving "projects" around.

Electrician Mike

Special Hen
Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
My house stays clean and dusted, but the kitchen island is my dropping zone when I get home. It always has something on it.
I have been in some houses that made me sick to my stomach before. I generally just ignore it and go on, but there have been a couple that took the cake, and I am pretty sure there was probably 2 year old cake still stuck in the couch cushions.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
My wife has a bad case of selective OCD. She works long hours at a corporate job so she has always had the kids doin stuff during the week after school and then on the weekends she does a bit of cleaning or laundry, mostly her own. Being the yard guy with about a 3 lot sized yard to maintain plus the dogs and critter room I get a pass on having to do much of anything in the main part of the house but my own laundry which I do myself. We have an agreement, she doesnt go anywhere near the garage or my man cave area next door to the garage and I clean after up after myself in the kitchen and the den or the dining room/living area where the kids clean.

When the last kid leaves in a few years I am taking over one of the kids bedrooms and moving out of our bedroom and getting my own bedroom just like my parents have done and my in laws and they all seem happy as hell when we go over to their house to visit. Our very large suite style bedroom is one area of the house that is a total disaster, and its all her messiness. We have a California King size bed and then a small sitting area with a futon and a couple of recliners where we sit and read or watch TV late night, and a full bathroom back there. She has a massive walkin closet over filled with all her clothes and shoes and then she also has snuck some of her clothes and shoes in my closet; piles of clothes that are clean and mostly folded but theyre all over the futon, on the middle of the bed; she trashes out the bedrooms large bathroom regularly. I just use the kids bathroom most of the time or a small bathroom that has a shower out in the garage. But, I'm not really griping, I should be used to it. My 2 older sisters were really messy and Ive had quite a few ex live-in girlfriends and one ex-wife who were as bad or worse.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I could have been in the first category, even with the wife and my first born. But the second child sucked that energy out of me. If I weren't constantly cleaning up behind them, it'd be a disaster. My wife is NOT a clean person, so I get no real help on this front.

ROFLMAO! That's how I felt after I brought No. 3 home ...

My house is seasonally messy, its deer season so i got huntin stuff everywhere.

We have 3 bathrooms, i use only mine, when it smells funny, i use flu flu spray.

I dont let guests sit in my chair, i spilled doe pee on it. I sprayed it with some flu flu spray.

I got a dog in the house so im sure it smells doggy, i give him a shot of flu flu spray sometimes.

After the wild fires, my house smelled like smoke, flu flu spray kinda worked.

The kitchen aint my department. And i dare not enter the other two bathrooms, they prolly use scentsy and dont have plungers.

Bwahahahahaha! GAWD, I think I love you, man!! :D

My room is a warzone.... It smells like a mixture of hoppes #9 and old taco bell. good luck walking across the room without stepping on some empty casing or maybe a screw form an old project.

This, sir, is typical ... I have 3 boys. One was, and still is, a neat freak. One was, and still is, Pigpen walking ... The last one, well, he's the only normal one of the bunch. He's neat, but not obsessively so. He has a bit of clutter here and there, but you can still make out the kitchen sink and his house smells of Lysol and Clorox once a week (Good boy!! :) ) ...

All except for the first one -- who I admittedly wonder if the hospital didn't give to me by mistake -- were friggin' DISASTERS when they were teenagers. I didn't go anywhere near their rooms. Talk about No Man's Land ... Well, until the smell started floating down the hall ... Then I haz-mat suited up and went in for the kill ... G.A.H. !!!

I've been sick for 3 years. I feel better now. I've just kinda kept up with the high spots but not done any real cleaning.

So, the last couple of days have been an adventure! Yesterday I texted GC and asked when the last time he swept under the sofa was. No answer. I texted him back and told him he was not allowed to say anything when he got home except "Oh, honey, the living room looks nice" because he HATES IT when I move furniture around. Believe me when I say the furniture NEEDED to be moved ... :lookaroun

GC is a lot of things but a neat freak is not one of them. As long as his clothes are clean and his uniform is neat and clean (boots and brass polished, creases pressed) he's good to go. Oh, and NO dishes in the sink. That drives him NUTS -- I will freely admit here and now that I have used that little "tick" to my advantage a time or two. I HATE doing dishes! LOL For him, everything else is ... ahem ... "negotiable".

Good Lord, not me! When I feel good I have a "thing" for dust. Gotta go ... and the bathrooms have to be spotless. Oh, and get your arse OUTTA THAT BED so I can make it! He'll "go" and I'll run in there right behind him (well, after the air clears) and wipe everything down again just so it will be "pretty" when it's my turn to "go" ... LOL Weird, huh?

Anyway, I could grow ivy on the top of the blades of my ceiling fans ... Or I could until yesterday ... THAT'S cleaned up ... Today it's the top of the fridge! There's WAY too much dust in this house and I gotta get it out before the cold snap gets here Sunday! :giveup:

I gotta get it cleaned up really good so we can paint the walls ... I'm tired of this shade of white ... I want another shade of white. You know, a more fashionable shade of white ... It's called "buttermilk" ... And we really need to get it done before Thanksgiving because I want to get a new Christmas tree. Since I moved the furniture around the old one won't fit where it was, I need a skinnier one. But, I'd really like to try to put in some new baseboards and maybe some crown molding too first ... Yeah, I have a shade of white we need to paint those too ... And we need to look at drapes ... Our old drapes are too "goldy" in color ... I need something less yellowy, more brown ... Kinda like a khaki color ... you know ... that would look good with the new black curtain rods and rings I found ... :D

Yeah, I think GC is secretly wishing I would get a headache ... LOL


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
Rogers County
I try and keep my place as clean as possible. But i'm also a bachelor.

Growing up my grandma was a hoarder, not as bad as some of those on the TV show but pretty bad.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I try and keep my place as clean as possible. But i'm also a bachelor.

Growing up my grandma was a hoarder, not as bad as some of those on the TV show but pretty bad.

You know, I didn't realize it at the time but I think my dad was a hoarder of animals. He loved animals, especially birds -- we had all kinds of critters when I was growing up. The bird thing was outta control though -- ducks, chickens, geese, pheasant, quail, parrots, finches, parakeets, cockatiels, peacocks ... Good Lord, you name it, we had it ... And not just one or two of each -- I mean a whole damn flock and as many varieties of each as Carter has little liver pills -- I used to tell him he should put a guardshack at the front gate and charge admission to the petting zoo. The big difference in him and the hoarders I see on the tv shows is he took care of his animals. He used to tell us kids he had us so he wouldn't have to hire folks to help him clean up after his animals. LOL God help you if you didn't clean out a pen or fill the feeders or waterers to his satisfaction ... :lookaroun GC can tell you that has ingrained some really funny behaviors in me as an adult ... I'll sneak over to the neighbors to water the dog if I see he doesn't have any water (which happens a lot ... bastard thinks the dog can water himself?!?!?!) ... and our pets probably have the cleanest food and water dishes in the state lol ...

My mom was just a slob. I try really, really hard not to be a slob because it's just nasty. Who thinks it's okay to NEVER pick up after yourself?

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